Tributes to her have come in from every side, well deserved, prompted by love, gratitude and appreciation. Many of the present generation of homoeopathic physicians in this country owe much to Dr. Tyler’s interest in post-graduate study of the subject, and there is a deep sense of loss amongst the profession, and a feeling of gratitude to this selfless woman.


Hyperaesthesia from chest down to both legs, left side more marked; pain exaggerated, no delay to sensation. Temperature; response to cold quicker than heat, heat delayed outside both legs; burning sensation both shoulders, left side chest and left arm; no girdle sensation. Motor: walk jerky, slightly ataxic, Rombergs sign some-what present; fair power in limbs, Reflexes: Superficial present, deep, lost entirely at ankle and knee.


As to Hahnemanns initial aggravation, transient and little notice in acute sickness, but often very definite in chronic disease, followed by a period of steady amelioration, neither of which, as he insists, must be interfered with if results are to be obtained.


Homoeopathy could never have been discovered a priori. It is a science, since it is entirely based on experiment. Who was the great chemist who said the only possible way to know how a lump of sugar would behave, when put into a cup of tea, was to try? Or, as Hunter said to Jenner, “Dont think; try.” It is only our experience of homoeopathy that has made us homoeopaths.


Repeat the experiment, carefully and accurately and you will find the doctrine confirmed at every step… Homoeopathy insists on being judges by results….


May I here point out that these Doctrines of Hahnemann apply equally to such homoeopathic measures as vaccines; and that had hahnemann’s Laws been known and observed in regard to vaccine, X- ray and radium therapies….

Vital Force

Homeopathy’s object is to stimulate the patient to cure himself. Therefore it is never a question of quantity, where the vital stimulus is employed, but always of precise selection and quality, in the drug employed for the purpose….

Single Drug

Only a single drug should be given to the sick person because homeopathic remedies are proved individually and at any given point of time, only one drug could be the simillimum….


Hahnemann, when applying to hypersensitive diseased tissues the one stimulus to which they were most sensitive, viz. the drug of like symptoms – that is to say, the drug that was proved to irritate those particular tissues – was forced again and again to reduce his doses….

Infrequent Dose

In chronic disease the call to repeat varies with every case, The symptoms demanded a remedy,. and the return of symptoms modified will demand its repetition…….


Homoeopathy has reversed the old saying, “The science of to-day is the nonsense of tomorrow”; for here, the nonsense of one hundred years is proving to be the science of to-day….


He was not only great as a scholar – linguist – chemist-chemist – sanitarian – physician, but he takes special rank as one of those to whom Law of Gravitation, so Hahnemann discovered the Law of Similars – dimly guessed at, but never realised – never understood – never demonstrate before his day….


As we said, the experiments of Homoeopathy have always been on healthy human beings. They have always been voluntary experiments. And they have never proved detrimental to health ….

Initial Aggravation

It was the initial aggravation that caused hahnemann, as we said to reduce his doses : and which led presently to the establishment of the fact, that when remedies are reduced again and again by repeated subdivision into the region of infinitesimals, there is no loss, but an augmentation of energy…


The poison of tuberculosis, which can produces some of the symptoms of tuberculosis, is here applied for the cure of tuberculosis through the production of immunity or resisting power in the tissues. Surely this a case of Similia Similibus Curentur….


Only that the artificial or drug-disease is vastly superior as a curative agent, to any natural disease : since natural disease are uncertain in action and leave many persons unaffected….


Many in the past have called this diluting and the resulting tinctures,”dilutions.” so did Hahnemann, till experience taught him that subdivision (and he never reached its limits ) meant more completely-liberated energy; when he substituted for “dilutions” the truer term, potencies. …

Opposite Effects

For, where large doses of a poisonous substances prove lethal and smaller doses inhibit minimal doses of the same poison actually stimulate the vital activities of the same cells….


With Hahnemann, when it comes to prescribing, “we know no disease, only sick persons” whose sickness has to be matched in Materia Medica. And this is only commonsense, since no illness, if we take trouble to enquire affects all persons alike….


Hahnemann says : ‘Whenever Aconite is chosen homoeopathically you must observe the moral symptoms, and be careful that it closely resembles them : the anguish of mind and body, the restlessness : the disquiet not to be allayed.”…

A System of Therapeutics

all about the new therapeutic system of medicine – Homeopathy. Its utilty, philosophy and method of practising it were discussed by Sir john Weir….

Homeopathic Principles

Basic principles of homeopathy; law of similia, concept of drug disease and natural disease, Potentisation, drug- proving on healthy person, docterine of hahnemann and vital force have been discussed by Sir john Weir at the Council of the Royal Society of Medicine….

Science and Art of Homeopathy

Science and art involoved in the practice of Homeopathy in different aspects of case taking, selection of medicine and potency selecion by sir John weir….

Difficulties in Prescribing

A paper read to the British Homoeopathic Society, June 7, 1923. Reprinted from The British Homoeopathic Journal 1923 by Sir John weir. he discussed the difficulties one can face in practicing Homeopathy….

Hahnemann on Homeopathic Philosophy

To-day we will leave Kent out of the question altogether, and go back to Hahnemann, and try to show that by obeying his dicta, similar results to his own can still be got by anyone, in any place….