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Homeopathy treatment and indicated homeopathic remedies for scarlet fever, measles, rubella, small pox, cow pox, chicken pox, simple fevers, diphtheria, whooping cough and mumps….

X. Scarlet Fever (Febris Rubra) Scarlatina.

Scarlet Fever is chiefly a disease of childhood, especially from the second to the fifth year of life. It is by no means unfrequent in the second year, and even occurs in the first, although infants a few months old seem to enjoy a special exemption. Of the entire mortality from Scarlet Fever, about sixty-eight per cent, is among children under five years of age, and about twenty-four per cent. more among children from five to ten years. After the tenth year the liability to it rapidly diminishes. The common notion that Scarlatina is mild, and Scarlet Fever a severe, form of the disease is incorrect, for the terms have the same meaning.

VARIETIES. I. S. Simplex. A scarlet rash with moderate fever, redness, but no ulceration of the throat. 2. S. Anginosa. Ulceration of the throat, with tendency to the formation of abscess in the neck; the temperature is high, and the circulatory disturbance great. 3. S. Maligna. The rash comes out imperfectly or irregularly, is hardly visible, or appears and disappears alternately, and is dark-red rather than scarlet; the throat is dark, or even sloughy; the tongue is brown; the nose is excoriated; intense fever, extreme debility, great brain disturbance, and low delirium are present. In this variety there is consequently great danger to life.

Scarlatina is more likely to take on a malignant form than any other eruptive fever, and it sometimes prevail as an epidemic in low, ill-drained, and densely-populated districts. It should always be under the care of a homoeopathic physician, as the mildest forms, neglected, have often led to the worst results.

GENERAL SYMPTOMS. After lying hid in the system for about five days, Scarlatina commences with the ordinary symptoms of fever shivering, hot skin, frontal headache, rapid pulse, nausea, sometimes vomiting, thirst, and sore throat. The last-named symptom is generally the first complained of. After a short time the pulse becomes very quick, often 120 to 140 in the minute. In about forty-eight hours after these symptoms, the rash comes out on the breast, neck, face, body, joints, and limbs, till the whole body is covered with it.

The eruption usually fades away in the same order. Its appearance is a bright scarlet, having the colour of a boiled lobster-shell. The colour disappears on pressure, but immediately returns on its removal.

The tongue at first is coated with a creamy fur, the tip and edges are red, the little dots are red and raised, giving it a straw-berry-like appearance. This is always seen in the course of the disorder, and not unfrequently at its commencement. The tongue afterwards becomes clean and raw-looking. From the fifth day to the ninth the rash disappears, leaving the child more or less prostrate. The outer skin now comes off in scurf, or in large pieces from the hands and feet.

In the malignant form the eruption is either entirely wanting, or dark and partial. Sometimes the lining membranes are threatened with mortification, the glands and even the tissues of the neck are very much swollen, and the fever is attended with prostration so extreme that the patient may sink in a few hours.


Scarlatina Simplex. Belladonna Alt. Aconite; Arsenicum (during scaling of the skin); Sulph, (recovery).

S. Anginosa. Apis (much swelling and hoarseness); Mercurius, Cantharis (ulceration of throat); Veratrum-Vir. (severe brain symptoms, vomiting, and fever).

S. Maligna. Ailanth., Baptisia, Arsenicum, Murex-Ac. Carbolic Acid; also spray of Sulphs.-Ac., Hydrastis, or of Condy’s Fluid, diluted; one part of any to about ten of water.


Belladonna. Is specific, and exerts a direct power over Scarlet Fever in its simple form.

Aconitum. Much feverishness, thirst, dryness, and heat of skin.

Gelsemium. Imperfect eruption, nervous restlessness, remittent symptoms.

Veratrum Viride. Severe brain symptoms, vomiting, and very rapid pulse. It may be given turn-about with Belladonna These two are most frequently useful.

Muriatic Acid. Malignant sore throat, with extreme depression, tremors, etc.

Ailanthus Gland. Malignant Scarlatina, with purple or nearly suppressed rash, foetid discharge from the nostrils, cracking at the corners of the mouth, etc. It should be given directly unfavourable symptoms are observed, and frequently repeated until improvement ensues. This is indicated by increase of the eruption, by its taking on a scarlet colour, and by lessened fever.

Arsenicum. Prostration, excessive thirst, cold clammy sweats, frequent weak pulse, diarrhoea, dropsy.

Sulphur. When the disease is on the decline, to prevent secondary complaints.

ADDITIONAL REMEDIES. Coffea, Hyos,(restlessness and sleeplessness); Cuprum-Ac. (sudden going-in of the rash); Ant.- Tart. (in the first stage, if preceded by convulsions, cold sweats, difficult breathing or by vomiting); Kali bichromicum Alt. Nit.-Ac. or Mur.-Ac. (white patches on the tonsils); Kali Hyd. (considerable swelling of the glands); Apis Alt. Digit (little urine, dropsical symptoms); Nit.-Acid, or Hydrastis, as a gargle; ten drops of strong tincture to a gill of water; it should be used once in two hours.

If the patient is too young to gargle, the throat should be mopped out by means of a small piece of sponge secured to the end of a stick, and the gargle afterwards applied by means of a cleaned sponge or a feather.

SECONDARY DISEASES. The following are the chief: 1. Inflammatory swelling of the glands of the neck, Mercurius, Help.-S., Calcarea, Silicea 2. Deafness, Belladonna, Aurum. or Pulsatilla 3. Dropsy the urine being cloudy, scanty, and becoming thick when boiled is the most frequent and dangerous result of Scarlatina. It may appear about twelve days after the fever subsides. Apis., Helleborus, Bryonia, Apocynum, and Digitalis are the chief remedies. Warm baths are also advisable

Complete suppression of urine without dropsy is far from uncommon. It may last for several days, and terminate either in the gradual reaction of the kidneys, or in blood-poisoning, sudden convulsions and death.

ACCESSORIES. The patient should be placed in a separate room, which can be so ventilated as to secure a copious and continual supply of fresh air. The room should be as free from furniture as possible. Curtains, carpets, and unnecessary furniture should be removed from the room. A fire is necessary, unless the weather is too hot; for a fire is a great aid to ventilation. Condy’s fluid or carbolic acid should be freely used. Sponging the body with tepid water, piece-by-piece, moderates the heat and restlessness, quiets delirium, lowers the pulse, and favours sleep. A wet bandage to the throat seldom fails to relieve. It should be fastened both at the back of the neck and top of the head, so as to protect the glands near the corners of the jaws. Inhalation of steam from hot water is useful when the throat is sore.

When recovering, warm clothing, including flannel, is necessary; and afterwards a change of air, if possible to the seaside. The patient must not go out too early, as secondary symptoms are then apt to follow.

DIET. During the fever, milk and soda-water, gruel, dry toast, simple biscuits, yolks of eggs beaten up with cold milk, grapes, oranges, cooked fruit, etc., should be the staple diet. The drink may consist of cold water, gum-water, barley-water, weak lemonade, etc., in small quantities as frequently as desired. As the fever abates, milk-diet may be given, gradually returning to more solid food. Strong drinks are rarely necessary, except in malignant cases, when wine, brandy, Liebig’s extract of beef, beef-tea, etc., may be administered in frequent small doses, under medical care.

PREVENTIVE. During the prevalence of Scarlatina, a dose of Belladonna should be given, morning and night, to children who have not had the disease. The first dilution or strong tincture is best for this purpose. Should the disease occur notwithstanding, its severity will be much mitigated.

XI. Measles (Morbilli).

Measles is a disease of childhood, highly infectious, often epidemic, and frequently fatal. In England and Wales, 16,765 persons dies from this disease in 1887. It generally attacks the same patient only once.

SYMPTOMS. About ten days after infection, the disease comes on with the symptoms of a cold sneezing, running from the nose, red, swollen, and watery eyes, a hoarse harsh cough, languor, and fever, which increase in intensity. About the fourth day the eruption begins, and appears on the face and neck, then on the body, and lastly on the legs. It is in the form of small round spots resembling flea-bites, which multiply and run into blotches, slightly raised above the surrounding skin, so as to be felt particularly on the face, which is often a good deal swollen. It is raspberry-coloured, and turns white for an instant under pressure; a dark purple is a bad sign. It is two or three days in coming out, and remains at least three days. The fever then abates, and a bran-like scurf is thrown off the skin.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."