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As the rash declines, diarrhoea sometimes occurs; which, unless very troublesome, should not be interfered with.

The highest temperature, in ordinary cases, is 103* on the fifth day; if above this, the case is severe; if below, it is mild.

DIAGNOSIS. A most important symptom of Measles in its preliminary stage is, red spots on the soft palate, more especially on the uvula, which appear five or six days before the eruption, even if there is no other symptom of disease perceptible.

It may be distinguished from Scarlet Fever by the eruption being rough and light-red or raspberry-coloured, beginning near the hair; also by sneezing, watering of the eyes, and other symptoms of a cold, and the absence of sore throat.

The presence of sore throat, together with sneezing, and running of the eyes and nose, indicates not Measles but Rubeola. (See p. 44.).

REMEDIES. Aconitum. Feverish symptoms at the outset or during the progress of the disease. A dose every third or fourth hour.

Pulsatilla. Symptoms of cold, stomach derangement, phlegm in the chest, etc. It is most useful after the fever has been modified by Aconite.

Belladonna. Sore throat, dry, barking cough; headache, drowsiness, or restlessness, and tendency to delirium,

Bryonia. Imperfect eruption, stitching pains in the chest, difficult breathing, cough, etc. For a sudden going in of the eruption, this remedy, Aconite, or Gelsemium may be given every half- hour; also a hot bath, or a blanket bath.

Veratrum- Vir. During the fever stage, especially if congestion of the lungs be feared.

Antim tart. Nausea, retching, or vomiting.

Mercurius. Ulcerous, glandular, or dysenteric affections.

Sulphur. When the eruption if going off.

Euphrasia. Profuse flow of tears.

Phosphorus. Dry, hollow cough; pain under breast-bone.

SECONDARY DISEASES. Measles is often followed by diseases of the lungs, eyes, ears, bones, or some affection of the skin. These generally require professional treatment, but may often be prevented by the administration of Sulphur.


Inflammatory Affections of the Eye-lids. Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius- Corr. Sulph.

Discharge from the Ear, or Deafness. Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Silicea, Mercurius, Hepar-Sulph.

Swelling of the glands. Mercurius, Iodium, Calcarea carb.

Chronic Cough, Hoarseness, etc. Phosphorus, Hepar-Sulph., Spongia, Arsenicum, Kali bichromicum

Eruptions. Sulph., Iodium, Arsenicum

MEASLES AND CONSUMPTION. Disease of the lungs or bowels is by no means an infrequent result in delicate children. Whenever, therefore, a child makes but a slow or imperfect recovery, more particularly if there is tenderness, pain, or enlargement of the abdomen, Diarrhoea or Constipation, and a high temperament, no time should be lost in obtaining professional homoeopathic advice. Domestic treatment may then be dangerous.

ACCESSORIES. An infant at the breast when attacked may refuse to suck, in consequence of the closure of the nasal passages; resort must then be had to artificial feeding with the spoon. The patient should be kept warm in bed, with the room darkened to protect the eyes, and the same general treatment observed as directed under Scarlet Fever.

PREVENTIVES. Pulsatilla every morning, and Aconite every evening, for a week or ten days, during the prevalence of Measles, will prevent or at least modify an attack.

XII. Rubeola Scarlet Rash.

This disease somewhat resembles Scarlet Fever, for which it has been frequently mistaken. But to the sore throat and scarlet rash, which ally it to Scarlatina, there are the catarrhal symptoms commonly met with in Measles; hence it has been regarded by some authorities as a hybrid of the two diseases.

SYMPTOMS. The spots appear irregularly on different parts; they are darker and rougher than those of Scarlatina, and not rendered white by pressure. The child perspires when the rash is out, and in proportion to the fulness of the eruption. One attack does not prevent others. It runs no regular course. The sudden disappearance of the rash may be dangerous.

REMEDIES. Aconitum. Simple scarlet rash. Belladonna. Severe throat symptoms. Pulsatilla. Preponderance of catarrhal symptoms. Bryonia. Sudden disappearance of the eruption.

ACCESSORY MEANS. The same general precautions should be observed as in Scarlet Fever. If the eruption suddenly disappear, a warm bath, 98* Fahr., is advisable.

XIII. Small-pox (Variola)

VARIETIES. This, one of the most malignant, loathsome, and contagious of diseases, is of two varieties: (1) the distinct, when the pustules are separate and well defined; (2) the confident, when they are thick-set. run into each other, and form large suppurating surfaces. In this variety all the symptoms are aggravated, the glands are affected, the limbs swell, the mucous membranes show the eruption, and there is danger of suffocation, putrescence, and delirium. This is therefore very dangerous.

No contagion is so strong, so sure, or operates at so great a distance of time and place. It is probably most infectious when the peculiar odour is perceived, and when the pustules gather. Recurrence of the disease is rare.

SYMPTOMS. Lassitude, chilliness, heat, headache, a thickly- furred white tongue, a deep flush upon the face, a feeling of bruised pain all over, especially in the back and loins; more or less pain or tenderness at the pit of the stomach, and sometimes vomiting indicate a severe attack. About the third day the eruption appears in the form of red spots, feeling like shot in the skin. If first comes out on the forehead and wrists; then on the neck and breast; then over the body.

The eruption being completed, the fever subsides; the pimples fill with fluid matter, first watery and transparent (vesicles), then yellowish (pustules); they become depressed in the centre, and are surrounded by an inflamed ring. The eyelids, face, and hands are swollen, and the features sometimes obliterated. A peculiar, disagreeable smell now rises from the patient. In eight or nine days from the first appearance of the eruption, the pustules discharge; secondary fever sets in; scabs then form, which dry up, and fall off in the course of five days. Purplish spots, which do not fade away before the sixth or eighth week, or indelible depressed scars, which are called pits or pocks, remain.

DANGERS. The more numerous and close the pustules, the greater the danger; the more perfect their maturity on the fourth day, the less the danger. The greatest danger arises from the secondary fever, about the ninth to the twelfth day; for then the fever is likely to return, when the strength is already much exhausted. In a confluent case, fatal chest symptoms, or abscesses in various parts of the body, or ulceration and opacity of the cornea (and loss of sight) may arise. Stoppage of perspiration, scanty or bloody urine, great hoarseness, convulsions, or delirium, increase the danger. Half the deaths occur between the seventh and eleventh days of the eruption.

Infancy is unfavourable. The disease is seldom fatal to children between seven and fourteen years of age. Small, dark, and badly- ventilated dwellings, poor or scanty food, and want of cleanliness constitute unfavourable conditions.

REMEDIES. Aconitum. Fever, headache, rapid pulse, etc. A dose every third hour.

Antimonium Tart. Should be given as soon as Small-pox is suspected. Spasmodic retching, nausea, and hoarse cough may be relieved, convulsions averted, and the disease greatly modified by it. Ant.-T may be given at any stage, alone or in alternation with any other remedy.

Belladonna. Stupor, or delirium, severe headache, dislike of light, Ophthalmia. Belladonna also tends to retain the eruption upon the surface.

Apis. Considerable swelling of the face and eyelids. For swelling with hoarseness, and pain in swallowing, Apis and Belladonna may be alternated.

Mercurius. Ulcerated throat, Salivation, and Diarrhoea, with bloody stools; especially during suppuration.

Coffea. Restlessness and sleeplessness.

Camphor. If the eruption suddenly disappear, or assume a malignant type, with coldness of the skin, difficult breathing, disorder of the brain, etc., one or two drops every ten or fifteen minutes, till the skin becomes warm, and the eruptions reappear. The blanked bath may be had recourse to with much benefit at the same time.

Sulphur. When the pustules are green, purple, or black; during the formation of the pustules; when there is excessive itching, and to prevent the usual after-diseases.

ADDITIONAL REMEDIES. Rhus Tox. Severe pain in the back. Aconite and Bryonia Congestion of the lungs. Phosphorus Pneumonia. Bryonia, Kali bichromicum Bronchitis. Mercurius Glandular swellings. Apis. Belladonna Dropsical swellings, closed eyes, swollen throat. Belladonna Hyoscyamus Delirium. Arsenicum Prostration. Carbo Veg. Gastric disorder or putrescence.

ACCESSORIES. The patient should be placed in a moderately high room, and the general directions under Scarlet Fever observed. The patient’s posture in bed should be frequently changed, so as to avoid bed-sores. As soon as the eruption is well out, the whole surface should be smeared over with olive-oil, cream, cold- cream, or glycerine (1 part) and water (2 parts), twice of thrice daily. As the pimples begin to ripen into pustules, and before they break, the skin may be sponged with glycerine and rose- water, in equal parts, and dusted with a powder of the first trituration of Antim tart. (1 part) and violet powder (8 parts). The glycerine-water causes the powder to adhere, and pitting is effectually prevented. The hands of children should always be muffled to keep them from scratching, which might lead to ulceration and unsightly scars.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."