Uterus diseases of

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Excrescences on cervix uteri, acrid, brown, offensive leucorrhoea of ropy mucus or flesh-colored, profuse brown offensive discharge between the irregular menstruation from cancer of womb, urine offensive pressing down in epigastrium and small of back, as if everything would protrude, pain down thighs, abdomen swollen; soreness of genitals; debility, with heaviness and trembling of limbs, especially mornings, irritable disposition.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]

Anteversion flatulent distention of uterus, uterus displaced, mouth and throat dry, sleepy, faint, abdomen enormously distended after a meal; pressure in back outward; sensation of lump in lower abdomen, prolapsus uteri et vaginae relieves pain and vomiting caused by pessaries, irregular menses, flow dark, thick, leucorrhoea in place of menses endometritis.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Feeble dyspeptic patients with pain in back bearing down towards sacrum and pressing pain over hips, burning heaviness and sticking in uterus, hardness and swelling of os; prolapsus uteri from staining or lifting; slight leucorrhoea, which is foetid, staining yellow; great debility of nervous system with hyperaesthesia; wants to sit lie down; internal swelling of vagina like a prolapsus; inharmonious action of intestines.

Opium [Op]

Prolapsus uteri from fright; foetid discharge from uterus after fright; SOFTNESS OF UTERUS; want of vital reaction.

Palladium [Pall]

Symptoms of falling of womb with weeping mood, all motions are painful, she can hardly stand or walk, right side of abdomen (ovary) swollen, hard painful as if beaten, with shooting pains from navel to pelvis, all on right side, heaviness as from a load with pressure deep in the pelvis, (>) when lying on left side, weakness as if the womb were sinking empty feeling in groins as if eviscerated, she is irritable (Plat, haughty) and given to strong and violent language, every excitement causes pain in right ovary and feels used up next day; menses during lactation.

Petroleum [Petr]

PROLAPSUS IN PATIENTS REDUCED BY CHRONIC DIARRHOEA, occurring only in daytime, great debility, profuse albuminous leucorrhoea menses profuse and early, or late and scanty, with intense itching soreness and moisture on genitals, enuresis.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Endometritis, prolapsus with weak sinking, feeling in abdomen; UTERINE PAINS RUNNING UPWARD, stitches from vagina into pelvis sterility from excessive voluptuousness or with profuse and too late menses corroding leucorrhoea instead of menses, causing blisters, cancer of uterus with frequent and profuse flooding, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a short time emaciation and nervous debility, hyperaesthesia, frequent fainting.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Ovaritis and metritis from debilitating influences uterus bloated as if full of wind, uterine ulcer, with copious, putrid bloody discharge, itching and corroding, pain or no pain, weakness of legs; great indifferences drowsiness.

Phytolacca [Phyt]

Ulceration of cervix, thick, transparent leucorrhoea; great bearing down pains, very painful menses in barren women, membranous dysmenorrhoea from syphilis or rheumatism.

Platina [Plat]

Induration of uterus ulceration, with coexisting ovarian irritation, nymphomania tingling, or titillation from genitals up into abdomen, metrorrhagia with great excitability of sexual system; pruritus vulvae, with anxiety and palpitation of heart; prolapsus uteri, with continual pressure in genital organs, numbness and coldness of body melancholy; great sensitiveness of genitals, it hurts her to sit down, NEURALGIA UTERI.

Podophyllum [Podo]

Prolapsus uteri et vaginae after staining or overlifting ATER PARTURITION, with pain in sacrum; prolapsus ani with torpid liver and constipation; much bearing down in hypogastric and sacral region, increased by motion and relieved by lying down, numb, aching pains in ovaries, particularly on left side, sensation as

if genitals would protrude during stool, even during diarrhoea, with leucorrhoea of thick, transparent mucus, fulness of superficial veins; menorrhagia from staining.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Prolapsus uteri WORSE ON LYING DOWN and from heat better in fresh air, with pressure in abdomen and small of back as from a stone; limbs tend to go, to sleep, ineffectual urging to stool, suppressed menses, pains in back and chilliness, cramp constriction in vagina; peevishness, with weeping dimness of vision, pressure on bladder, frequent and copious micturition, without any strangury.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

Prolapsus interfering with walking, micturition frequent and painful, soreness in back and hypogastrium; from rheumatism or traumatic causes.

Sabadilla [Sabad]

Nymphomania from ascarides, menses flow by fits and starts, irregularly, sometimes stronger, then again weaker.

Sabina [Sabin]

Nymphomania, soreness of abdominal muscles, pressing down towards genitals, frequent and violent urging to urinate, with profuse discharge, haemorrhages, pale red and clotted, or of very thin, discolored offensive smelling blood, foetid leucorrhoea after suppressed menses, stitches deep in vagina, cysts in vulva, sensitive, and with tearing pains during rest, condylomata, with sore, burning pains, better in open air, sympathetic irritation of rectum, SUBINVOLUTION OF RECENT DATE.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

Uterine polypi; physometra; os uteri ulcerated with foetid, corrosive leucorrhoea; too early menstruation, with discharge of black blood; frequent and copious nocturnal urination, urine clear as water, bruise-like pains in thigh alternating with burning and climaxis haemorrhages, flushes, hectic fever or scanty flow, cough, dyspepsia, occipital headache, etc.

Secale [Sec]

Uterine ulcer, feels as if burnt discharges, putrid, bloody fluid, burning pains in the greatly distended uterus, which feels hard and is painful to the touch, ulcers on outer genitals discolored and rapidly swelling, brownish and offensive leucorrhoea, atonic passive haemorrhage of very foetid or dark blood, worse from slightest motion, cold extremities, cold sweat, great weakness small pulse, (<) from warmth, motion, touching the parts. Subinvolution of uterus (Chin, lil, ust) and displacements following parturition.

Senecio [Senec]

Sleeplessness from uterine irritation, as from prolapsus or flexion of uterus, scanty menses, dry tearing cough, with stitching pain in chest and blood-streaked sputa, much pain in neck of bladder, with burning dysuria.

Sepia [Sep]

Prolapsus uteri et vaginae from atonic relaxation of the ligamentous and vaginal supports of uterus, relieved by lying down or crossing legs, worse when sitting up, standing or walking which causes bearing down heat, goneness, backache and fainting, gone sensation in pit of stomach about noon, relieved by eating and lying down, induration of neck of uterus dropsy of uterus, tenderness of genitals to touch, venous passive congestion chronic metritis, displacements, especially retroversion, frequent bloody discharges between menses, especially after intercourse; pressure at genitals, as if everything would protrude, violent stitches in vagina upward, redness swelling and itching eruptions on labia, weakness of small of back when walking, want of natural heat, aversion to open air, burning in region of cervix worse by touch, yellowishness of skin or brown spots profuse leucorrhoea watery and offensive of a brownish color and acrid, offensive, foetid urine depositing a reddish clay colored sediment which adheres in the bottom and sides of the vessels, bearing down in pelvis and sense of weight in anus like a heavy ball CHronic subinvolution.

Silicea [Sil]

Nymphomania, with spinal affection, nausea after an embrace; very little sexual desire; prolapsus uteri from myclitis, serous systs in vagina, itching of genitals, pressing down feeling in vagina, parts tender to touch irregular menses flow strong smelling, acrid, bloody discharge between periods; profuse, acrid, corroding, leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea with suppressed foot- sweat or metrorrhagia hysteria great debility.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.