Uterus diseases of

Hepar [Hep]

Uterine ulcers, with bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese, edge of ulcer sensitive, often a pulsating sensation in ulcers, much itching or little pimples around ulcer, discharge of

blood between menses leucorrhoea with smarting of vulva.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Ulceration of cervix and vagina, prolapsus uteri, uterine disease, with sympathetic affections of the digestive organs; profuse leucorrhoea tenacious, ropy, thick yellow pruritus vulvae with sexual excitement, fibroid tumors, irregular and profuse menses, or scanty and pale from loss of nutrition and assimilation, weakness and faintness in epigastrium, with palpitation of heart.

Hydrocotyle-asiat [Hydrc]

Granular ulceration of neck of womb with visible redness of cervix; heat and pruritus vaginae pricking and itching at its orifice leucorrhoea, acne rosacea, facial neuralgia, severe colic with borborygmi.

Ignatia [Ign]

Prolapsus with menses too early and too profuse, blood black clotted putrid or scanty and delayed Hysteria, haemorrhoidal prolapse with every stool, piles very painful chlorosis, with swelling of feet and numbness.

Iodum [Iod]

Induration and swelling of uterus and ovaries; dropsical affection of ovaries, with pressing down towards genitals; cancerous, degeneration of neck of uterus acrid leucorrhoea, corroding the limbs, (>) at time of menses uterine haemorrhage, renewed at every stool, numb feeling in thighs and legs, emaciation, hectic fever, canine hunger or no appetite, constipation or looseness of bowels emaciation.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Prolapsus uteri seemingly from hot weather; leucorrhoea, yellow, ropy, with pain and weakness across small of back and dull heavy pains in hypogastrium, swelling of genitals.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Stitching pain in and about uterus, pain like weight in small of back women who feel constantly tired, are constipated, have disgust for milk and fat and constantly afraid to catch cold, labor like colic leucorrhoea.

Kali-hydroiod [Kali-i]

Fibroid tumors, subinvolution, hypertrophy and enlargement of the uterus, predisposing to haemorrhage, dysmenorrhoea, constant leucorrhoea, emaciation and prostration.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Ulceration of the os and cervix with bland glandular or follicular discharge, chronic congestion of uterus.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Fundus uteri swollen and sensitive to pressure ulcerative pain in cervix uteri, orifice of uterus wide open, almost everted its inner surface like cauliflower, scirrhus of vagina, painful to touch, during coition violent pain, preceded by anxiety and trembling burning in the parts, followed next day by discharge of black blood; hard lump on neck of uterus, with ulcerative pain during embrace, corrosive itching within the vulva, with soreness and burning after scratching, burning and swelling of labia painful urging towards genitals dark and offensive metrorrhagia, with fainting, offensive smell of large clots, putrid acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea, stitches through thighs like electric shocks, pain in sacrum like labor pains, strong pressure to urinate and ineffectual desire to go to stool.

Lachesis [Lach]

Nymphomania; uterine region feels swollen, will bear no contact bearing down pains, uterine and ovarian pains relieved by a flow of blood; pains like knife thrust into abdomen; uterus feels as if os were open redness and swelling of external parts with discharge of mucus, swelling, induration, neuralgia, suppuration etc., of left ovary, pain in coccyx when sitting down, as if sitting on something sharp; trembling of legs, cervix very sensitive to touch, bleeding easily.

Lac-caninum [Lac-c]

Congested condition of uterus, with extreme soreness and

tenderness, making every motion, position, even breathing painful, pain in uterine region, particularly left ovary, extending downward into thighs (>) by leaning back burning sensation in uterine and ovarian region, sharp lancinating pains, cutting upward from os, with profuse discharge of yellow brown or bloody leucorrhoea, two weeks after menses (Bov)

Lappa-major [Lappa]

Prolapsus uteri, relaxation from atony of tissues exquisite soreness of uterus and ovaries, especially right one (<) standing walking misstep or sudden jar, urine abundant, alkaline or neutral, containing amorphous phosphates.

Ledum [Led]

FIBROUS TUMORS WITH MENORRHAGIA; displacement of the uterus, abundant, metrorrhagia and leucorrhoea; pale face; copious urination, even at night; (<) by warmth, as in bed or over a register, great sensation of coldness all through her, she cannot keep warm from deficiency of vital heart.

Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]

Uterine symptoms following pregnancy and labor; SUBINVOLUTION, uterus does not regain its normal size after confinement, when rising to walk, uterus falls by its own weight, heavy dragging sensation, principally in hypogastric region down from shoulders and chest, (>) by supporting abdomen with her hand (Sepia, woman sits with legs crossed) watery, yellowish or yellowish brown excoriating Leucorrhoea, sharp pains across abdomen from one ilium to the other, marked bearing-down pains, so that she puts her hand over vulva to support it; prolapsus and retroversion, urging to urinate, urine smarting and burning, urging to stool, morning diarrhoea, hurrying her out of bed, stool, yellow papescent, excoriating feeling at anus, oppression of chest, with taste of blood in mouth and a feeling of a bullet in mammary region. Impairment of vitality in organism, no organic lesion of abnormal deposits, pruritus of genitals; uterine neuralgia, heaviness of head with staggering faint feeling, nervous palpitations or coldness about heart; oppressed breathing nervous trembling, lowspirited, weeping, apprehensive, opposite and contradictory mental states.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

PHYSOMETRA; dropsy of ovaries and of uterus, cutting across the hypogastrium from left to right; ovaries diseased, ovarian tumors, increased discharge of blood from the genitals during every passage of hard or soft stool, weariness, extreme weakness, emaciation, with tremors of limbs; stiffness, aching chilliness, in small of back, burning pain in vagina after coition; warmth and dryness of vagina; open cancer, with tearing stitches; bloody leucorrhoea; nymphomania.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

scirrhus indurations of the os uteri; bearing down in ovarian region, uterine diseases complicated with hysterical complaints pale face, debility nervous excitement and lameness; (<) after sea- bathing; menses very dark, with pains in back when walking.

Mel-cum-sale [Mel-c-s]

Prolapsus uteri, chronic metritis associated with subinvolution and cervicitis, feeling of soreness across hypogastrium from ilium to ilium.

Mercurius [Merc]

On os uteri bleeding excrescences, or deep ulcers with ragged edges, prolapsus uteri et vaginae; deep sore pain in pelvis; dragging in loins, abdomen feels weak as if it had to be held up; gripping and bruised pain in small of back; painful pressure in thighs; itching of genitals, worse from contact of urine; leucorrhoea, smarting, corroding causing itching or purulent, containing lumps, worse at night.

Mercurius-biniod [Merc-k-i]

Stony hardness of fibroid tumor.

Mercurius-corros [Merc-c]

ABRASION ulceration arising from overstimulated then broken-down glandular structure; fibroid tumors with profuse, muco-purulent, excoriating leucorrhoea.

Mezereum [Mez]

Uterine ulcers, with smarting, burning and pricking sensation; discharge albuminous, sometimes tinged with blood, corroding.

Murex-purp [Murx]

Prolapsus with uterine pains extending upward from right side of uterus, crossing the body to the left mamma (Lil, from chest to uterus); pain in uterus as if cut by a sharp, instrument; uterus feels dry as if constricted, myalgic pain in uterus, coming on when in bed (>) by sitting or walking, until tired out, when she must lie down from temporary relief, as the cutting pains come on again, going through her up diagonally; compelling her to get up again and walk, feeling as if something were pressing on a sore spot in pelvis, venereal desire so violent as to fatigue reason (Lil) renewed by slightest touch, green or bloody leucorrhoea; profuse menses; gone sensation in the stomach (<) about 11 in forenoon, (>) by eating and lying down, frequent urination at night, urine pale, wakes with a start and violent desire to urinate, muscular debility and mental depression.

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

Ulcers in genitals, with putrid discharge much, sensitiveness and general weakness, cannot bear even touch of bedclothes; prostration and drowsiness all day, wants to lie down.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

Indurated cervix and ill shaped os, pressure in hypogastrium, as if everything would come out; thick yellow putrid leucorrhoea ceasing after urinating, menses too early and last too long, (<) from thunder-storm; great nervousness.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Prolapsus uteri with aching in the lumbar region better lying on back, with cutting in urethra after micturition, every morning pressing and pushing towards genitals, has to sit down to prevent prolapsus; itching of external parts, with falling off of the hair; sterility, with too early and too profuse menstruation, acrid, greenish leucorrhoea, itching with yellow complexion, hysterical debility, feels weakest mornings in bed, anaemic women, with thin, worn face and general emaciation.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.