Uterus diseases of

Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]

Irritable uterus prolapsus with foetid urine.

Bovista [Bov]

Uterine engorgement from relaxation of entire capillary system and haemorrhagic diathesis, flow of blood between menses from least exertion, menses chiefly at night or early morning.

Bromium [Brom]

Continual dull pain in left ovary; no trill in coition, swelling and hardness of left ovary uterus descends about two inches, LOUD EMISSION OF FLATUS FROM VAGINA, membranous dysmenorrhoea, vertigo with fear of falling and losing their senses.

Bryonia [Bry]

Dropsy of uterus, swelling increasing during day and diminishing at night, stitching pain in ovaries, haemorrhage of dark red blood, with pain in small of back.

Bufo [Bufo]

Cancer of uterus, distending burning pains or cramps in uterus; sharp, daggerlike pains (>) on walking or sitting too long, ulcerations of cervix with burning pains and offensive, ichorous discharges, burning in womb only before menses.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Prolapsus with sensation of pressure on uterus bearing-down pains, (<) when standing, stinging in os, burning in cervical canal constant aching in vagina, polypi, backache, heaviness of limbs and great fatigue from walking, desire for sweets or boiled eggs.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

Prolapsus, (<) during defaecation and micturition, with sense of weakness and distress; aching in womb, cutting pain through sacrum cervix and os swollen, red and painful, with feeling of shotlike bunches to digital touch, burning in vagina and burning like fire upward into chest, flushes of heat, anxiety, faintness, joints ache at every change of the weather, easy perspiration polypi.

Cantharis [Canth]

Swelling of the neck of uterus, sensitiveness of abdomen to touch, constant ineffectual urging to urinate, constipation or diarrhoea scanty or profuse micturition, always hot or burning; burning in uterus beginning when the flow has stopped (Kreos)

Carbo-an [Carb-an]

Induration of neck of uterus, menorrhagia from chronic induration of uterus, scirrhus of uterus, with pressive pains in loins, groins and thighs, distention of abdomen, flatulence, frequent eructations and desire to vomit; leucorrhoea leaving yellow stains on linen; numbness of limbs, ulcers, scrofulous, or malignant, with foul discharge, tearing tranversely across pubes and then through pudendum as far as anus, stitches in the groins, burning pains down the thighs, alternate cheerfulness and despondency.

Caulophyllum [Caul]

Weak, delicate women, anteversion with flexion and uterine contraction, prolapsus and leucorrhoea the effects of antony, with weakness of legs and spasmodic crampy, or sharp pains and there leucorrhoea of profuse mucus, coitus painful; pains continue a long time after the attempt constant desire to remain quiet.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Prolapsus with menses too early and too profuse, membranous dysmenorrhoea smarting, corroding leucorrhoea; profuse limpid urine, acrid water from vagina after a meal,. burning in vagina as if excoriated.

China [Chin]

Prolapsus from sexual excess or loss of fluids, with painful induration of vagina ovarian affections (<) from touching parts, periodical neuralgia.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Irritable weakness overwhelming apprehensiveness prolapsus from deficient innervation and muscular atony with pain in hypogastric region, retroversion, great tenderness of uterus to pressure spasms of broad ligaments, sharp pains across hypogastrium, (<) from standing and motion, bearing down in uterine region and small of back with tightness around hips, menses scanty, retarded or suppressed from different causes rheumatic hysteralgia and ovarian neuralgia subinvolution after miscarriage.

Clematis [Clem]

Softened scirrhus with corrosive leucorrhoea and lancinating pains, running upward (<) by breathing and passing water swelling and induration of inguinal glands.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Uterine neuralgia, leucorrhoea persists after cessation of menses, gushing out on bending or squatting down.

Collinsonia [Coll]

Prolapsus with pruritus, dysmenorrhoea and most obstinate constipation, UTERINE DISEASES DEPENDENT UPON DISEASES OF RECTUM and bowels; haemorrhoids, bleeding, alternate costiveness and diarrhoea.

Conium [Con]

Induration and enlargement of ovary, with lancinating pains stinging in neck of uterus, induration and prolapsus at the same time; intolerable lancinating pains in cancer; frequent nausea, vomiting, acrid and burning leucorrhoea, preceded by pinching pains in abdomen, sensation of debility in the morning when in bed; sudden loss of strength while walking chronic pressive inflammation of ovaries, ovarian depression, with scanty menstruation and sterility; pressure and cutting pains in uterus when urinating weight and lancinating pains in ovaries and uterus, extending through lower part of abdomen, hips and back, burning, stinging, darting pains in neck of womb, with scirrhus induration.

Convallaria [Conv]

Sore, aching pain in lower part of abdomen; feeling as if uterus had descended and pressed upon rectum, causing a hard, aching pain in rectum and anus, flatus become incarcerated in rectum; dull; aching or sore bruised feeling in lumbar region, faintishness from slight cause, sleepy and tired out; great prostration and dull feeling in head, pelvic pains (<) from motion, sitting up straight or leaning back, (>) by bending forward when sitting by lying on back, glycosuria, with intense itching at

introitus and hyperaemia (>) by cold water.

Crot.-hor [Crot-h]

Carcinoma, fungoid, malignant sarcoma, cauliflower excrescence, with haemorrhagic tendency; very degraded state in patient.

Guarare [Guare]

Lips, thick and full of scirrhus, tubercles, sores healing very slowly and passing easily into gangrene; malignant ulcers in different parts of body; corroding cancerous ulcers, smarting in vulva and thighs, shooting and digging pains in womb, swelling of rectum and anus; very sensitive haemorrhoidal fissures, anxious and despairing expression.

Elaps-coral [Elaps]

Sensation as if something burst in womb, followed by a continuous stream of dark colored blood, on attempting to urinate, flow very profuse, venous, containing some clots, CANCER OF UTERUS.

Erigeron [Erig]

Prolapsus with metrorrhagia and violent irritation of the rectum and bladder, very profuse flow of fright red blood, (<) by every movement, pallor and weakness, chronic uterine leucorrhoea; scanty menses.

Ferrum-iod [Ferr-i]

RETROVERSION, WITH PRESSURE UPON RECTUM that she cannot stand or walk, burning on pressure and weight over sacrum, digging pains in loins or pelvis and thighs (especially in anemic women); prolapsus vaginae during pregnancy, cervical catarrh, sensation of bearing down in uterus, with feeling on sitting as if sore were being pushed up; she can touch the cervix, itching and soreness of vulva and vagina, parts much swollen, cold hands and feet, chilblains in winter; nausea, especially mornings, tongue brownish on first rising mornings, with sordes on teeth.

Ferrum-met [Ferr]

Prolapsus vaginae et uteri, painful coitus, pain in the right hypochondrium, menses watery, lumpy, preceded by labor-like pains; bland, milky leucorrhoea, with itching and soreness and pain in uterus when lying down.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Anteflexion, uterus feels as if squeezed by a hand, cutting uterine pains running from front backward and upward, uterine displacements, with the usual dragging pain in back and abdomen, accompanied with general relaxation a tired, played-out feeling, following depressing emotions, as continued work, anxiety or watching over sick children neuralgic and congestive dysmenorrhoea, with frontal headache and dim vision.

Graphites [Graph]

Cancer of womb, with warmth and painfulness of vagina, engorgement of lymphatic vessels and mucous follicles, hardness of neck of womb, which is swollen and covered with fungous excrescences, heaviness of abdomen, with exacerbation of pains and fainting while standing; stitches, through thighs and hypogastrium, like electric shocks, retarded and painful menses, with discharge of black, coagulated and foetid blood, constipation, earthy complexion, sadness and restlessness. Tumor, size of an orange, in right and left iliac fossa, hard, round slightly movable, not painful to pressure, only producing inconvenience from weight; os uteri standing backward, can only be reached with difficulty; pain in uterus when reaching high with arms; bearing down pains in uterus to back with weakness and sickness, vagina cold, cicatrical tissue easily cracks and bleeds.

Helonias [Helon]

Profound melancholy; deep, undefined depression, with a sensation of soreness and weight in womb; CONSCIOUSNESS OF A WOMB; dragging weakness in sacral region; with prolapsus uteri and ulceration of cervix discharge constant, dark, hardly, smelling, flooding on lifting a weight, and on least exertion; face swollen, having an expression of suffering great vaginal irritation, uterus low down, os protruding, fundus tilted forward, the finger passes with difficulty between os and rectum; leucorrhoea, with atony and anemia, aphthae on labia, intense itching of vulva anemia atony often amenorrhoea, albuminous urine great debility and drowsiness, tired aching feeling and some burning in back and legs, (>) while doing something.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.