Bryonia [Bry]
Soreness and tenderness of uterus, (<) from motion; constipation, coated tongue and thirst, bitter taste; headache.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Uterus low down, enlarged, mouth open to admit finger; bearing- down pain in pelvis; sense of weight and soreness in uterus, sometimes with difficulty in standing; profuse menses with consequent anaemia; stools, large hard, dry, knotty and difficult of passage.
China [Chin]
Haemorrhage in black clots from atony of uterus; deterioration of health from the protracted losses.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Hydraemia; pale, sickly, sallow complexion; weakness; stitching pains in and about the uterus, pains in lumbar region; leucorrhoea.
Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]
Bearing down in uterine region, as if everything would be pressed out, (>) by pressure of hand against vulva; aching over pubes with pain in knees; bloated feeling in uterine region; pelvic organs feel swollen; aching apparently AROUND, NOT IN THE UTERUS; urgent desire for stools; pain in sacrum; bloated feeling in abdomen; low-spirited and irritable.
Podophyllum [Podo]
Prolapsus uteri and haemorrhoids, with pain in sacrum; bearing down in genitals and in sacral region, with pain from motion, (>) lying down; constipation.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Enlarged uterus presses upon bladder, with pains at the close of micturition; menses late, scanty, painful and interrupted.
Ruta [Ruta]
Prolapsus ani after confinement, before or during stool; bruised sensation all over body.
Secale-corn [Sec]
Constant bearing down in abdomen, with relaxed feeling in parts; difficult contraction of uterus; thin, black, foul-smelling discharge; GREAT WEAKNESS AFTER CONFINEMENT, REMAINS FOR LONG TIME.
Sepia [Sep]
Venous congestion of uterus, stitching pains felt mostly in neck of uterus or extending to abdominal cavity; bearing down as if everything would protrude through vulva, causing her to sit with limbs crossed for relief; hot flushes with weak spells; great weakness at pit of stomach, with pain and burning in lumbar region.
Ustilago [Ust]
Constant aching, referred to mouth of womb; bearing down as if everything would come through, pains shooting down legs; os uteri soft, pliable, dilatable; costiveness or black, lumpy stool.