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Confinement & Postpartum – Pendulous abdomen

Homeopathy treatment for Confinement & Postpartum – Pendulous abdomen from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Confinement & Postpartum – Pendulous abdomen…


Belladonna [Bell]

Great sensitiveness to touch, pressure, or to jarring while riding in a carriage or when walking.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Flabby leucophlegmatic women, relaxed all over.

Crocus [Croc]

Sensation as of something alive, bounding and leaping in the


Podophyllum [Podo]

Nervous sleeplessness and irritability, patient is weak and unable to move about.

Secale [Sec]

Women, thin and scrawny, of very lax muscular fibre.

Sepia [Sep]

Sensation of painful emptiness in pit of stomach; darting, shooting pains in region of cervix uteri; constipation.

For rhagades on surface of abdomen: Hepar, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.