
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Anthropophobia, anxiety arising from chest; ill-humor even to disgust of life, indifference with distress in stomach; fretfulness, weakness, aversion to business; frequent vanishing of thoughts with senseless staring at an object; great weakness of memory.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Profound melancholia, often from anaemia, depressed, low- spirited with weeping; extreme despondency; imagines he is singled out as an object of Divine wrath, that his honor is at stake, that he is to be murdered; constant worry, fears to see people or to be spoken to, always (<) when trying to sit quietly; inability to concentrate the mind on any subject; failure of mental and bodily strength with consequent despondency; pricking sensation all over body; CONSTANTLY BUSY tying his shoes, fumbling in his pockets, picking threads, etc.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Tearful humor, with feeling of loneliness and desire for company; timid and apprehensive of the future, easily frightened with shrieks about imaginary hallucinations; peevishness with intolerance of the human voice; obstinacy; changeable humor; deficiency of expression; is at a loss to say what she wishes; dread of labor; paresis, trembling; horrid dreams, with frequency awaking and urinating.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Melancholia; irritable and harsh; passionate and spiteful; torturing feeling of anguish preventing, sleep; inclined to sadness and weeping, with constant apprehension of impending evil.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Sad, apathetic, with chilliness in evening; habitual loss of appetite; HE ABSOLUTELY REFUSES TO TAKE FOOD OR IMAGINES HE MUST STARVE; intoxication from the smallest quantity of wine or beer; causing congestion, (>) from nosebleed.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

Suspiciousness; mental depression, showing itself by vexation, irritability; fearfulness, weeping mood, timidity; RELIGIOUS MANIA; weariness of life and fear of death; from overstrain of mind or from exhausting drainings affecting nerve centres of spinal cord. HOMESICKNESS and morbid sensitiveness.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Stupid feeling in head, with vacant gaze, neither seeing nor hearing, sorrowful mood; inclined to weep, and longing for death; music and other emotional causes impel him to weep.

Lachesis [Lach]

HYPERTHYMIA; thinks herself under superhuman control; great weakness of memory and forgetfulness; incapability of thinking; MENTAL LAZINESS; amentia; delirium from watching, fatigue after fevers of a low type, from loss of fluid, excessive study; loquacious, with mocking jealousy; frightful images, satirical; talks, signs, whistles, makes odd motions jumps rapidly from one object to another; ecstasy unto crying; peevish, morose and quarrelsome; great inclination to grief, looks at everything in the blackest color; anxious timidity as if some great evil were impending; doubts all truth and experience; dread of recovery and of death, fears to go to bed; suicidal mood, tired of life, with fears of death; thinks she is dead and that preparations are made for her funeral; great malice and spiteful tricks, all his thoughts tending to the injury of others, even murder, accompanied by cardiac affections, lassitude, chilliness, emaciation, sickly pale complexion; lasciviousness and sexual desire, with weakness of the parts; restless and uneasy to be off somewhere all the time; climaxis.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

Extreme despondency or lively, joyous mood; forgets very easily from the constant confusion in his head; fear and anxiety about imaginary evils; nervous agitation; rotary vertigo; sensation of coldness in forehead and vertex; want of energy of the vital powers and want of reaction.

Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]

UTERINE DEMENTIA; doubts here salvation, walks floor day and night, (<) by consolation sexual desire; curses and uses obscene language; head confused and heavy; vertigo (<) walking.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

MELANCHOLY AND HYPOCHONDRIASIS IN MILD CHARACTERS; loss of confidence in himself and in others; MISERLY DISPOSITION, MISANTHROPY; flies even from his own children; oversensitive and irritable, even to the most violent rage, obstinate, defiant, arbitrary; extreme indifference and insensibility to external impression; TORPOR OF MIND; laughing and weeping in alternation; difficult digestion, intestinal and hepatic torpor; absent-minded, supposed to be in two places at the same time; uses wrong words; great weakness; early and profuse menses; baldness; mental disturbances in the latter stages of phthisis pulmonalis, with emaciation from malassimilation and night-sweats.

Mancinella [Manc]

Melancholy homesickness; about midnight, attacks of fear and trembling; afraid of evil spirits, of being taken hold of by the devil; sleeplessness; pressing in cardiac region, hard beats of heart, followed by faintishness with darkening before the eyes; pulse slow and soft; tetters.

Melilotus [Meli]

Hyperchondriasis; full of hallucinations; is possessed by the evil spirit; bloatedness of abdomen, with a crawling sensation as of worms; horrible, oppressive headache; nausea and faintishness; muscular jactitation; REDNESS OF FACE, WITH ACTIVE MELANCHOLIA, even to fury; religious melancholia.

Mercurius [Merc]

Excessive restless and anguish, particularly at night, of impending misfortune; indifference to everything, even to taking his desire to escape and to run home; mania, with tearing everything to pieces, and aversion to fluid; amentia, with absurd talk and actions; tricks, foolishness and mischievous jokes of all kinds, with senseless, disguising actions; buffoonish insanity; suspicious, disturbed mood; lassitude and prostration, great heaviness of head, cutting pains in abdomen, restless, full of heavy dreams.

Mercurius-auratus [Merc-aur]

Syphilitic melancholia; apprehensive of some fearful accident, FILTHY HABITS, EATS MANURE; imagines he is enduring the tortures of hell.

Mezereum [Mez]

Hypochondriacal sadness; great disgust for life and looking for death; sensitive peevishness, with pale, miserable, sunken look; indetermination; attacks of thoughtless staring, fixed look for hours together; apprehensiveness felt at the pit of the stomach, indifference to everybody and everything.

Moschus [Mosch]

Suitable to spoiled, sensitive natures and hysteric women; tearful vexation and peevishness, with violent quarreling, even to the most extreme malice and rage; great bustling, during which everything falls out of his hand from weakness; thoughtless, with foolish gestures and complaints of pain; sudden loss of memory, with complete inability to collect his senses; great tendency to get frightened, trembling, palpitation of heart and dread of death.

Naja-tripudians [Naja]

Depression and forgetfulness; consciousness of some duty to be performed, but attended with an unaccountable inclination not to do it; sadness intense frontal headache, fluttering of heart and spinal pains; grasping of throat with sensation of choking and livor of face; suicidal insanity.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

Hypochondriasis, great weakness of the digestive organs with very bad humor after a meal; trouble after drinking; aversion to mankind and society; phlegmatic flaccidity; dislike to talk and work, want of sympathy and disgust of life; trembling and feeling of faintness; great sadness attack of anxiety, (<) from music and during a thunderstorm; great timidity; avarice.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

MELANCHOLY; likes to dwell on past unpleasant occurrences; weeps on being merely looked at, and rejects consolation (Pulsatilla, patient seeks consolation), joyless indifference and indolent indisposition to talk; quarrelsome fretfulness, gets into a passion about trifles; attacks of great cheerfulness and merry disposition, with inclination to laugh, dance and sing; great distraction in all forgetfulness; awkwardness; sexual desire, with frequent erections and pollutions; palpitation of heart, predominant chilliness, inclined to sweat, suits anaemic women with thin, worn face and general emaciation.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

GREAT RESTRAINT NECESSARY NOT TO DO HIMSELF BODILY HARM; aversion to life; great sadness and despondency, with irritability and dread of music, which makes her weep and melancholic; mental troubles coming on from a JAR OR KNOCK ON THE HEAD OR A FALL OR INJURIES ABOUT THE HEAD, causing concussion or other affections of the brain.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]

Dementia, irresistible inclination to laugh; insane intoxication; wandering talk, with extraordinary gestures and loud voice; foolish gestures, with absence of mind; indolent march of ideas and slow recollection, fatuity; sleepiness and fainty, weak digestion; cool, dry skin.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Insanity, with perverted talk and actions, frightful visions at night, murmuring delirium; disgust of life, with palpitation of heart; peevish and solicitous about his health; stubbornness and obstinate resistance; irascible and violent, with malice and spiteful tricks; dislike to mental work after mental overexertion; oversensitiveness to external impressions. Depression following overstimulation.

OEnanthe-crocata [Oena]

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.