
Colchicum [Colch]

Gouty diathesis; alternately excited or depressed; loss of memory; great desire for mental and bodily rest; intense melancholia, peevish and dissatisfied.

Conium [Con]

SENILE DEMENTIA, AILMENTS OF OLD MAIDS AND WIDOWS FROM UNGRATIFIED SEXUAL DESIRE; FOLIE CIRCULAIRE, alternate excitement and depression; cannot endure any kind of excitement, it brings on physical and mental depression, weakness; inability to sustain any mental efforts, excessive difficulty to recollect things, especially dates; DESIRE FOR SOLITUDE AND UNSYMPATHIZING INSENSIBILITY FROM INDOLENCE; aversion to company and yet averse to being alone is inclined to abuse company, scolds and will not bear contradiction; chilliness, frequent spasmodic motions; weak sexual power and frequent pollutions; anaemia of brain.

Crocus-sat [Croc]

Extravagant ideas and great loquacity, jumping, dancing, laughing, whistling, very AFFECTIONATE, WANTS TO KISS EVERYBODY; witty, uncommon mirth and cheerfulness; alternation of excessive, happy, affectionate tenderness and great ill-humor and rage, quarrelsome mood with great repentance, great timidity, haemorrhages; sleepiness, great prostration, with dilated pupils and obstruction of sight; obstinate constipation, caused by stagnation on portal system.

Crot. [Crot-h]

INCIPIENT STAGE OF SENILE DEMENTIA; mental delusions, such as mistakes in keeping accounts or writing letters, forgetfulness in figures, names and places; awaking at night struggling with imaginary foes; thinks he is the prey of enemies or of hideous animals; dislike to members of his own family; marked indifference and apathy, seems only half alive fits of drowsiness of coma; apoplexy in broken-down constitutions or inebriates.

Cuprum [Cupr]

Mania, with biting and tearing things to pieces; insane foolish gestures of imitation and mimicry; full of insane spiteful tricks, illusions of imagination, does not recognize his own family; unhappy apprehensive anxiety and despair; absence of thought and weakness of memory; stupidity and insensible in a corner; patient shrinks with fear, drawing himself away from every one who approaches him; praecordial anguish, pale, miserable look, general chilliness, no relieved by heat; decrease of brain functions.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

MENTAL DERANGEMENT AT CLIMAXIS; vertigo with pain in head and nausea, (<) in right temple, but extending all over head; answers incoherently; disposition to weep; fear of death; faeces and urine pass unconsciously and involuntarily; ailments from inward grief and terrors of conscience.

Digitalis [Dig]

Profound great melancholy, worse by music, with frequent sighing and WEEPING BRING RELIEF; gloomy, morose, ill humor, great fear of the future; insane obstinacy and disobedience with desire to escape; patient dull and lethargic, pupils widely dilated and all sensibility to light and touch seems lost; chronic heart disease;pulse full, regular or but slightly intermittent and VERY SLOW. When rallying from his stupor the patient moans

greatly and his eyes all afloat in tears, with relief from the lachrymation.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Imbecility more frequent than insanity; mental confusion, cannot concentrate his thoughts; inclination to scold without being angry; asks for one thing or another to reject in when proffered; hasty speech and hasty drinking.

Euphorbium [Euph]

TEMPORARY ATTACKS OF CRAZINESS, insists upon saying his prayers at the tail of his horse; knows his freaks and wants to be by himself and in silence, imagines he sees the same man walking after him that he sees walking before him; vertigo when standing or walking in open air.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

Transitory mania depending upon hyperaemia of the brain; severe headache, soreness in vertex, general soreness of scalp, great nervousness at night; blinding headache, (<) on stooping.

Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]

Aversion to his own family, bordering on insanity, but knows enough to behave well to strangers; discontent and excessive ill- humor followed by indifference and forgetfulness, and finally by perfect contentment and uncommonly gay disposing of mind.

Gelsemium [Gels]


work and anxiety after night-watching with loss of sleep, after excess in alcohol; after grief; depression of spirits, hates consolation, wants to be let alone and brood over real or imaginary loss; inability to attend to anything requiring mental effort; great lack of courage and fear of death; dull heavy pains in head and neck; intense prostration of muscular system.

Glonoinum [Glon]

ACUTE DEMENTIA, religious mania; well-known streets seem strange, forgets where she lives, attempts to run away, fear of death of being poisoned; disinclined to speak, would hardly answer; bad effects from mental excitement, fright, fear, mechanical contusions; congestion alternately to head and heart; head hot, body and feet cold; head feels larger and throbs.

Graphites [Graph]

Herpetic constitution; tendency to obesity from faulty nutrition, timidity, fidgety while sitting at work; extreme hesitation, she is unable to make up her mind about anything; very fretful, everything angers and offends him; absent-minded and slow in thoughts, sad despondent, music makes her weep; solicitude concerning spiritual welfare; full of fear in the morning, feels miserably unhappy; hates work; ailments, from grief.

Helleborus [Hell]

ACUTE IDIOCY AS WELL AS CHRONIC IDIOCY AND CRETINISMUS; diminished power of mind over body, cannot fix ideas, slow in answering, stares unintelligently; muscles fail to act properly if will is not strongly fixed upon their action; depression of sensory and obtuseness of intellectual faculties; STUBBORN SILENCE; fixed delusions and hallucinations, especially towards morning; demoniac melancholy, sees spirits at night; woeful despairing mood, with tendency to drawn himself; irritable, easily made angry, (<) from consolation; homesickness; anxiousness about heart, which prevents him from resting anywhere; want of bodily irritability; cold hands and feet, coldness of whole body, can bear neither heat nor cold; pale, sallow complexion.

Helonias [Helon]

Profound melancholy, restlessness, wants to be continually

moving about, cannot endure the least contradiction, is fault- finding from a sensation of undefined soreness and weight in the uterus, A CONSCIOUSNESS OF A WOMB; she feels better when her mind is engaged and she is doing something; dragging weakness in small of back, prolapsus uteri, or dislocation (Murex).

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

Hyperaesthesia, maniacal paroxysms, with QUICK, HASTY SPEECH; extreme discontent, indisposition to everything; wrathful irritability, even to the most extreme violence, threatening to end in murder and arson; terrific vision of dead persons; DEMENTIA, with complete stupid, sits silent and speechless in a corner.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

ACUTE MANIA with extreme excitation of sensorium and abnormal impulses; impatience liveliness, talkativeness, tells everything; great inclination to laugh; LASCIVIOUS SHAMELESSNESS AND GOING ABOUT NAKED ( pruritus pudendi, pruritus of the skin, (>) by the cooling fresh air); insulting shouting, brawling, ungovernable rage, with exhibition of unusual strength and great muscular activity; all objects larger, a straw looks like a beam, etc.; senseless apathy and indolence, refuse to speak, makes no complaints and has no wants; more dejection, despair, fear of being poisoned and refuse food, or of being bitten by animals; epileptoid spasms, rush of blood to head with sparkling eyes and fixed look; spasms of pharynx and dread of drinks; face only slightly flushed, pupils dilated; restless sleep, he lies awake for hours, every little noise disturbs him; debility and great prostration on every attempt to move, (<) after eating, though bulimy might be present; UNFORTUNATE DISAPPOINTED LOVE, WITH JEALOUSY AND EXCITED SEXUAL DESIRES.

Hypericum [Hyper]

Mental depression following nerve injuries; conclusions, spinal affections, trismus and tetanus following wounds of nerves or a blow on head; irritable and despondent; sees spirits and spectres; tympanitis; spasmodic jerking of lower limbs.

Ignatia [Ign]

Emotional instability, rapid alteration between hilarity and desire to weep; inward grief disappointed love or mortification, loves solitude; senseless staring at one object with sighing and moaning; remorse about imaginary crimes, intolerance to noise, sensitive mood and delicate conscientiousness, great tendency to have fixed ideas, but she hides her grief and her delusions from others.

Iodum [Iod]

Great fear of people, restless moving about from place to place; gloomy mood, despondency, anguish, oppression of chest; excessive nervous irritability; violent orgasm of blood, with uneasy trembling, extending from stomach to all parts of periphery; spasmodic palpitation of heart, sleeplessness, emaciation with ravenous appetite.

Kali-arsen [Kali-ar]

MELANCHOLIA; scolding, morose, retired, jealous, discontended; indifferent to everything; eyes have a fixed look; face looks frightened and anxious; aloud noise or unexpected motion throws her whole body in a tremor.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.