
Berberis [Berb]

EVERYTHING LOOKS TWICE ITS NATURAL SIZE ( Platina, everything looks small); melancholy and inclination to weep; mental labor very difficult, the least interruption breaks the chain of thoughts; hepatic and arthritic complaints, affection of urinary organs, menstrual derangements.

Bismuth [Bism]

DESIRE FOR COMPANY, SOLITUDE IS UNBEARABLE; anguish, cannot remain long in one place; headache, (<) in winter season; gastric troubles with languor and prostration.

Bryonia [Bry]

Melancholy, with fear the future in his domestic or business affairs, even at night he dreams of business; great depression and morose mood, perhaps from some hepatic affection; irritable mood, wishes to be left alone, has no desire to move, although he feels better out-doors; great forgetfulness.

Cactus [Cact]

Great and unconquerable sadness; hypochondria and melancholy; irresistible desire to weep, does not like to talk; constant and great fear of death; irritable, wants people to keep their consolations for themselves; frequent palpitations of the heart, with a corresponding palpitation, so to speak, in the top of the head.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

INSANITY OF DRUNKARDS, from repulsion of skin diseases; great emaciation or obesity; anxious, timid, full of fear, cannot bear to be alone in the dark, (<) at twilight and during night, delusions of murder, hallucinations of fire, rats and mice; fear of losing reason or that people would observe her confusion of mind; apprehensive mood of some impending misfortune, and every emotional excitement causes anxious perspiration, especially nocturnal sweat about the head and flying heat through body; ill- humor, obstinacy, restlessness, trembling of limbs; is fearfully affected by tales of cruelty, causing nightmare; (<) by close application of mind and in the evening, easily chilled and takes cold easily.

Calcarea-flour [Calc-f]

Great depression of spirit, avarice, feeling of anxiety about money, thinks he will come to want; sharp, lancinating pains in hepatic region, (<) when lying on painful side or sitting, (>) walking, bleeding piles.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

DEMENTIA IN YOUNG PERSONS OR IN MASTURBATORS; total loss of memory, writes wrong words; wishes to be at home, and when there wants to go out, from place to place; does not want to do what he has to do; easily frightened and depressed.

Camphora [Camph]

Puerperal rage, uses indecent language, strikes and bites; always in haste, strips herself and wants to jump out with the window; dread of being alone in the dark; lochia suppressed with erethism of sexual system, followed by exhaustion and collapse; (<) at night, from motion and from cold.

Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]

Hallucinations and imaginations constantly changing; great exaltation of mind, at times with enthusiastic language; full of fun and mischief; incoherent talking very absent-minded; laughs indiscriminately at every word; inability to recall any thought or event on account of different thoughts crowding his mind; exaggeration of the duration of time and extent of space; horror of darkness, great anguish and despair; moaning and crying; great fear of approaching death, or of becoming insane; voices. including her own, seem to come from a distance; forgets when speaking what she is going to say; feels at time as if were somebody else; seems to be in a dream, as if things were not real; puerperal mania, with visions and phantoms which do not frighten her.

Cantharis [Canth]

Hallucinations, especially at night; deliria of people long dead; fits a rage, with crying, barking and striking, renewed by the sight of bright, dazzling objects; worse when touching the larynx, or when trying to drink water AMOROUS FRENZY, intense erethism of sexual organs, impelling him to seek immediate physical gratification; masturbation; scanty urine or frequent micturition; strangury.

Capsicum [Caps]

HOMESICKNESS, with a disposition to suicide, with redness of cheeks, sleeplessness; he is taciturn, peevish and restless, easily offended, takes everything in bad part; obstinacy; cloudiness of


Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Indigestion and dyspepsia of drunkards, leading to confusion of the head; nightly fear of ghosts, stupor and finally dementia; indifference, hears everything without feeling pleasantly or unpleasantly about it; irritable and despondent, wants to blow his brains out; periodical want of memory with confusion of head; FRIGHTFUL HALLUCINATIONS IN THE DARK.

Causticum [Caust]

Frightful hallucinations as soon as he closes his eyes; melancholy from care, grief and sorrow, she looks upon the dark side of everything; full of timorous fancies at twilight, child fears to go to bed alone, MENTAL ALIENATION AFTER SUPPRESSION OF ERUPTIONS; great anxiety of conscience and at the heart, as if she had committed a bad action, or as if some misfortune impended. irritable and provoked at trifles; absence of mind, indolence, lassitude, great heat of skin, dryness of mouth and fauces; constipation. Chorea, epilepsy, hysteria; sensation as if there were an empty space between the brain and skull.

Chamomilla [Cham]

A morbidly sensitive nervous system; melancholia,. with constant moaning and muttering to herself; walks all the time, looking down; is disinclined to talk and angry if any one speaks to her, tries to get away from her friends if they seek to comfort her; sleepless at night and uneasy during the day.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Horrible anguish by day and by night as if she had killed somebody; anxiety takes away all pleasure for her labor; pit of stomach and left hypochondrium sore to touch; no appetite or thirst; bitter taste; stools hard, whitish-yellow; often vertigo as if she would fall forward; flushes of heat in face palpitation, with oppression in chest.

China [Chin]

Fixed idea that he is unhappy, compelled to jump out of bed, wants to destroy himself but lacks courage; dislike to all mental or physical exertion; indifference, apathy, taciturnity, inclined to reproach and irritation with slowness of ideas; hallucinations on closing eye which disappear when eyes are opened.

Cicuta [Cic]

Attacks of inability to collect his senses, with thoughtless, staring fixed look and vanishing of sight; indifference to everything, confounds the present with the past; everything about him appears strange and frightful; childish humor, in which he finds everything lovely and attractive like a toy; insane dancing, laughing and clapping of hands at night, with violent heat and redness of face; quite disposition, contented, happy; easily affected by sad stories.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

EPILEPTIC INSANITY; remarkable heat in the back of the head, extending down the back; sensation as if a heavy black cloud had settled all over her and enveloped her head, so that all was darkness and confusion, while at the same time it weighed like lead on her head; desire for solitude or to wander from place to place, answers questions hurriedly and evasively; frequent sighing; indifferent, taciturn, takes no interest in anything; fear of death and still suicidal mood; suspicious of everything, will not take her medicine; hysteria and melancholia, with frequent changes of heart and cold in different parts of the body; sleeplessness on account of frightful dreams leading to sudden, starting up in sleep; great anxiety about one’s self without knowing why; alternate empty and full feeling in head; nervous tremors, like a chill, without actually feeling cold; prickling in the fingers; small, quick, irregular pulse, frequently icy-cold hands and feet; mental depression, amounting to even suicidal tendency; mania puerperalis; mania following disappearance of neuralgia; from business failure or disappointed love; after abortion of confinement, after drunken sprees; dizzy when rising in the morning with pain over eyes; nausea and occasional vomiting; delirium, tremens. insomnia, incessant talking with constant change of subject, must move about despite the intense prostration.

Cina [Cina]

Optical illusions in bright colors, sees imaginary things, screams and talks hurriedly; easily offended from slightest joke; anguish about heart as if had committed some evil deed, when walking in open air; chorea epilepsy; (<) at night.

Clematis-erect [Clem]

Ailments from HOMESICKNESS or contrition of spirit; low- spirited and fear of approaching misfortune; fear of being alone, but disinclined to meet even agreeable company; great debility, vibratory sensation through the whole body, after lying down; uneasy sleep, dreaming and tossing about.

Coca [Coca]

Mental and physical lack of will to do anything; excessively phlegmatic and pathetic; slow finding the words to express himself; mood changeable, mostly very morose; unbridled passion for brandy.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Suits especially bookworms and sensitive romantic girls, with irregular menstruation, also onanists, rakes and other debilitated persons; melancholy and sadness, with weeping and constant profound absorption in sorrowful though; great apprehensive anxiety of conscience and at the heart as after committing a wicked deed, with propensity to escape; joylessness and discouragement; tearful chagrin about the least trifle; changeable humor, frequent lively contentment, talkativeness, with witty joking; spasms and convulsions, extreme weakness, even to fainting, worse from sleeping (Lachesis) from wine, smoking, riding in a carriage; great dread of the cold open air; times passes too quickly (Cannabis indica, time passes too slowly); ILL EFFECTS OF DISAPPOINTED AMBITION, OF ANGER AND GRIEF, indulges in sad reveries, is sensitive to slights, insults and disappointment.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.