Heart diseases of

Glonoinum [Glon]

Excessive throbbing of heart, pulse beats rapidly with increasing force and frequency; throbbing in the vessels of neck, pulsating headache in forehead and temples, (<) when stooping which causes stitching pain of great violence in cardiac region; laborious action of heart, oppression, frequent pulse; blood seems to rush to heart and mount rapidly to head; ALTERNATE CONGESTION TO HEART AND HEAD; severe stitches from heart extending into back, between shoulders; purring noise in cardiac region when lying, pulse intermittent, must have head high; (<) lying on left side, (>) on right side; blending of first and second sound, so that they cannot be distinguished; restlessness in limbs, relieved by walking.

Graphites [Graph]

COLD FEELING AROUND HEART; horrible smothering feeling about the heart, awaking the patient from sleep and compelling him to get out of bed; sensation like an electric shock from heart towards front of neck; strong pulsation of blood in body, but especially about heart, (<) by every motion; palpitation with anxiety, with nosebleed; lassitude, prostration; amenorrhoea; herpetismus.

Grindelia-rob [Grin]

Great weakness of heart and lungs, when he drops off to sleep he wakes up suddenly with sensation as if respiration had ceased; FEAR OF GOING TO SLEEP ON ACCOUNT OF LOSS OF BREATH; chronic bronchitis and bronchorrhoea.

Hepar [Hep]

Anxious feeling about heart with sensation of debility and palpitations in hypertrophy, with fine stitches in heart and left half of chest.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

Reflex cough from organic changes in heart.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Chronic palpitations so that she could not move body without greatest anxiety or apprehension of suffocation or fainting; spasms of chest arrest breathing; frequent, copious, limpid urination.

Iodum [Iod]

VALVULAR AFFECTIONS FOLLOWING ENDOCARDITIS; violent palpitations, (<) from least exertion; sensation as if the heart were squeezed together; constant, heavy, oppressive pain in cardiac region; excessive weakness in chest with goneness or exhausted feeling, he can hardly talk or breathe from weakness; fainting spells; dilatation of heart, after scarlatina; pericarditis complicating croupous pneumonia; melancholia.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

COLD SENSATION AROUND HEART (Graphites); tightness of chest, dyspnoea; pricking pain in cardiac region; pulse irregular, small, soft, even fluttering, contracted, with nosebleed; smothering sensation about heart awakening him from sleep, so that he has to get up.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Distant and reflex irritations excite the heart causing it to flush too intensely the arterioles – intestinal, ovarian, cerebral (E.M. Hale). Feeble action of heart (Digitalis), and intermitting, so NERVOUS, SHE MUST BE BUSY AND WORK; slow and feeble pulse; heart’s beats wanting in energy and its sounds distant and feeble; action of heart slow and fluttering.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

DEPOSITS ON CARDIAC VALVES; LATE STAGE of endo – and pericarditis with sharp stitching pains about heart and through to scapula; heart’s action weak, tumultuous, irregular; crampy pains, as if the heart were hanging by tightly drawn bands, (<) on deep inspiration and coughing, not on motion of the body; palpitation in spells, taking away the breath, impending suffocation, with inability to lie down; throbbing and beating of heart on least exertion; systolic murmurs, second tick loud from pulmonary stagnation; insufficiency of mitral valves; PULSE UNEQUAL, IRREGULAR, INTERMITTENT OR RAPID AND WEAK; ebullitions,

with heat from abdomen to head; pulsations all over.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Pericardial effusion, great dyspnoea from excess of tough bronchial secretion or pericardial effusion; weakness of cardiac muscle, HORRIBLE SMOTHERING FEELING ABOUT THE HEART, awakening the patient from sleep and compelling him to get out of bed (Graphites, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis); sharp stitching pains through lungs and heart, (<) from any motion and when walking. Valvular defects after repeated endocarditis; tumultuous, violent, intermitting, irregular action of heart, with tensive pain across chest, especially affecting the right ventricle, which gradually becomes dilated; rheumatism.

Kalmia-lat [Kalm]

Especially useful when GOUT OR RHEUMATISM, AFTER EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS, SHIFTS FROM JOINTS TO HEART. Sharp, severe pains about heart, taking away the breath and shooting down into stomach and abdomen, with slow pulse (Digitalis) and numb feeling in left arm. PERICARDITIS RHEUMATICA, FIRST STAGE, with tumultuous, rapid and visible beating of the heart, paroxysms of anguish with great dyspnoea, febrile excitement, pains in limbs, stitch in lower part of chest, right-sided face-ache; pressure as of a stone from epigastrium towards the heart, with a strong, quick heart-beat, (>) by sitting erect, (<) when bent over or lying on left side. Hypertrophy and valvular insufficiency, or thickening after rheumatism; arms feel numb and weak, limbs cold; weariness in all muscle, shuns all exertion; pulse slow and weak; albuminuria; ascites.

Lactic-acid [Lac-ac]

OSSIFICATION OF VALVES OF HEART AND ARTERIES; pains in chest, short breath, (<) by motion; severe pains in feet at night, sleeplessness. Slight depression and constriction in cardiac region, (>) by bending chest forward; pulse full and soft.

Lachesis [Lach]

LATE STAGE OF RHEUMATISMUS CORDIS. Sensation as if the heart were too large for the containing cavity, oppressive pains in chest, with feeling of expansion of the heart as if full of wind, (>) by eructations; deep sighing every few minutes; fits of suffocation and fainting, especially when moving, pulse weak, intermittent; stitches in left side of chest; horrible smothering feeling abut heart awaking him from sleep and compelling him to leave the bed; dread of going to sleep on account of marked aggravation from sleep; can bear no pressure on throat or chest, must sit up or lie on right side; numb feeling of left arm. ATHEROMATOUS CONDITION OF ARTERIES IN THE AGED AND IN DRUNKARDS. Hydropericardium and hydrothorax from organic trouble of heart, urine dark, almost black containing albumen, and the skin over oedematous parts dark-bluish black; offensive smell of the urine.

Lachnanthes [Lachn]

NEUROSIS CORDIS. SENSATION AS OF A LUMP OF ICE IN CARDIAC REGION and back, somewhat relieved by compressing the chest with both hands; stitches in heart, with great anxiety; boiling and bubbling in chest and cardiac region; while lying feels beating of heart to the head; trembling of heart, with great debility.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

NEUROSIS CORDIS. SENSATION AS IF THE HEART WOULD TURN OVER, causing him to gasp for breath, (>) WHEN LYING DOWN; sensation as if a heavy load would drop from pit of stomach to the back; violent beating of heart, though heart’s action is very feeble; beating fluttering sensation in cardiac region, gasps for breath, cold, damp skin, pulse filiform; nervous cough from heart trouble, as stenosis of the valves; dyspnoea, cannot lie down, (<) from motion, stooping, eating, drinking or warmth.

Ledum [Led]

Valvular deposits in heart; chest hurts when touched; pulse full and quick; arthritis.

Lilium [Lil-t]

SIMPLE DILATATION OF AN IRRITABLE HEART; nervous palpitation; pains dull, pressing, heavy, as if the heart were forced to contract and to dilate alternately; feeling AS IF THE HEART CONTAINED TOO MUCH BLOOD, WHICH MIGHT BE RELIEVED BY THROWING IT UP; conscious pulsations over whole body and sensation in hands and arms as if blood would burst through its vessels; fluttering, faint feeling about apex, with cold hands and feet, covered with cold sweat, (<) on talking; frequent sensation as if the heart stopped, followed by rush of blood to heart, violent palpitations, and sharp pain going from left nipple through chest to back (>) BY LYING ON LEFT SIDE AND IN OPEN AIR.

Lithium-carb [Lith-c]

Hypertrophy from valvular deficiencies, especially of the aortic valves, in persons of a gouty diathesis; rheumatic soreness about heart; mental agitation causes fluttering of heart, (<) by bending forward; shocks and jerks about heart, (>) by urinating; finger- joints tender and painful; paralytic stiffness in all limbs and whole body.

Lobelia-infl [Lob]

SENSATION AS IF HEART WOULD STAND STILL, a pain deep in, above heart; dyspnoea and suffocation from every rapid movement, with vertigo, threatening loss of consciousness and confusion of head.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

DILATED HEART, palpitation nearly every evening in bed, with great fulness in stomach and abdomen, from flatulence; pulsating tearing in cardiac region, pulse unaltered, accelerated only after eating or in the late afternoon; sensation as if circulation stood still or ebullition of blood; gurgling or wind in upper abdomen under apex.

Lycopus [Lycps]

MORBUS BASEDOWII. – Hypertrophy of heart causing pulmonary bleeding or at least cough with spitting of blood; constricting pain and tenderness about heart; first sound replaced by a blowing sound at the apex, from mitral regurgitation; cardiac distress most marked at apex; on awaking or after slight exertion; intermission in the beat of heart; beats of heart more

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.