Heart diseases of

Causticum [Caust]

Chronic heart disease in young girls, occasioned by over lifting; sensation as if clothing were too tight around waist; stitches in sternum from deep breathing, singing or lifting; oppression at heart with lowness of spirits, cardiac anxiety and languor; backache during menses.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Palpitation and faintness; pain in heart as if something weighed it down; pulse small and uneven.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Valvular disease of heart; vertigo with confusion of head, (<) on closing eyes, as if everything were turning in a circle; fainting; sparks before eyes; violent stitches in cardiac region; cold extremities; great debility and lethargy; rigors followed by heat and sorrowful, anxious mood. Stenocardia.

China [Chin]

Nervous palpitations; melancholic feeling about heart with desire to take a deep breath; palpitation, with rush of blood to face, with cold hands; pulse frequent, small, (>) after meals.

Chininum-ars [Chin-ar]

Trembling of heart, with rumbling noise, unable to distinguish pulsations; sensation as if heart had stopped; beat of heart and pulse irregular and very frequent.

Chloralum [Chlol]

CARDIAC NEUROSIS WITH GREAT DYSPNOEA, a sense of suffocation, oppression at the base of chest in front; tendency to faint; intolerable sinking at stomach, livid lips, cold extremities; diminished force and increased frequency of heart’s beat. Dilatation of a weakened heart, with violent palpitation and dyspnoea, and peculiar feeling of tightness in chest.

Cicuta-vir [Cic]

Trembling palpitation of heart, feels as if heart stopped beating, sometimes faint feeling with it; twitching of extremities; feels more tired at noon than in evening.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

CHOREA CORDIS. Myalgia cordis. Rheumatic endo- and pericarditis. Excessive impulse of heart over an extensive portion of left ventricle, with dulness on percussion; heart’s action ceases suddenly with impending suffocation; pains from cardiac region all over chest and down left arm; palpitations; unconsciousness, cerebral congestion; dyspnoea, livid face, cold sweat on hands, numbness of body; pulse weak, irregular, trembling; tumultuous, irregular, unexpected and choreic motions of heart.

Clematis [Clem]

Distinctly perceptible pulsations in whole body, especially about heart, sharp stitches in cardiac region, from within outward vibratory sensation through whole body after lying down.

Coca [Coca]

Violent palpitations from incarcerated flatus; angina pectoris and spasms in chest from overfatigue while climbing mountains; exhaustion of heart with irregular action, pulse intermits every fifth beat, weak and small.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Tremulous palpitation from quick motion and mental excitement, with dizziness and great tendency to fall and to faint; irregular murmuring action of heart. Occasional endocarditic attack after Aconite When there remain great fearfulness and anguish about heart, face of leaden hue.

Coccus-cacti [Coc-c]

Severe pressive pain in praecordial region, with palpitation at night; tumultuous action of heart while lying down after dinner.

Coffea [Coff]

IS FOR THE NERVES OF HEART WHAT CACTUS IS FOR THE MUSCLE; nervous palpitations with frequent urination; strong, quick beating of heart, with extreme nervousness, sleeplessness and cerebral erethism after excessive exultation, joy, surprise; pulse more frequent but less vigorous, even small, weak or intermitting; syncope from feebleness of heart; passive dilatation and a fatty degeneration of heart, especially in alcoholic insomnia.

Colchicum [Colch]

HEART DISEASE FOLLOWING ACUTE RHEUMATISM; HYDROPERICARDIUM. Violent cutting and stinging pains in chest, with great oppression and dyspnoea and sensation as if chest were squeezed by a tight bandage; fulness and oppression as from stagnation of blood in the heart, (<) at night, while lying of left side. Pericardial effusion, with sympathetic irritation of endocardium; on assuming upright posture vertigo, palpitation, stitches about heart, even loss of consciousness; heart’s action weak, muffled and weak, pulse threadlike, imperceptible; skin hard and dry.

Collinsonia [Coll]

Cardiac hyperaesthesia, heart’s action persistently rapid but weak, in patients subject to piles, dyspepsia and constipation, (<) from slightest motion or excitement; periodical spells of faintness and oppression, with difficulty of breathing. After heart is relieved, piles or menses return. Valvular disease, following a severe and prolonged attack of acute rheumatism.

Conium [Con]

WEAK HEART OF THE AGED, pulse one moment full and regular and the next soft, weak and irregular; sudden jerks and shocks about heart; intermission in beats of heart; palpitation after stool, when rising from bed.

Convallaria [Conv]

(Provings wanted). – Acute endocarditis, with intense nervous erethism and dyspnoea, out of proportion to the severity of the disease (E. M. Hale); intermittent pulse.

Crot.-hor [Crot-h]

Palpitation of debility, obesity or fatty heart; nervous palpitations in hysterical people; heartbeat feeble or imperceptible; PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA; haemorrhagic diathesis.

Cuprum-ars [Cupr-ar]

CARDIAC CHOREA (Cimicif.); irregular rhythm of the heart’s action, beats irregular and feeble and then again violent and irregular (Conium); paroxysmal attacks, and during intervals the heart may beat normal again.

Cuprum-met [Cupr]

CARDIAC ASTHENIA, slow pulse, often the sign of feeble muscular action of the heart; fainting fits, probably from stoppage of the action of heart; dyspnoea greatly increased by any exertion; marked irregularity of heart’s action. When quiet hardly any discomfort. Dilatation and fatty degeneration.

Digitalis [Dig]

SUBACUTE INFLAMMATION OF THE HEART, with spasmodic, but incomplete contractions and feeble, irregular pulse; vertigo, delirium, abnormal vision, vomiting, rapidly increasing dyspnoea, spasmodic cough with expectoration, mixed with blood, livid, turgescent face, cannot lie down or be moved without anguish from dyspnoea. ORGANIC DISEASES OF THE HEART, SENSATION AS IF THE HEART WOULD STOP BEATING IF SHE MOVED; heart’s action accelerated by the least motion, feels better when perfectly quiet; excessive uneasiness in cardiac region and feeling of goneness or sinking at the epigastrium; single violent, slow heartbeats, with sudden violent heat in occiput and transient unconsciousness, the whole lasting only a minute; patient irritable, taciturn, fails to remember, full of gloomy forebodings, so characteristic of heart trouble; breathing deep, sighing, slower than normal;suffocative spells with painful constriction of chest as if internal parts of chest were grown together, passive congestion of lungs with cyanosis, must sometimes sit up in order to get breath. PERICARDITIS, pericardial effusion with consequent dropsy; very feeble, irregular action of heart with small, feeble and intermittent pulse; great prostration, fainting on least exertion or movement, even lifting the arms, with palpitations, coldness of limbs and body and dreadful weak feeling in pit of stomach, with or without convulsions or fainting; skin cold and clammy, has a doughy appearance; hydropericardium, hydrothorax, ascites, infiltration of the tissues of scrotum and penis, anasarca. Digitalis regulates the contractions of the heart and increase intravascular pressure.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

Heart feels as if in too small a place, as if something were pressing against it; pain, soreness and heaviness behind sternum and in cardiac region, (<) by least motion or by turning the body either to the right or left; palpitation.

Ferrum-met [Ferr]

ANAEMIA MASKED BEHIND PLETHORA and congestion, pale color of mucous membranes, with nun’s murmur; drawing constrictive pain in cardiac region; palpitation with fear, has to move about, can neither sit nor stand; bellow’s sound heart an anaemic murmurs of the arteries and veins; muscles feeble and easily exhausted from slight exertion, oedema of body; anxiety in chest, heat rising from pit of stomach upward, after bodily exercise, (>) walking slowly about; bad sleep before midnight, can lie only on back at night; erethistic chlorosis, (<) during cold weather.

Ferrum-iod [Ferr-i]

Blood vessels throb all over, even when quiet and heartbeat so violent that it awakens her from sleep; running upstairs causes violent beating of heart and pain on top of head; nervous, trembling feeling across epigastrium.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

Palpitation from congestion with full, quick pulse; hyperaemia from relaxation of muscular fibres of blood vessels; haemoptoe.

Gelsemium [Gels]

CARDIAC NEUROSIS with deficient power and action, on going to sleep is suddenly aroused with the feeling that THE HEART WOULD STOP BEATING IF HE DID NOT MOVE ABOUT, in order to stimulate the heart to act; irregular beating of heart; heart disease with tremor of the whole body and desire to be held still; heart’s action slow and feeble, beats cannot be felt, pulse frequent, soft, weak, almost imperceptible, or slow and full, momentarily relieved by alcoholic stimulants, (<) when lying down in bed, especially on left side; peculiar sensation in heart, as though it attempted its beat, which it failed fully accomplish, pulse intermitting each time; NERVOUS CHILL, YET SKIN IS WARM, WANTS TO BE HELD THAT SHE MAY NOT SHAKE so.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.