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Heart diseases of

Homeopathy treatment for Heart diseases of from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Heart diseases of…

Abrotanum [Abrot]

Metastasis of gout or rheumatism to heart; endocarditis with piercing pains across chest, (<) in cardiac region; dyspnoea, profuse sweat; sinking as if dying, feeble pulse.

Aconite [Acon]

Palpitations of heart in young, growing persons and plethoric individuals; congestion to both heart and lungs, palpitation with anxiety, cardiac oppression and even syncope; palpitation (<) when walking; lancinating stitches prevent the patient from assuming the erect position or taking a deep inspiration; confused and nervous in a crowd, raises blood from least excitement without coughing; skin dry; fear of death. Attacks of intense pain (hypertrophy of heart) extend from heart down left arm, with numbness and tingling of fingers and fear and anxiety that he will drop dead in the street; valvular insufficiency of the aorta, with strong and abrupt pulse, pulsation of the peripheric arteries and dilatation of the capillary system. Hyperaemia preceding endocarditis, of rheumatic origin, with considerable thirst, dry, hot skin and full and rapid pulse.

Adonis-vernalis [Adon]

(No provings on hand). It is recommended by Dr. Hale in endocarditis with valvular obstruction, and in cardiac affections following Bright’s disease, when there are diminished action of the heart, pulse irregular and intermitting, passive venous stasis, oedema of legs and ascites.

AEsculus-hip [Aesc]

Palpitations, heart’s action full and heavy; darting pains, can feel the pulsations all over the body; dull aching burning in cardiac region, pulse quick, soft and weak; lameness and weariness in back; faintness at stomach; functional disturbances of heart from haemorrhoidal complaints.

Agaricus [Agar]

Sticking pain in apex of heart; stitches in cardiac region, through to the shoulder-blade, (<) from cough; sense of oppression in cardiac region as if the cavity of the thorax were narrowed; at night transient painful shocks at the heart, with anxiety; patient hears the heart throb, and it lifts the hand lying on the chest, (<) evenings, with redness of face, with anxiety breaking out in a sweat; trembling in pit of stomach; dull headache and vertigo; paretic feeling in left arm and hand; palpitation of heart in OLD PEOPLE, DUE TO SPINAL IRRITATION OR BRAIN DISEASE; weariness of limbs.

Ailanthus [Ail]

Organic diseases of heart WITH LIVID COMPLEXION; dull pain and a sense of contraction at the base of the heart and in the centre of left lung; swelling of left arm; formication in arms and fingers on waking; weakness and irregularity of the pulse.

Ambra [Ambr]

Palpitation of heart while walking in the fresh air, with paleness of face; violent palpitations, with pressing in chest as if a lump lay there; aching pain in cardiac region; he perceives the pulse in the body, it feels like the tick of a watch; anxiety about the heart, with obstruction of the breath and flying heat of the skin.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

Dilatation of heart; dyspnoea when ascending, (<) in warm room; cough accompanied by bloody sputa; crushing weight upon the sternum; palpitation with dyspnoea and retraction of the epigastrium; cyanosis, heart symptoms secondary to bronchial emphysema; ebullitions at night, seems as if heart and veins

would burst; when in warm room pale, cannot move, must sit quiet to breathe, on going to sleep starts in affright, cannot breathe; veins of hands swell and turn blue while washing (epistaxis while washing in the morning); debility and soreness of the whole body. Audible palpitations, with attacks of great anxiety, as if dying, cold sweat, involuntary flow of tears, unable to speak, loud, difficult breathing and trembling of hands; tendency to somnolence.

Amyl-nitrite [Aml-n]

Praecordial anxiety; cardiac oppression and tumultuous heart- action; flushing of face; feeling of constriction in the throat extending to chest; marked beating of heart and carotids; cardiac oppression and tumultuous action of heart; pain and constriction around heart; increased frequency of cardiac pulse; rapid circulation and dilatation of arteries, pulse quick and weak; sharp pain in cardiac region, (<) by belching (>) Argentum nit.); fluttering of heart from slightest excitement. Aortic insufficiency with excessive hypertrophy of heart and several frontal headache; tremulousness of hands and stiffness and slight numbness of fingers; cold feet, sometimes cold hands.

Anacardium [Anac]

Palpitation of heart, especially in aged persons, when it complicates such slight ailments as a coryza, often associated with defective memory. Rheumatic pericarditis characterized by sharp short stitches, one stitch quickly following another, and then an interval of rest, (<) at night; during inspiration; oppression of chest with weeping, which relieves it, pulse felt over the whole body after some slight exertion.

Angustura [Ang]

Violent palpitation in evening when lying on left side in bed, (>) when sitting up; (<) when bent over, with painful sensation as if heart were constricted; sudden attack as if heart were swollen, with great fear of dying, (>) when LYING ON LEFT SIDE, IN DYSPEPTIC PATIENTS.

Antimonium-ars [Ant-ar]

Needs proving. Chronic endocarditis and endarteritis.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Dilatation of heart, so warm about the heat that she lets the arms sink down, with great general weakness; dilatation from rheumatism with feeling as if the heart were strained; velvety feeling in chest, orthopnoea, cyanosis, oppression about heart and small, unequal pulsations.

Apis mell [Apis]

Cardiac inflammation and dropsy; sudden lancinating, darting or stinging pains just below the heart, soon extending diagonally towards the right chest; great FEELING OF SUFFOCATION, IT SEEMS HE WOULD SMOTHER FOR WANT OF AIR; oedema or sudden mucous swelling, dyspnoea, fidgety restlessness and anxiety; blowing sound with the diastole; chest feels as if beaten or bruised; every contraction of heart shakes the whole body; restless, but relief in no position; distress in paroxysms lasting half an hour or more, generally taking place in the morning; great prostration. Pericarditis and hydropericardium. Insufficiency of mitral valves; eccentric hypertrophy of heart; PULSE NOT STEADY, IRREGULAR, INTERMITTING EVERY THIRD OR FOURTH BEAT; anaemic aspect; absence of thirst and scanty urination; HEART FAILURE AS IN DIPHTHERIA, interrupted and feeble breathing, pale face, utter prostration, during which he lies stretched out; filiform pulse.

Apocynum-can [Apoc]

Hydropericardium, heart’s action scarcely perceptible; face bloated and anxious-looking; can hardly speak for the want of breath; great dyspnoea, wheezing breathing cough; pulse slow, small, irregular; general dropsy; urine scanty.

Argentum-met [Arg-m]

NEURALGIA CORDIS; sensation as if the heart were suddenly standing still, followed by trembling of heart, gradually passing into an irregular violent throbbing, passing away in a few minutes; frequent spasmodic though painless twitchings of the whole cardiac muscle, especially on lying on the back; pulse intermitting and very irregular.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Constant anxious feeling in cardiac region; anxiety, with palpitation and throbbing through the whole body, especially head and abdomen; WHEN SITTING QUIETLY HE THINKS HIS HEART STOPS BEATING; violent palpitations from slightest mental emotion or sudden muscular exertion, (<) in horizontal position, in bed, while riding in a carriage, (>) while walking fast; heart’s action irregular, intermittent, with an unpleasant sensation of fulness, (<) when noticing it, (>) when moving about; chest hurts when lying on it.

Arnica [Arn]

STRAIN OF THE HEART, producing uncomplicated cardiac hypertrophy, with swelling of hands from any exertion, hands turn red when hanging down; pulse full and strong; heart feels as if tightly grasped by hand, whole chest feels sore and bruised and cannot bear the clothing to touch it; COR ADIPOSUM, FAT IMBEDDED AROUND THE HEART and between the muscular fibres; sudden pain as if the heart got a shock.

Arsenicum [Ars]

CARDIAC CACHEXIA. Irritable heart, trembling, irregular action of the heart, intermitting; palpitations with anguish, (<) after stool, from going up-stairs; heartbeat too strong, visible to the person standing by and audible to the patient himself, (<) at night and when lying on back. Endocarditis and pericarditis with restlessness, agony and tingling of fingers of left hand, after suppressed measles or scarlatina; palpitation of suppressed herpes or foot-sweat. Valvular disease with intermittent pulse, dyspnoea, anasarca, (<) towards evening and at night, on going up- stairs, after deep inspirations or getting angry. General oedema, beginning with puffiness in eyes and swelling of feet. Hydrothorax and hydropericardium, with spells of suffocation, (<) after midnight and when lying down, skin cool and clammy with internal burning heat; urine albuminous with waxy casts; exhausting diarrhoea; burning thirst, with intolerance of water, pulse sometimes suppressed, with strong beat of the heart.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.