Heart diseases of

Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i]

Chronic weakness of the heart-muscle, whether the result of valvular disease or not; irregular fluttering of heart with tendency to faint; difficulty of breathing when ascending; praecordial anguish, dry cough, great pain in cardiac region going through to back.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

IRRITABLE HEART. Increased action on slightest excitement; beating of heart, with faintness, rush of blood to head, flushing of face, anxiety and slow breathing; at times heart feels bound together tightly, as if it could not beat; nervous palpitations, with small pulse from overexertion or suppressed discharge (in women); pulse small, rapid irregular.

Asclepias-tub [Asc-t]

Rheumatic pericarditis; slight dyspnoea aside form painful respiration; pain like a pricking of a needle in cardiac region; indescribable uneasiness in shoulder and arm; (<) inspiration, movements of arms, stooping forward or lying on left side.

Asparagus [Aspar]

CARDIAC AFFECTIONS OF THE AGED, with weak pulse and pain about left acromion, heart’s stroke twofold, irregular, quickened; disinclination to any work and languor, Hydrothorax with heart disease or gouty diathesis of old people.

Aurum-met [Aur]

PURE CARDIAC HYPERTROPHY without dilatation, with increased force of heart-stroke and hyperaemia of lungs, (<) from any exertion, as walking up hill, and feeling of a crushing weight under sternum and as if blood would burst through chest, if he does not cease walking; tearing in head, teeth and ears, (<) left side, anxious expression of face; uneasiness and hurried desire for mental and bodily activity; constantly in motion and feels sorry for his inactivity; great anguish, with suicidal tendency and spasmodic contraction of abdomen. Endocarditis with loud endocardial bruits of fluttering action of heart, or sudden jerks through the heart, pulse rapid, compressible and intermittent. In old people attacks of oppression of heart at night with palpitation and great debility. FATTY HEART (Arnica), the fat being imbedded around the heart and between the muscular fibres, but without destroying their structure (ARS. and PHOS., FATTY DEGENERATION OF THE HEART, WITH DESTRUCTION OF THE MUSCULAR FIBRES). Atheroma of the heart and blood vessels with its consequences.

Aurum-mur [Aur-m]

Endocarditis with violent, irregular palpitations and great oppression; peculiar sensation of heaviness and rigidity of heart, with sudden arrest of breathing; stitches directly above the heart; cardiac affections accompanying caries of bones; violent heart-stroke not synchronous with the pulse.

Badiaga [Bad]

Tremulous, vibrating palpitations upon slightest emotion of the mind; lying on right side heart is heard and felt to pulsate from chest to neck; (>) from change of position; CARDIAC DEBILITY.

Baptisia [Bapt]

Brain-fag; nervous exhaustion; palpitations with congestion to head; slow and faint pulse; restless, weary, feels as if lying on a board (Arnica); changes position; generally weak feeling.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

Heart affections of the aged, the weakly and scrofulous, palpitations when lying on left side, renewed when thinking on it, which makes him anxious; dull stitches under sternum, deep in chest, followed by a bruised pain in that spot; feeling of constriction in throat; SUDDEN ATTACK OF ANXIETY IN BED; palpitation of chlorotic and hysteric girls; pulse generally accelerated but weak.

Belladonna [Bell]

Congestion of blood to various parts, violent palpitations, reverberating to the head; pressure in cardiac region, which arrests breathing and causes anxiety.

Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]

GOUT OR RHEUMATISM AFFECTING THE HEART and modular swellings in the joints; pains change place incessantly, but are more constant about heart; awakens after midnight with violent palpitation of heart and temporal arteries at times tearing rheumatic pains in extremities relieve the heart; palpitation and trembling while sitting, (<) after drinking, at night; undulating or intermitting beats of heart; dysuria senilis; urine dark and of an offensive odor.

Bismuth [Bism]

ENDOCARDITIS AND GASTRITIS, violent beating of heart and crampy pains in stomach alternating with pressure in stomach and spine, (>) bending backward; pulse spasmodic, small, intermittent.

Bromium [Brom]

OSSIFICATION OF VALVES, unbearable, violent cutting, left side, under last ribs, from below upward; CANNOT LIE ON RIGHT SIDE. Cardiac asthma from MUSCULAR ENLARGEMENT WITHOUT VALVULAR AFFECTIONS, cannot exert himself on account of oppression about the heart; palpitations on motion, pulse full, hard and rather slow, (>) on sea, especially in young growing persons; violent cardiac pains and palpitations, with headache deep in the brain, under crown of head; lameness of the left arm.

Bryonia [Bry]

Pericarditis and pericardial effusion with strong pulse, stitching pains in cardiac region, preventing motion and even breathing, wants to lie perfectly quiet; PERSISTENT FRICTION SOUND; oppression of chest with sense of suffocation; pulse weak and irregular when the heart-muscle becomes co-affected; heart beats violently and rapidly when rising up or going up-stairs; repercussion of measles.

Bufo [Bufo]

Sense of constriction about heart and chest, heart feels as if too large, as if drowned in a basin of water, (<) when walking fast; stitching about apex of heart.

Cactus-grand [Cact]

sanguineous congestion to chest. Endocarditis and pericarditis; sensation of constriction of heart, as if it were compressed or squeezed by a hand; constant pain in cardiac region, with sensation as if heart were bound down or had not room enough to beat, or as if bolts were holding it; painful sensation of constriction in lower part of chest, as if a cord were tightly bound around the false ribs, with obstruction to breathing; contractive pain in cardiac region, going down left abdomen and catches the breath, cold feeling in chest, at seat of pain; VIOLENT CONTRACTIONS OF HEART-MUSCLE, THROWING THE BLOOD WITH GREAT FORCE INTO THE AORTA, and determination of blood to head with intense headache, low spirited and weeping; pricking pains, impeding breathing and movements of body, cannot lie on left side, blue face, pulse quick, throbbing, tense and hard; heart pains come on slowly, gradually increase and then as gradually subside; IDIOPATHIC HYPERTROPHY OF HEART OF YOUNG PEOPLE. Chronic carditis, with oedematous and cyanotic face, suffocating respiration, continued dull pain in heart, dropsical effusion through body, unequal and intermittent pulse; cannot drink or speak, hands and feet cold. ENLARGEMENT OF LEFT VENTRICLE WITH GREAT IRREGULARITY OF HEART’S ACTION, intermittent at times and of varying character, great frequency of action alternating with slowness; enlarged right ventricle with increased praecordial dulness, endocardial murmurs and excessive impulse. Nervous palpitations from mental emotions, with fluttering sensation of hart like a bird’s wing, (<) at menses, easily frightened, often awakes in a fright; palpitation (<) at the beginning of movement, such as stooping, turning, but taking a walk does not bring it on. CACTUS MODERATES AND REGULATES THE ACTION OF THE HEART AND THUS ECONOMIZES IT.

Calcarea-ars [Calc-ar]

Dyspnoea from a feeble heart; pain in cardiac region and palpitation with burning and heat in chest and fear of suffocation, pale face and deep rings around eyes, palpitation and headache increase and decrease together.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

ANXIOUS DREAD OF HEART DISEASE. Nervous palpitations with anxious restlessness, especially at night and after meals; when falling asleep, at night; on awaking; after least exertion, after suppressed eruptions; inclination to draw a deep breath; unequal pulse with tremendous palpitation; ANEURISM OF AORTA.

Camphora [Camph]

Diminished flow of blood to those parts remote from heart; great anxiety in praecordial region, with sensation of coldness and irresistible sleepiness; feels and hears throbbing of heart after eating, pulse weak and scarcely perceptible.

Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]

SENSATION AS IF DROPS OF WATER WERE FALLING FROM THE HEART; pressing pain and anguish at the heart, with dyspnoea the whole night; stitches in heart, with great oppression, (>) by deep breathing; painful sticking, as with the prongs of a fork, in the heart; palpitations awaken him from sleep.

Capsicum [Caps]

FATTY DEGENERATION OF HEART AND ATHEROMA IN FAT PEOPLE; clucking, rapid pulsations in some of larger arteries; pectoral anxiety; great desire to lie down and sleep; vital forces below par.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Carditis, visible palpitations, internal heat, especially when sitting; anguish and great thirst; pulse very irregular, intermittent, frequent; excessive palpitations for days, after eating, when sitting. ANEURISMS, blue varicosities, fine capillary network having a marbled appearance. Praecordial anguish as if he would die. Impending paralysis of heart, complete loss of vitality, cyanosis, blood stagnates in capillaries, cold face and limbs, cold sweat, filiform pulse.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.