Fever Typhoid

Ranunculus-scel [Ran-s]

Mapped tongue; denuded patches on tongue, with severe burning and rawness, the remainder of the organ being coated; indolence and dulness of head; frequent soft or watery foetid stools; restless sleep and tossing about.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

Whenever an acute disease takes on a typhoid form. MILD TEMPERAMENT. Excitement and overactivity in the functions of vegetative life, and simultaneous depression in functions of animal life; desire for frequent and constant movement, giving temporary relief; prostration with sensation as if bruised, and constant desire to sit or lie down; dull feeling of head, with cerebral pains, (>) by nosebleed; dry, burning heat, excessive headache, with tension and rigidity of nape of necks, (<) evenings and upon motion; wandering pains in nape of neck and kidneys, with weariness and languor of limbs as the most themselves, when tongue is coated with fur and there is diarrhoea with borborygmi; chills, vertigo, with closing of eyelids, altered color of face, dryness of throat, vomiting of food, yawning; hard, dull and heavy pressure upon eyes, painful sensitiveness to light and noise; somnolence; loss of memory; tendency to mild delirium; lower lip and tongue blackish. During second and third stage sopor and prostration prevail, with extreme weariness, preventing the least motion; slow and difficult mental operation, answers correctly, but slow, sometimes hasty; talks much to himself incoherently; epistaxis, especially after midnight; lips dry and covered with brown crusts; sensation of dryness on tongue, as if covered with a skin, when not dry; dry tongue, red all over, at any rate dry red triangle on tip, with desire for drink; repugnance to all food; distension of abdomen, with severe pinching; very offensive flatus; bowels loose, worse at night, and involuntary during sleep; nocturnal diarrhoea, with severe colic which disappears after stool, with headache and pain in all limbs; severe cough, with tough bloody expectoration; bronchitis; pneumonic infiltration of lower lobes of lungs; severe rheumatic pains in limbs, worse when at rest; restlessness; disturbed, anxious sleep with frightful dreams, frequent waking, or comatose slumbering, with snoring, murmuring, picking at bedclothes; dry heat or sweat, during which patient desires to be covered; brain seriously affected, with automatic muscular movements in hands and feet; roseola; miliary eruption; great exhaustion; disposition sad, depressed, without courage, despairing, but never violent. CASES ADAPTED TO RHUS NEVER RUN A SPEEDY COURSE, AND A CRISIS CAN ONLY BE EXPECTED DURING THE THIRD WEEK; the medicine ought to be steadily adhered to without change, except when imperatively commanded.

Selenium [Sel]

Sequelae of typhoid; when patient begins begins t walk about there is debility of spine with fear of becoming paralyzed; mental exhaustion; loss of sleep tells on him; profound melancholy; (>) palliatively from stimulants which he craves.

Silicea [Sil]

Sometimes in worst cases, with excessive debility, profuse perspiration, and a strong desire to be magnetized, which relieves the weakness; poison to the surface and securing a gradual recovery.

Stramonium [Stram]

Loss of consciousness, imbecility, stupefaction; patient lies with his knees drawn up and hands folded; DELIRIUM ALTERNATING WITH TETANIC CONVULSIONS; crazy fit, he tries to bite, scratch, uses lewd language; desires to escape from bed, takes no notice of surrounding objects, everything appears changed and he revels in his own fancies; constant desire for light and company, as fear prevails in his delirium; painless paralysis and trembling of body; comatose sleep with loose rattling respiration and dark, hot face; pulse small, rapid, irregular, intermittent, with quiet respiration or slow and weak; head dull and stupid, eyes staring and sparkling, pupils dilated, or half closed and languid; mouth and tongue raw, dry and sore, with partial or complete paralysis of tongue; patient drinks seldom, but much at a time; constipation or blackish diarrhoea every hour, smelling like carrion; urine suppressed or copious involuntary discharge.

Sulphur [Sulph]

CONTINUOUS REMITTENT FEVER, after failure of well-indicated remedies, patient is drowsy with the fever, in fact burning up with the fever, responds sluggishly and slowly to questions; face pale and sickly; eyes dim, sunken, with bluish circles; lips dry and cracked; mouth dry or coated with thick brownish mucus; tongue dry, with offensive smell, especially mornings; stomach and abdomen tender, rumbling and gurgling in bowels, with offensive flatus; diarrhoea, with constantly changing stools, patient falling asleep after stool from the exhaustion, (<) early in the morning; scanty, offensive, dark-red urine; dry, husky skin, not perspiring, with itching eruption; feet very hot; indolence of body and mind, all senses dull; pulse small, weak and quick; catarrhal pneumonia during commencement of infiltration. During convalescence chest feels empty and weak, it tires him to talk, weakness in stomach at noon, must eat something at that time; stooping appearance.

Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]

SEPTIC TYPHOID, with great disposition to haemorrhage from the capillaries, and rapid sinking of vital forces; an oozing of dark thin blood; face deathly pale, as if the white of egg had dried on it; talking difficult, as from want of elasticity of the parts; loss of appetite, desire for fresh fruit and brandy; sensation of tremor all over, trembling; pulse feeble and quick; tendency to gangrene.

Taraxacum [Tarax]

During rest intolerable tearing pains only in lower extremities; constant muttering delirium; excessive restlessness; violent tearing pain in occiput; great chilliness after eating or drinking; map tongue.

Tartarus-emet [Ant-t]

ADYNAMIA OF LUNGS, OEdema pulmonum, with great rattling in chest, and dyspnoea; profuse sweat all over, especially on affected parts; heaviness of head; tongue red in streaks, or covered with thick, white, pasty coating; great prostration and sluggishness of body; sleepiness.

Terebinthina [Ter]

Towards end of second week bright-red tongue, smooth and glossy, as if deprived of its papillae; vertigo, fulness and flushiness of face; EXTREME TYMPANITIS; pain in iliac region and all over abdomen upon pressure; burning in kidneys and ureters; burning during micturition; albuminous urine; THICK SCANTY URINE, WITH MUCUS AND DISINTEGRATED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES; foetid urine and stools; diarrhoea, with blood intermixed; small, wiry pulse; haemorrhage from nose and anus; bloody expectoration; profuse serous effusion in pleural and abdominal cavity; great prostration and emaciation.

Veratrum-alb [Verat]

TORPOR OF VEGETATIVE SYSTEM, WITH COMPARATIVELY SLIGHT AFFECTION OF THE SYSTEM OF ANIMAL LIFE. The disease sets in with vomiting and purging, cold sweat and coldness of limbs; pulse scarcely perceptible; abdomen very painful, as if contracted, unconscious urination; petechiae on extremities, presenting on icy coldness to the touch; coma vigil, with frequent starts as if from fright; hippocratic face; excessive prostration.

Zincum-met [Zinc]

THREATENED CEREBRAL PARALYSIS; convulsions, with trembling of the hands, cold extremities; loss of consciousness; sinking down in bed; depression of lower jaw; pale waxy complexion; decubitus on sacrum and trochanter; frequent involuntary discharges from bowels; frequent, small, intermitting, scarcely perceptible pulse.

Zingiber [Zing]

During convalescence complete cessation of the functions of the kidneys, no urine voided, nor a drop in the bladder.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.