Fever Typhoid

Mercurius-sol [Merc]

During first stage in persons of lymphatic nervous temperament or in the second period during predominance of hepatic affections; pale, yellowish, discolored face; putrid, insipid taste; tongue loaded with thick yellow coating; little thirst; painful sensitiveness of epigastric and hepatic region; especially when stools are copious, liquid, flocculent, bloody; frequent desire to urinate; agitation, anxiety, sleeplessness; headache, but hardly ever delirium; clammy, foetid sweat; icterus; bronchial irritation; parotitis.

Mercurius-dulc [Merc-d]

(Calomel)–Ill-defined gastric disturbance during second stage; painful sensitiveness of abdomen; watery, colorless stools, as if fixed with flocculent masses, or like the washing of flesh, occurring most often at night; tongue moist, and it must be suspended when tongue becomes dry and delirium sets in.

Mercurius-cyan [Merc-cy]

Ulceration of Peyer’s patches and of the solitary GLANDS WITH EXTREME PROSTRATION OF VITAL FORCES; secondary diphtheria (laryngo-typhoid of Professor Rokitansky) in the course of typhoid fever; eyes sunken, pupils greatly dilated; face pale and wan; ulcers on tongue and cheeks, salivary glands swollen; burning thirst; hiccough; severe pains over whole abdomen (perforation and peritonitis); haemorrhage or foetid liquid discharges per anum; suppression of urinary secretion; pulse weak and sinking; frequent fainting, especially after a stool; icy coldness of skin; clammy cold perspiration; sleeplessness,

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

FIRST AND SECOND STAGE; continued delirium, keeping the patient from rest and sleep, he is constantly occupied with changing pictures of the past and present, and thus forgets everything around him. Activity of senses increased, the eyes shrink from light, the ear is sensitive to noise, smell and taste every acute, the eye full of lustre, pupils contracted; circumscribed redness of cheeks; nose, lips and tongue dry, the latter only slightly coated or not at all; very light affection of the intestinal canal; infrequent typhoid stools, or none at all; urine clear, with acrid reaction; can hardly pass flatus without urinating at the same time; beat of heart and pulse very frequent, irritable without energy; respiration accelerated; skin mostly dry, with increased temperature; great need of sleep and still cannot sleep; muscular power not much diminished; slight debility and malaise (after Bryonia). THIRD STAGE OR FEBRIS STUPIDA, excessive prostration from muscular paresis; headache as if the brain were bruised; constant sliding down in bed, with groaning and moaning during sleep; muttering and unconsciousness whilst awake; putridity; aphthae putrid, small, bluish, deep; dryness of mouth and tongue heavy, paralyzed, patient cannot move it and will, even when conscious; pulse intermits every third beat; profuse discharge of watery, dark offensive diarrhoea; involuntary micturition and defaecation; turning up the whites of eyes; depression of lower jaw, paralyzed tongue and anus; bleeding from anus; cannot bear the thought or sight of meat, it is so distasteful.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

ADVANCED STAGE WITH PREDOMINANCE OF ABDOMINAL AFFECTIONS; ULCERATIVE STAGE with great exhaustion; stools green, slimy, offensive, purulent or bright-red haemorrhage from bowels with fainting on the slightest motion; tongue white and studded with vesicles or brownish and dry, foetid urine; burning pungent skin; marked tenderness of abdomen; especially in ileo-caecal region, gurgling on pressure with constant blood-streaked diarrhoeic stools; stupidity, muttering delirium, wants to get out of bed; threatening paralysis of lungs with loud rattling of mucus in lungs; intermitting every third beat; extreme prostration and exhaustion.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]

Bluish spots on skin; general restlessness in muscles with vertigo; after slightest exertion, weakness, with inclination to lie down, dreamy state, with drowsiness and falling of eyelids; profound coma, lying silent immovable, delirium and stupidity; frantic drunkenness; dryness of mouth, tongue and throat, with thirstlessness; fulness of stomach and loss of appetite; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; putrid or colliquative diarrhoea; urine scanty, high-colored and clear.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

EARLY STAGE; chilliness from slightest motion; hard, full and frequent pulse; pains and debility in all limbs, (>) by lying down; nervous, excited sleep with much dreaming; prevalence of gastric symptoms with bitter and pasty mouth, yellowish tongue, nausea, greenish vomiting; bilious diarrhoea or constipation. Later on sudden sinking of vital powers with a kind of paralytic loss of strength; dull headache with dizziness as if the brain were whirling in a circle, with momentary loss of consciousness (<) from lying on back; putrid breath; tongue blackish and cracked, with deep-red edges; thirst at night, with aversion to water; epigastrium distended and sensitive, with putrid, watery; excoriating diarrhoea or burning in abdomen, with desire to stool without being able to accomplish anything; intolerance of impression on external senses, all of which seem much exaggerated, he moans, groans, becomes vehement, even unto rage; (>) FROM AN UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP.

Opium [Op]

Complete stupor from which the patient cannot be roused, or only with the greatest difficulty, and then falls back into unconsciousness, or gradually increasing wild delirium followed by gradually increasing coma, BODY BATHED IN A HOT SWEAT (bad omen), with inclination for being uncovered; pulse full and slow with snoring respiration, or quick and hard with heat and quick respiration; dropping of lower jaw; breathing loud and stertorous; face dark or brownish-red; great heaviness of occiput, so that head constantly falls backward; black, dry tongue, without thirst; paralysis of tongue; tympanitis; constipation or extremely offensive watery stools; involuntary diarrhoea; retention of urine or partial suppression of urine with somnolence. Opium may be given when the system fails to respond to the indicated remedy, and is then often followed by Lachesis

Phosphorus [Phos]

ADYNAMIC TYPE, sepsis; threatening paralysis of brain or lungs when about the middle of third week, pulmonary congestion or pneumonia supervenes. GREAT CEREBRO-SPINAL EXHAUSTION, face ashy, tongue covered with viscid, thready slime, difficult to expectorate, TRUNK HOT, HEAD RATHER COOL; breath hot; burning thirst, (>) by cold water; liver sore to touch and often enlarged; spleen the same; diarrhoea as soon as he takes stools flaky, dark, often bloody, with extreme weakness after stool; profuse sweat, which does not relieve; urine of strong ammoniacal odor, turbid, depositing a white sediment; tympanitic abdomen; involuntary stools, often of pure blood or bloody mucus, from the wide-open paralyzed anus; numerous roseola spots, ecchymoses and miliary eruption on trunk; coma vigil; delirium alternating with intervals of consciousness, and constant attempts to escape; sopor, dry lips, black tongue, open mouth; sleepy all day, at night restless, awakens often from heat and ebullitions; great weakness and emaciation, feels as if he were paralyzed, HAEMORRHAGIC TENDENCY; epistaxis, bleeding gums, haemorrhage from uterus or bowels, threatening abortion or miscarriage.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

May be USEFUL FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END OF DISEASE. Delirium is quiet, not violent, with muttering, unintelligible speech, patient lies in a stupid sleep from cerebral paresis, unconscious of what is going on, but when aroused he is fully conscious and then drops off into his former sleep; pointed nose; dark blue rings around eyes; nosebleed at an early stage of the fever, but it gives no relief, boring with finger in nose from irritation in Peyer’s patches; abdomen distended and bloated, with gurgling and rumbling in bowels; copious flatus with the watery, lienteric stools; dry tongue with a dark-red streak through centre, or pale and clammy, covered with slimy mucus; urine highly albuminous, milky, rapidly decomposing, loaded with earthy phosphates; petechia on dependent parts and sudamina with copious sweats, but still NEITHER SWEAT NOR DIARRHOEA PROSTRATES THE PATIENT; temperature of body never very high; enlargement of spleen. Gradual sinking of the vital power without any reaction on the part of the organism, hence indifference and apathy.

Psorinum [Psor]

Retarded convalescence from profuse perspiration; patient hopeless despairing of recovery; dry hair with loss of lustre; lips dry, brown, black; tongue dry on tip, feels as if scalded; slow digestion from great prostration; stitches in spleen and left chest; very weak and least exertion; (<) evening and before midnight; (>) while lying down.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Gastric and abdominal ailings usher in the disease, chills with neither appetite nor thirst; febrile heat mingled with chills, which come on as soon as the patient uncovers himself; HEAT OF ONE SIDE, WITH COLDNESS OF THE OTHER; sweat on one side of face or body; light sleep, with a feeling on waking as if he had not slept; restless, stupefying, dull sleep, with constant tossing about, full of phantasies and dreams; uncovering in bed on account of heat, especially in palms of hands, yet he shivers from uncovering; delirium at night, fear and desire to run away, with sopor; foul- smelling mucus covers mouth in the morning, with cracked lips and dark, slimy-coated tongue; rumbling in bowels with frequent discharges of only mucus, sometimes mixed with some blood; slimy diarrhoea of greenish mucus, especially at night, during sleep; brownish-red urine, with a brickdust sediment, also with burning.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.