Fever Typhoid

Bryonia [Bry]

In early stages confusion of mind and mild delirium, on closing eyes for sleep he sees persons who are not present, but rectifies his mistake when opening them; delirium at night of the business of the day; desire to get out of bed and go home; sensation in bed as if sinking down and in the morning dizziness, as if the head were whirling in a circle; SPLITTING HEADACHE AND SENSATION OF WEIGHT PRESSING ON VERTEX, (>) in rest and from external pressure; dryness of lips and tongue, with thirst, drinking much at a time but not often; accumulation of frothy, soaplike saliva in mouth and throat, sometimes nearly choking the patient; constant nausea; tongue coated more in middle; gastric affections; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen, especially inguinal region; CONSTIPATION (Baptisia has early diarrhoea); pulmonary congestion, with dry, irritative cough, stitching pains in chest; pressure as of a weight in middle of sternum, with anxious and difficult breathing. During second or third week stupor, frontal headache, face flushed, of a deep red color, (<) by motion, (>) by nosebleed, unusually towards morning; dryness of mucous membranes, but drinking causes nausea and vomiting, with sensation of heavy pressure in stomach, as if a stone were there; GREAT LASSITUDE AND WEAKNESS; WANTS TO BE QUIET; pains in all limbs when moving; tongue dry, rough, cracked, dark brown’ sighing, groaning, moaning, makes motions with his hands, it is too much exertion to talk; constipation or diarrhoea, sudden and almost involuntary discharges, very offensive, every three hours; involuntary defaecation and urination; peculiar sour smell of body, with or without sweat; heat intense and almost continuous; wants to sleep all the time; coma with anxious delirium, cold sweat on forehead, followed by weakness; suffocating snoring with the inspiration; somnolence during day, agitated at night; disposition subdued, but easily excited to anger.

Caladium [Calad]

Coma and unconsciousness; delirious, unintelligible, murmuring, extremely sensitive to noise, the slightest startles him from sleep; during coma lying with mouth half open; dryness and burning in throat, no sweet odor of sweat with prostration.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

At the very onset, in children or in persons inclined to grow fat, after great anxiety and worriment of mind; UTTER SLEEPLESSNESS FROM OVERACTIVITY OF MIND, where the same disagreeable idea always rouses the patient as often as he falls into a slight slumber; visions of faces and persons when eyes are closed, sees and plays with cats and dogs during delirium; constant tickling under middle of sternum, causing a hacking cough, (<) from talking or moving; during coughing painful shocks in head, the brain feeling hot and burning, but circulation deficient in extremities; RASH FAILS TO APPEAR. Or during second or third stage excessive diarrhoea with intestinal ulceration; palpitation, tremulous pulse; anxiety, sleeplessness and restlessness; redness of face, delirium; jerkings, especially in children; great weakness and exhaustion, chiefly in the morning. EASY RELAPSES, ONE DOES NOT CONTINUE TO CONVALESENCE. It brings out the miliary rash, the meteorism and sensitiveness of abdomen diminish, and with it the anxiety and agitation; stools less frequent and more consistent.

Camphora [Camph]

Sudden sinking spells; icy coldness all over, with deathlike paleness of face, cold and clammy sweat, yet covering in unbearable; rattling in throat; hot breath; sleeplessness alternating with coma; diminished circulation to parts more distant from the heart.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Our last resort in critical cases, inclining to dissolution. Extreme collapse, sopor, rattling, cold sweat; hippocratic face; small, filiform pulse; tongue moist, sticky, forepart cracked, heavy and scarcely movable; eyes dull and sunken, with no reaction of pupils to light; face and lips partially cyanosed; haemorrhages from mouth and nose; bloody foetid stools; abdomen distended, with copious escape of putrid flatus; heart’s action fails rapidly, congestion of lungs sets in with threatening pulmonary paralysis; BREATH COLD AND LOUD RATTLING BREATHING FROM THE START; bedsores and ecchymoses from decomposition of the blood; stupor, from which the patient can only be roused for a moment, with loss of vision and meaning; internal burning up with icy coldness of feet and legs up to knees. Such a collapse sets in sometimes early with perfect asthenia in typhoid fevers of drunkards, who complain of itching of skin day and night; they want to be fanned and must have windows open to inhale the fresh air.

Castoreum [Cast]

Want of nervous reaction unduly prolongs convalescence, spasmodic affections, twitching of muscles, extreme exhaustion; patient irritable, weak and exhausting sweat.

China [Chin]

TYPHO-MALARIAL FEVER; excessive prostration, with great mental and bodily weakness, so that the least exertion is hateful; heavy sweats during motion or in sleep, with excessive sinking of the vital forces; uneasiness and sleepiness; frightful fancies on closing the eyes to sleep; vertigo and heaviness of head, dimness of sight, dulness of hearing, pale face, dry mouth, yellow-coated, tongue, with slimy, bitter taste and great thirst; abdomen meteoristic and tender with pains in bowels, watery lienteric stools, scanty urine; bowels move in daytime only after nourishment, but at night frequent, dark; fluid diarrhoea; coldness, especially of hands and feet; breathing oppressed, especially in the evening; swelling and hardness of spleen; tardy convalescence in consequence of serious haemorrhages, exhausting diarrhoea and night-sweats, with progressive loss of flesh and strength; indifference and apathy.

Chininum-sulph [Chin-s]

INDIFFERENCE AND APATHY (the very reverse of Arsenicum) stupid expression; vacant stare, averse to answering questions; dim vision as from a veil before the eyes; buzzing in ears; face emaciated, stupid; tongue and mouth dry, bitter taste; abdomen distended, caecal region gurgling on pressure; involuntary diarrhoea and urination; rattling of phlegm through entire right side of chest; subsultus tendinum; debilitating sweats produce great prostration.

Chlorinum [Chlor]

Quiet delirium in alternation with the greatest restlessness and desire to run away; intoxicated feeling with sopor and great nervous irritation; dry mouth and diarrhoea; disposition to faint, cold sticky sweat; nose full of soot lips, tongue and teeth brown, black and sooty; dry tongue ashy face; diarrhoea with dryness of mouth after appearance of eruption; haemorrhage from bowels, blood black, coagulated or not, smelling like carrion; burning dry heat of skin with anxiety and raving; excessive prostration, subsultus tendinum; diarrhoea (<) morning.

Coca [Coca]

Debility during convalescence from low fevers with fainting fits, anguish (<) from failure to strive against this weakness, (<) with perfect rest; want of will-power, longing for liquors and tobacco; constipation from inactivity of rectum.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Great vertigo (<) sitting or when attempting to change from a reclining to a sitting position, with nausea, inclination to vomit, fainting; bewildered, heavy state of mind, does not speak plainly; patient lies quietly wrapped in thought, eyelids heavy, can hardly be lifted; abdomen tympanitic; CEREBRO-SPINAL OF TYPHOID.

Colchicum [Colch]

Cloudiness of intellect, but still answers questions correctly, does not consider his condition dangerous and feels nearly well; no anxiety of fear; pupils dilated and imperfectly sensitive to light; with every attempt to raise his head from pillow, it falls back again and the mouth opens wide, COLD SWEAT ON FOREHEAD; COLD BREATH; cadaverous face; features sharp and pointed, nose pinched, nostrils dry and black; tongue heavy and stiff, is protruded with difficulty, sometimes bluish; almost complete loss of speech and cold breath; nausea and vomiting with considerable retching, the thought or smell of food or even the mere mention of food makes the patient gag; sickness, nausea, horrible aversion to eat; restlessness and cramps in legs; TYMPANITIS WELL MARKED (China), ABDOMEN HOT WITH COLD EXTREMITIES; stools watery, frequent, involuntary, offensive, with fragments of whitish mucus, discharges mostly preceded by colic; urine involuntary and copious or suppressed; pulse small, quick, hardly perceptible; feet oedematous, respiration irregular or intermittent.

Crot.-hor [Crot-h]

OPPRESSION OF NERVOUS CENTRES; eyes congested; features heavy, dull, bloated, besotted (Baptisia); eruption dark purple, copious; during second week heart becomes markedly weak, systolic sound can hardly be made out; pulse soft, flagging, tremulous; great and distressing restlessness; twitching, jerking, tremulousness, sinking down towards foot of bed (Acid Muriaticum), deafness; HAEMORRHAGIC TENDENCY FROM ALL ORIFICES, epistaxis, foetid breath, gums bleeding and gangrenous; stools black, thin, like coffee-grounds, offensive or dark; fluid haemorrhage from bowels; sudden and great prostration of vital forces.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.