Fever Typhoid

Cuprum-met [Cupr]

(Cuprum arsen.)–Deep sopor with twitching and jerking of limbs, violent dull headache over glabella; lustreless sunken eyes, with blue rings; difficult hearing; expression of face sad, depressed; tongue red, dry, rough, papillae enlarged; white, yellow of brown coating; gurgling noise of drink passing down to stomach; pressure in stomach and abdomen as from a stone; involuntary, thin, watery, blood stools, profuse and squirting out; quick, rattling breathing; restless tossing about and great prostration; nosebleed and petechiae; debilitating, exhausting, internal heat; cold sweat at night. MENTAL ALIENATION DURING AND AFTER TYPHOID FEVER.

Digitalis [Dig]

Pulse rapid, or slow and irregular, or slow or very feeble, accelerated by motion, especially by rising up from bed; pupils dilated, tongue white, bluish, or clean; constant disgust, nausea and vomiting, faintness or sinking at stomach; swelling and fulness of hepatic region; diarrhoea of watery, ash-gray stools, or, although there is no diarrhoea, strength and flesh waste away very rapidly; sleep uneasy and unrefreshing; INTERNAL COLDNESS OF WHOLE BODY, OFTEN WITH EXTERNAL HEAT.

Eucalyptus [Eucal]

During first stage weariness, sleeplessness, nervous erethism, vomiting, diarrhoea of watery, undigested and offensive matters; dull heavy aching in body and extremities; headache, dry mouth; offensive breath and sweat; during later stages signs of degeneration of blood haemorrhages, ecchymoses and sordes, colliquative diarrhoea, tympanitis, great prostration, even collapse. TYPHO-MALARIAL FEVER.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

BILIOUS AND REMITTENT MALARIAL FEVER, while severe gastric and intestinal irritation, passing over into typhoid state. Despondency with the fever; throbbing headache, from forehead to occiput; soreness and pulsation in back part of head; sickly, sallow face; tongue yellow or covered with white fur; copious perspiration with nausea and vomiting; frequent heat with the night-sweat; alternate chilliness and flushes of heat, fulness an tenderness in hepatic region; profuse bilious, watery stools, with nausea severe colic and prostration or constipation; bones ache as if broken, with much backache and headache; jaundice; petechiae.

Gelsemium [Gels]

GREAT PROSTRATION OF ALL THE VITAL FORCES already in the initial stage, with strange sensation in head and continued jactitation of muscles; sleeplessness, wide awake all night; patient feels sore and bruised all over, as if he had been pounded, dreads to move, on account of weakness; suffused red face; trembling from weakness; slow pulse, which becomes accelerated by lifting or turning the patient; chills and crawls which go down the back; feeling of expansion, as though the head or some part of the body were enormously enlarged; severe pains in head, back and limbs, with extreme lassitude, chilliness and fever (afternoon), sticky clammy, feverish state; tongue red and raw, painful in centre, can hardly protrude it; distension of abdomen, with pain and nausea; diarrhoea, bilious, fermented, with much flatus and great nervous weakness, more than the stools could cause. Post-typhoid intermittents. Baptisia follows well.

Hamamelis [Ham]

SENSORY DEPRESSION: sensation as if the contents of the head were bulging out of the forehead and eyes; dark soot and nostrils which are dry; tongue yellow, dry, with red edges, breath horribly offensive; drinks roll audibly into the stomach; face at times pale and almost cold; pulse faint, weak, almost imperceptible, meaningless picking at the lips of bedclothes; heart’s beat slow; skin only moderately warm; sudden bulimy after total loss of appetite; bowels inactive; urination involuntary; difficult swallowing; fever (<) from 4 to 8 P.M.; complete muscular relaxation.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Typhoid fever with the prevailing gastric and bilious symptoms; icterus followed by great debility; physical prostration; faintness and goneness in pit of stomach; torpid liver; foetid flatus, stools light-colored, soft, acrid.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Advanced stages of typhoid fever; profound stupor, but when aroused answers correctly; patient, as it were, LIVES AND INWARD LIFE, FULL OF DELUSIONS AND HALLUCINATIONS; unconscious of the outside world; delirium continues while awake and sees and converses with persons who are not and were not present; indistinct and muttering loquacity; hyperaesthesia of skin, patient will not remain covered; thirst only wanting during chill; high fever, thermometer 104, with cool face and cold extremities; muttering with picking at bedclothes and subsultus tendinum; eyes red, sparkling; staring, rolling about, squinting; deafness; distorted face, stupid expression; sordes on lips, tongue and teeth; tongue red brown, dry, cracked, paralyzed; indistinct speech; foul breath; involuntary micturition, urine leaves large streaks on the sheet; suppressed secretion or retention of urine, paralysis of sphincter ani et vesicae, involuntary and unnoticed defaecation; pulse quick, rapid irregular; hypostasis of lungs with impending paralysis pulmonum and snoring, rattling breathing, (<) in the evening; grating of teeth; trembling and convulsive motions; sleeplessness or constant sleep with muttering; roseola spots on chest and abdomen; painless paralysis and torpor of organism.

Ignatia [Ign]

Great impatience and despair about pains and bad feelings, which he cannot describe; gets easily frightened and feels as though he were swung to and fro in a swing. Yawning stretching, followed by frontal headache, which does not allow opening the eyes; hard hearing except for speech; convulsive twitching of facial muscles; lips dry, cracked, bleeding; choking sensation from stomach of facial muscles; lips dry, cracked, bleeding; choking sensation from stomach up into throat, with oppression of chest, better from belching; swelling of spleen; painless diarrhoea with rumbling of wind; sinking weak feeling in pit of stomach; convulsive motions of limbs; palpitation of heart; jerking of tendons; sleeplessness on account of various as soon as he falls in a doze; troublesome dreams.

Iodum [Iod]

Intense pain in the ileo-caecal region; bloody watery diarrhoea; great irritation of nervous system; picking at flecks; delirium.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

PREMONITORY STAGE, with moderate febrile action, loss of appetite, mucous state, constant nausea or vomiting; mucous diarrhoea; FIRST STAGE, with yellow tongue, nausea, vomiting; bilious diarrhoea; stools yellow, painless, fermented, especially in the evening; general headache, as if bruised, all through bones of head and down into root of tongue, or semilateral headache, with continual motion of head, as if it were badly placed upon the pillow; sweat upon head; sudden prostration with aversion to all food; convulsive twitching in limbs, which have a painful tremor.

Lachesis [Lach]

CEREBRAL TYPHOID. Torpor with loss of vitality, associated with nervous excitability, cutaneous hyperaesthesia and decomposition of the blood. Intolerance of pressure from the cutaneous hyperaesthesia; he sleeps into an aggravation from depressing influences on centres of respiration; both BODY AND MIND WORN OUT, WITH RELAXATION OF MUSCULAR SYSTEM; heat in head, with throbbing from every movement; heaviness of head; especially occiput, with vertigo; muttering stupor; delirium with great loquacity, jumping from one thing to another; sunken countenance; tendency of lower jaw to drop, and sleeps with mouth open; fever and delirium (<) as night advances; mouth dry, black, stiff with dry, red, blackish tongue, cracked on tip, trembling when protruded or catching between teeth and bleeding; abdomen hard and distended, with rumbling and gurgling in bowels before diarrhoea; stools very offensive whether formed or not; red-brown and copious urine, cough and dyspnoea, bloody, slimy expectoration; decubitus, ulcers inflamed, red, with black borders; haemorrhages, blood dark and particles looking like charred straw, coolness of extremities.

Leptandra [Lept]

BILIOUS TYPHOIDS; great prostration, stupor, heat and dryness of skin; coldness of extremities; dark, foetid, tarry or watery stools, mixed with bloody mucus; weak, sinking sensation in pit of stomach; pain in epigastric and hypochondriac region; jaundice; physical and mental depression, with vertigo and drowsiness.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

COMES IN AT THE END OF THE SECOND WEEK WHEN THE RASH FAILS TO APPEAR and the patient sinks into an unconscious state with muttering delirium, picking at the bedclothes, distended abdomen with great rumbling of flatus, constipation, sudden jerking of limbs here and there, involuntary urination, leaving a reddish sandy deposit in the clothing or retention of urine. The continued high temperature leads later on to CEREBRAL PARALYSIS; patient lies in a stupor, eyes do not react to light; lower jaw drops and hangs down; breathing snoring and rattling; tongue swollen, blistered and cannot be protruded, and if patient tries the dry tongue rolls from side to side; pulse intermittent and rapid; COLD HANDS AND FEET OR ONE FOOT HOT AND THE OTHER COLD; RESTLESS SLEEP, at ease in no position, full of anxious dreams and jerking of limbs; when aroused cross, irritable or awakes terrified as from a heavy dream; great emaciation and internal debility, paralysis; upper parts wasted, lower parts swollen. Compare Calcarea and Lycopodium, follows often after Lachesis

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.