
Ranunculus [Ran-b]

Hay fever, smarting in eyes; eyelids burn and feel sore; nose stuffed up, especially towards evening, with pressure at the root of the nose and crawling and tingling sensation within the cavity; hawking of mucus from posterior nares; sharp, stitching pains in and about the chest; general muscular weakness.

Rumex [Rumx]

Asthma of consumptives, (<) 2 A.M.

Sabadilla [Sabad]

Hay asthma; little sneezing, but continual streaming of clear fluid from nostrils; swelling of nose and eyelids, with redness and inflammation of conjunctivae; breathing heavy and anxious during heat; wheezing in chest; expectoration of tenacious yellow mucus, of a repulsive sweet taste.

Sambucus [Samb]

Anxious, loud, or quick, wheezing, crowing breathing; oppression of the chest, with pressure in stomach and nausea; nightly suffocative attacks with great restlessness; lachrymation and throwing about of arms; hollow, dry cough at night, with normal inhalations, but sighing expirations, caused by spasm of chest and expectoration of small quantities of tough mucus, only during the day; suffocative cough, (<) about midnight, lying in bed, or with head low, from dry cold air; occasional omission of heartbeat.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

Asthma aestivum, (<) from odors which caused fainting; short accelerated, constrained breathing, extreme dyspnoea; cheeks and hands livid; inclination to take a deep inspiration, which increases constriction of chest, with tearing pains, specially on right side of chest; dry cough, awaking him, and not ceasing until he sits up in bed and passes flatus upwards and downward; continual pressure and heaviness in the whole upper part of the chest, with difficult breathing.

Sarsaparilla [Sars]

Rigors over the whole body from below upward; asthmatic breathing (<) by lying down; severe nausea and constant vomiting, with headache; great urging to urinate with only scanty emission; burning, stinging pain during and after micturition; ASTHMA FROM EMPHYSEMA PULMONUM, continual short breathing, (<) after eating, from ascending or exertions; cough dry without expectoration, sometimes tickling in throat.

Silicea [Sil]

ASTHMA ON A CACHECTIC BASE, after its removal gummatous nodes on skull, clavicles and ribs; shortness of breath and painting from walking fast and from manual labor; dyspnoea when at rest or when lying on back; oppression of chest, cannot take a long breath, cannot bear the slightest draught on the back of his neck, spasmodic cough, with spasm of larynx; CATARRH OF AGED PEOPLE.

Siphlinum-laciniatum [Silphu]

Asthma with large quantities of stringy mucus (Kali bichromicum); scraping, tickling and irritation of fauces and throat. sick, faint feeling and a sense of goneness in epigastrium; constriction and tightness of the lungs; with constant disposition to expectorate.

Spongia [Spong]

Asthma from taking cold, cannot lie down, sibilant bronchi; wheezing breathing, or slow and deep, as if from weakness; suffocative fits after every exercise, after menses, with

weariness; ASTHMA FROM GOITRE; spasmodic asthma, principally in throat or with organic affections of the heart, face red and eyes staring; respiration slow, unable to lie down, urine pale, expectoration blood-streaked or yellow; cough. by eating and drinking.

Stannum [Stann]

Asthma and oppression, especially in the evening or at night when lying down, also in daytime during every exercise, and frequently attended with anguish and desire to detach the clothes; oppression and mucous rattling in chest with copious expectoration of viscid of lumpy, clear or watery, yellowish, salty or sweetish mucus; sensation of weakness and emptiness in chest.

Sticta-pulm [Stict]

Asthma of consumptives, associated with splitting headache.

Stramonium [Stram]

Asthma spasmodicum, respiration difficult and constricted, with anxious respiration and lover of face, pressing pain in chest, (<) talking, he is hardly able to draw in the breath.

Syphilinum [Syph]

Spasmodic bronchial asthma, (<) at night, after lying down or during a thunderstorm, producing intense insomnia, with sensation as if the sternum were being gradually drawn towards the dorsal vertebrae, followed by general weariness.

Tartarus-emet [Ant-t]

ASTHMA SENILE; ASTHMA OF CHILDREN; anxious oppression, difficulty of breathing and shortness of breath, with desire to sit erect; oppression and suffocative fits, coming on suddenly, (<) evening, morning in bed; mucus and rattling in chest; suffocative cough or congestion of blood to chest and palpitation of heart; gasping inhalation, feeling of fullness and contraction of chest; the cough after having lasted some time becomes and contraction of chest; the cough after having lasted some time becomes loose and relieves the contraction of chest.

Thuja [Thuj]

ASTHMA SYCOTICUM; (<) at night with red face; short breathing mucus in trachea, from fulness and constriction in hypochondria and upper abdomen; after checked gonorrhoea or removal of fissures or condylomata; suitable to very obstinate children, who throw themselves angrily upon the floor when in the least opposed and cannot get their breath.

Veratrum-alb [Verat]

Asthma in damp, cold weather early in the morning; coldness, of nose, ears and lower extremities; coldness of upper part of the body; (>) throwing head back and from motion; (<) from cold drinks; pains in sides; hollow cough; goneness and weakness in chest, (<) from talking even to fainting; suffocative fits from abuse of Arsenicum or Ipecac.; effects of fright, especially diarrhoea.

Veratrum-vir [Verat-v]

Sensation of a heavy load on chest; excessively labored respiration; patient has to sit up, cannot lie down; engorgement of lungs, with great arterial excitement; cold sweat or orthopnoea.

Verbascum [Verb]

Asthma catarrhal with facial neuralgia, appearing quite periodically, generally twice a day, the same hour morning and evening; much coryza and lachrymation.

Yerba-santa [Erio]

(Eriodictyon cant) Asthmatic breathing from accumulation of mucus, with considerable emaciation and fever.

Zincum [Zinc]

Dyspnoea and oppression, especially evening; increase of asthma when expectoration stops, (>) when it recommences; spasmodic cough, as if would draw the chest in pieces, with bloody sputa before or during menses; shortness of breath and cough after eating, particularly sweet things; from accumulation of flatus; cheerful in the morning, morose and sad at night.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.