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Hecla-lava [Hecla]

Oppressive breathing with sensation as if there were a heavy weight lying upon chest and as if the air-cells were stopped up and clogged; (>) spring and summer, when rambling through the woods and breathing the pure fresh air.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

Minute bronchial tubes mostly affected, with puffy face and feeble or violent heart’s action; periodical asthma with violent attacks of spasmodic suffocative cough and involuntary urination.

Hypericum-perf [Hyper]

Spasmodic asthma with every change of weather from clear to damp or before storms; after lesions of the spinal cord or from a fall.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Asthma in stout persons of lax fibre, who are sensitive to warm, moist atmosphere; sensation of constriction in chest, (<) from least motion; cough and rattling of mucus in chest, yet none is expectorated; peculiar panting sound; difficult expiration, gasps for air at the open window, face pale; threatened suffocation from suddenly suppressed catarrhs; nightly suffocative fits; tetanic rigidity of body with bluish redness of face; cold extremities; cold perspiration; cough sometimes followed by vomiting, which relieves.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

ASTHMA DEPENDENT UPON BRONCHIECTASIA, the bronchial tubes being filled up with tough, tenacious exudation. Asthma (<) 3-4 A.M., liable to return in winter or in summer time when chilly; he is compelled to sit up in order to breathe, (>) from sitting up and bending forward and from expectoration of stringy mucus; great weakness, so that he is obliged to give up work.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Anxious, difficult breathing, nearly breathless with the headache; tightness of chest when breathing; dry, fatiguing, paroxysmal cough.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Aversion to being alone in the open air; dry harsh respiration; anxious and peevish during the paroxysm; more or less perspiration on the upper part of body, increased by motion; saliva increased and urine scanty; pale face, must lean forward during attack with head on table, (<) 3-4 A.M., from walking, with feeling as if there were no air in chest.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

CARDIAC ASTHMA, with sensation as if heart and lungs were constricted (Cad.), as from vapors of sulphur; congestion of chest with cold feet; expectoration of white mucus (Kali sulph.: of yellow mucus) and hard to cough up; (<) after taking food; emaciation and sunken eyes.

Kali-nitr [Kali-n]

Tightness in larynx during inspiration, awakes about 3 A.M., out of breath, with sensation as if throat were closing up; tightness and constriction in chest, with anguish and shortness of breath, (<) in the morning when lying, EXTENDING FROM THE BACK INTO THE CHEST, when attempting to take a deep gasping for air, followed by cough.

Kali-phos [Kali-p]

NERVOUS ASTHMA with depression, asthma after most moderate use of food; asthma with sallow features, sunken eyes, emaciation.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

NERVOUS ASTHMA; spasmodic, fatiguing, wheezing cough; heaviness upon chest with dyspnoea as though the chest were bruised on inhalation; pain as though the sternum would be crushed in, with stitches here as there.

Lachesis [Lach]

Patient arouses from sleep with the asthmatic paroxysm, cannot bear the least pressure on neck and chest, finally coughs up a large quantity of watery phlegm, with great relief, (<) when lying with the head high; heart feels as if turned over and ceased beating for a while, after which, the pulsations increase; dyspnoea (<) from sleep, after eating, from sleep, after eating, from moving the arms and touching the throat, in warm, murky air, before or during windy weather, in rain; black urine.

Lobelia-infl [Lob]

Asthma with a weak sensation in epigastrium, spreading up into the chest, nausea, profuse salivation, and feeling as of a lump in stomach, (<) from exertion; derangement of stomach with a feeling of weakness in pit of stomach; asthma, often preceded by pricking all over, even to fingers and toes; constant dyspnoea, (<) from slightest exposure to cold during the attack, from eating, especially warm food; convulsive asthma from pulmonic irritation of effused serum; nervous asthma.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

ASTHMA FROM ABDOMINAL IRRITATION WITH MARKED FLATULENCE (China); wheezing breathing in daytime with sensation of too much mucus in chest, loud rattling; dyspnoea, (<) walking in open air, when lying on back, during sleep, from every exertion; especially in warm, impure air of close room or in a dusty atmosphere. Ascending even a few steps may provoke an attack.

Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]

SPASMODIC NERVOUS ASTHMA, constriction of chest and throat, with spasmodic, dry, tickling cough, paroxysmal, with difficulty in lying down; stiffness of limbs; troublesome flatulence.

Manganum [Mang]

Asthma, cannot lie on a feather bed; bruised pain in upper part of chest when stopping, (>) by raising head and in open air.

Mephitis-put [Meph]

ASTHMA OF DRUNKARDS; ASTHMA OF CONSUMPTIVES, when Drosera fails. It enables the patient to stand extreme cold, he feels less chilly than usual in cold weather; washing in ice-cold water causes a pleasant sensation.

Moschus [Moschus]

Cramplike and suffocating constriction in chest after taking COLD IN THE OPEN AIR OR AS SOON AS HE BECOMES COLD; severe cough with great rattling of mucus in chest, (>) by vomiting of thick mucus. Suitable to hysteric persons and children; suffocating fits as from the vapors of sulphur, beginning with a desire to cough and getting worse until he nearly despairs of getting over the paroxysm.

Naja-trip [Naja]

Hay fever, flow of water from nose, followed by intense sneezing, and after a few day’s dryness of lungs and great difficulty of breathing, (<) lying down and (>) by rising and sitting in an erect position.

Naphthalin [Naphtin]

HAY ASTHMA. Spasms of upper bronchi with loose rales, but little or no expectoration.

Natrum-ars [Nat-ar]

MINER’S ASTHMA, produced by inhalation of coal-dust, lungs feel clogged and full, (<) during exertion and on full inspiration, especially behind sternum and from larynx to epigastrium.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

ASTHMA ON A SYCOTIC BASIS, often inherited; hydrogenoid constitution; chest filling up with rattling mucus, expectoration of large quantities of white or greenish, tenacious mucus, and vomiting after eating; asthmatic breathing in children or young subjects; (<) about 4-5 A.M., in damp or rainy weather, from living in basements or cellars.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

ASTHMA FROM GASTRIC DISTURBANCES; feeling of fulness and of oppression in stomach, particularly after a hearty meal, during which he must loosen all his clothing about the hypochondria; abdomen distended with flatus, belching relieves the asthma, (<) by cold or by any exertion, particularly ascending a height; short, slow stridulus breathing; nightly suffocative paroxysms, especially after midnight, preceded by anxious dreams; short cough with difficult expectoration; distention, aching pains and anguish in the region of heart and hypochondria; rush of blood to the chest, with orgasm of the blood, heat, warmth and palpitation; spasms of chest from vapors or arsenic or copper; (>) in recumbent position, by turning to the other side, by raising the trunk or by belching wind.

Opium [Op]

Congestion of blood to the chest, or pulmonary spasms, with deep, stertorous, rattling breathing; tightness of breath and oppression, with great anguish and spasmodic constriction of chest; suffocative fits during sleep, like nightmare; suffocative cough, with bluish redness of face.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Asthma, with fear of suffocation; oppression and anxiety in the chest, (<) evening and morning; spasmodic constriction in chest; stridulus inspiration in the evening on falling asleep; nightly suffocative spells, as if the lungs were paralyzed; noisy, panting breathing; difficult inspiration, chest feels full and heavy, with tension; great pressure in the middle of the sternum; dyspnoea with inability to exert himself; short cough, with salty, or sweetish, or blood-streaked expectoration; phthisical disposition.

Pothos-foetida [Ictod]

Asthma (<) from the inhalation of dust, as for example the inhalation of dust in a hay-loft; (>) AFTER BOWELS MOVED, relieving abdominal inflation.

Psorinum [Psor]

ANXIOUS dyspnoea with palpitations, (<) when sitting up, (>) when lying down; WANT OF BREATH IN OPEN AIR, has to hurry home and lie down in order to breathe; the wider apart the patient keeps his arms the better he can breathe; chest expands with great difficulty; stitches from behind forward in chest and back when breathing; asthmatic attacks with hydrothorax.

Pulmo-vulpis [Pulm-v]

Recommended by Grauvogl according to the ancient law of signatura rerum, because foxes are long-winded.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Asthma especially of children after suppression of a rash; in hysteria or with suppressed menses; in the evening, especially after a meal, dyspnoea and vertigo, with weakness in the in the head, when lying on the back; at night in bed, as if throat or chest were constricted, or as if the fumes of sulphur were inhaled; mornings, low down in chest oppression, (<) when walking fast, ascending a height or exercising, shattering, spasmodic cough, excited by itching, scratching or dry feeling, as from vapors of sulphur in trachea and chest, dry at night, loose by day; oppression of chest, loss of breath and suffocative fits, with anguish, palpitations and sensation of fulness and pressure on chest, with internal heat and orgasm of blood.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.