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Are you suffering from Asthma? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Asthma….

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Worse at night; after midnight.

Worse hour 2 a.m. (1 to 2 a.m.).

Periodic attacks: spasmodic.

Worse cold air (rev. of puls.).

Better bending forward ( Kali carb., Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, Spongia); (>) rocking (Kali carb.).

Leaps from bed; (<)lying; lying impossible ( Kali carb.).

Worse motion.

Great debility and burning in chest.

Arsenicum is typically Restless; Anxious; In Fear. Anguish. Agonizing fear of death ( Aconite)

Worse for ices.

Better for heat applied and hot drinks.

Hippocratic face.

Kali carb [Kali-c]

      Worst hours 2 to 3, and 3 a. m. ( Sambucus), or 2 to 4 a.m.

Better sitting up right, sitting forward, head on table on knees; (>) rocking ( Arsenicum)

Worse lying; lying impossible ( Arsenicum).

Worse drinking; worse motion.

Sensation of no air chest.

(<) draughts ( Hepar, Nux).

Kali ars [Kali-ar]

      Worst hours 2 to 3 a. m. (Kali carb.).

Worse touch : noise.

Can’t get too warm, even in summer.

Worse every other day, or every third day.

Aralia rac [Aral]

      Asthma; loud wheezing with cough.

Worse evening and night; after first sleep; after short sleep; after a nap. would suffocate if did not sit up.

Expectoration warm and salty.

Sambucus [Samb]

      Attacks 3 a.m. ( Kali carb.). Must spring out of bed ( Arsenicum).

Sudden attacks in the night. Child wakes; sits up; turns blue; gasps for breath; seems almost dying. Then it goes to sleep, to wake up with another attack, again and again.

Asthma with suffocative attacks; may be well when awake, but sleeps into the trouble ( Lachesis, Aral.).

Sambucus has dry heat when asleep, profuse sweat when awake. (Profuse sweat when asleep Conium).

Cuprum [Cupr]

      Spasmodic asthma. Violent sudden attacks, last one to three hours, suddenly cease ( Sambucus).

Dreadful spasmodic breathing. Great rattling.

The more the dyspnoea the more the thumbs will be clenched and fingers cramped.

Spasmodic asthma, and violent dry spasmodic cough: will be suffocated.”

A characteristic: strong metallic taste ( Rhus).

Natrum sulph [Nat-s]

      Worse hour, 4 to 5 a.m.

Worse wet weather: warm wet ( worse cold dry Aconite, Hepar, Nux).

Great dyspnoea; violent attacks.

Profuse greenish purulent expectoration.

Dyspnoea with cough and copious expectoration. Humid asthma.

“If in a child, give it as first remedy.”

From damp weather; cold damp dwellings; night air.

Worse lying on left side.

In pneumonia of left lower chest.

Loose cough with soreness and pain through left chest ( Bryonia, with dry cough).

Springs up in bed ( Arsenicum) and holds chest.

Pain lower left chest (lower right chest, Arsenicum).

Dulcamara [Dulc]

      “Asthma humidum”: loose cough and rattling of mucus. Worse cold, wet weather ( Nat sul.)

From suppressed sweat. From going from heat into icy cold. (Its “Chronic” is Sulph.).

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

      “Violent degree of dyspnoea, with wheezing and great precordial weight and anxiety.”

Asthmatic bronchitis. Suffocates and gags with cough; spits up a little blood ( Ferrum).

Has to sit up….. to breathe.

Gasps for air at the open window.

Worse warmth; better open air ( Pulsatilla).

“Suffocative cough; stiffens out, turns red or blue, gags or vomits.” Kent.

“Hands and feet drip cold sweat.”.

Antimonium tart. [Ant-t]

      Dyspnoea: must be supported in sitting position.

Great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling ( Ipecac., but Ipecac. has great expulsive power), filling up with it, with inability to raise it.

Especially in children and old people.

Suffocative shortness of breath. Chest seems full, but less and less is raised ( Zincum met.).

Increasingly weak, drowsy, sweaty and relaxed.

Great drowsiness-almost to coma.

Face pale, or cyanotic.

Nausea and loathing of food. Thirstless.

Irritable: won’t be touched or disturbed.

Aconite [Acon]

      Aconite is sudden, violent, acute.

“Agony: sits straight up: can hardly breathe. Pulse a thread.

Sweats with anxiety.”

Asthma from active hyperaemia of lungs and brain.

Face red: eyes staring: after emotions.

“A great storm, sweeps over and passes away.”

From exposure to cold, dry wind ( Hepar, Spongia).

Fear: anxiety, “Going to die.” Restlessness.

Anxious, short, difficult breathing (? with open mouth). With protruding tongue, Psorinum)

“Never give Aconite where the sickness is borne with calmness and patience.”

Ailments from fright, shock, vexation, Cold, Dry Winds.

Spongia [Spong]

      Cardiac dyspnoea, and the most violent forms of asthma.

Dryness of air passages; whistling, wheezing, seldom rattling.

Must sit up and bend forward ( Arsenicum, Kali carb.).

At times, after dyspnoea, white, tough mucus, difficult to expectorate (? has to be swallowed).

Feels as if breathing through a sponge.

Worse cold, dry wind ( Aconite, Hep).

Anxiety and fear ( Aconite).

Kali nit [Kali-n]

      Asthma with violent dyspnoea: rapid gasping breathing; faintness; nausea.

Thirsty, but can only drink in sips between breaths.

Dull stitches or burning pain in chest.

External coldness; internal burning.

Stramonium [Stram]

      Violence. Face flushed. Staring look.

Desire for light and company. Cannot bear to be alone.

Worse is dark and solitude.

Yet worse bright light. Looking into light.

Chamomilla [Cham]

      Asthma after a fit of anger ( Arsenicum, Rhus, Ignatia).

Suffocative dyspnoea. “Chest not wide enough.”

Windpipe as if tied together with a string (? with or from accumulation of flatus).

Better bending head backwards; in cold air; from drinking cold water.

Hard, dry cough; coughs in sleep ( Arnica, Lachesis, etc.).

Coughs when angry. Impatience of suffering.

Irritable and capricious.

One cheek flushed.

Ferrum [Ferr]

      Asthma after midnight: must sit up.

Better walking slowly about and talking.

Suffocative fits, with warmth of neck and trunk, and limbs cold.

Oppression from orgasm of blood, expectoration of blood ( Ipecac.).

Apis [Apis]

      “Cough impossible, lest something burst”, or tear loose. All tense and stretched.

Throat feels strangled. Suffocation: can’t bear anything about throat ( Lachesis).

Warm room unbearable. Worse warm drinks; heat of fire. Better cold.

“As if every breath would be his last.”

Worse bending forwards or backwards (reverse of Kali carb., etc.; reverse of Chamomilla).

Attacks with violence and rapidity.

Cactus [Cact]

      Especially useful in acute attacks.

Chest constricted, squeezed, cage; as if normal movement prevented by an iron band.

Congestion of blood in chest-cannot lie down.

Cardiac asthma ( Aurum, Naja., Lachesis).

Lachesis [Lach]

      May occur in sleep ( Sulph.) and not wake.

Attacks of suffocation in sleep; when falling asleep; on walking; after sleep ( Sambucus).

Better bending forward ( Arsenicum, Kali carb.).

Worse covering mouth, nose; touching throat.

Worse motion of arms; after talking.

Wants doors and windows open ( Apis, Pulsatilla)

Useful in cardiac asthma ( Cact., Aurum, Naja).

Typical Lachesis is purple, suspicious, loquacious.

Naja [Naja]

      A great remedy for asthma, especially cardiac asthma” ( Cact., Aurum, Lachesis). “The breathing is so bad that he cannot lie down.”

Nervous palpitation; can’t speak for choking.

Wakes suffocating, gasping, choking ( Lachesis).

Inability to lie on left side.

“Our most useful remedy in a cardiac state with very few symptoms.”.

Aurum [Aur]

      Suffocative fits with spasmodic constriction of chest.

Asthma from congestion of chest.

Face bluish red, cyanotic.

Palpitation: falls down unconscious.

Cardiac dyspnoea.

Deepest depression; hopeless; suicidal.

Worse warm wet ( Nat sul., Lachesis, Carbo veg.).

Lobelia [Lob]

      Extremely difficult breathing from constriction of chest ( Cact.). Want of breath, hysterical.

Asthma with sensation of lump above sternum.

Worse shortest exposure to cold during paroxysm.

Deep breath relieves pressure in epigastrium.

Attack often preceded by prickling in all over, even to fingers and toes.

Urine; deep red. with much red sediment.

Ambra [Ambr]

      Difficult breathing with cardiac symptoms.

Asthmatic dyspnoea; from any little exertion; from music; from excitement.

“Asthma of old people and children.”

Violent spasmodic cough with eructations.

Distension with much flatulence; (<) after eating.

Worse presence of others. Can only pass stool, or urinate ( Natrum mur.) when alone.

“Hysteria of old age.”.

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

      “Asthma from every disordered stomach.”

“Connected with imperfect and slow digestion.”

“Something disagrees, and he sits up all night with asthma.”

Nux is oversensitive; to noise, light, least draught. Is touchy.

Craves stimulants; something to brace him up.

“Selects his food, and digests almost none.”

Worse morning: after eating; from cold air.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      Asthma with great distension.

Feels will burst: must loosen clothes.

Asthma and dyspnoea in catarrh of chest.

Forehead frowning; alae nasi flap; inability to expectorate ( Zincum met.).

Hours of aggravation (especially of fever), 4 to 8 p.m.

Carbo veg [Carb-v]

      Asthma with great flatulent distension.

Desperate cases of asthma; patient appears to be dying.

Air hunger: “Fan me fan me”

Coldness and collapse: cold face, breath.

Asthma ever since whooping-cough, etc.

Bromium [Brom]

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.