The urine neutralize the gas, and saved them. But one is told that they paid the penalty of unsterilized socks with Sycosis barbae. Those air raid warnings ! late in the day, when one was just going home to dinner we did not have too much to eat ! and were hungry! One would suddenly feel a little chilly; glad to get into a coat, and eat a bit of chocolate: which put matters right till the “All Clear!” sounded, joyfully, and one could go home.


Typical cases are childs play: the elderly woman, a hearty eater who likes fat and is famished at 10-11 a.m.; who “feels the heat” and sticks her burning soles out of bed at night, shrieks for Sulphur, and you must indeed be deaf to miss her cry. She will respond every time, whatever ails her; and will return once or twice a year for any little ailment or flagging health, just to get the fresh stimulus which keeps her going happily.


Such prescriptions are brought to us from time to time, by patients who expect something startling from what we are to give them !-without anything but a mix-up of drug-symptoms as guide. Where these things go by the name of “Homoeopathy”, and when such prescribers call themselves “homoeopaths”, the precise methods of Hahnemann come into undeserved disrepute.


An important point not generally realized by early prescribers, is the smallness of the dose. Not only must the potency, generally, be infinitesimal, but the dose must also be very small; at risk of giving an aggravation that masks your good work, and makes you think that you have not hit the remedy. Doctors of experience, who know their work, will give half a dozen-or fewer-wee globules.


Some of his lectures have always enthralled me, especially one on Lachesis. It appears that a number of homoeopathic physicians refused to use LAchesis. One group of doctors objected to it because it was not available in any dilution below the sixth, and they were committed against infinitesimals. Others threw discredit upon the proving of LAchesis, because the symptoms were too numerous.


Hahnemann always tells us that mental symptoms, if marked and true and definite, are especially to be considered in prescribing. These are pretty constant in chronic disease, but most marked, where changed by acute disease. Changed mentality, owing to disease, is the most important Pointer we can get to a drug or drugs. As when . . . The self-reliant man loses his never, and exhibits strange weaknesses and distresses.


Latent disease, as we all know, may be extraordinarily quiescent and quite unsuspected. The patient may not be ill, and yet is never well: until, as Hahnemann points out, shock, misery, trauma mental or physical, lowers resistance; when things begin to happen.


Imagines that any symptom is some settled disease : that everything she says is a lie : that she is looked down upon by everyone : that she is of no importance in life : that she is dirty : that she wears someone elses nose : that she sees spiders. That she is surrounded by myriads of snakes. Some running like lightning up and down inside skin; some inside feel long and thin.


In regard to its appetites: Alumina is down as on of the drugs that craves indigestible things; slate pencils, earth, chalk, clay, while rags, charcoal, cloves, acids, coffee and tea- grounds, dry rice. Besides its aversion to potatoes, which greatly disagree, it has a version to meat which has no taste; to beer; and a longing for fruits and vegetables-barring potatoes.


In regard to pernicious anaemia, a curious fact is recorded, “Recent observations have shown that, although a diet containing meat is unable to cure pernicious anaemia, yet, if the meat is digested in the normal human stomach for an hour, and is then withdrawn and administered to a patient with pernicious anaemia, a cure takes place.


A desperate case of anaemia. Frequent blood transfusions did no more than hold her alive. “She was not making blood;” supplied blood just kept her going. At last, after a dose of Sulph. in homoeopathic potency, given because she was a typical Sulph. patient, the picture suddenly changed; she rapidly regained strength and started making her own healthy blood.


Skin feels hot and burning. Chest feels as if a weight on it. Cyanosed. Thirsty for cold drinks. No sputum: too hard to get it up. Feels sick. Alae nasi flapping. Tongue dirty: brown. Became ill morning of the 12th. C/o headache and backache. Temp. 101. Continued more or less the same till this morning, the 14th, when definite signs of pneumonia (left base) were present.


The symptoms of Asafoetida present an almost perfect picture of hysteria of the flatulent order. Reversed peristalsis of stomach and bowels. Excessive abdominal distension, and sensation as if everything in the abdomen would burst through the mouth. After belching of wind, strong rancid taste in the mouth.


This time she was also attending the Clinic, who said she must have a Caesarian if she wanted a living baby. However I had charge of the lady during the last month. She was rather frightened by the Clinic and worried as to what was going to happen. I gave Acon. with no effect. Then she was rather chilly and weak so I gave her Gels. I was then gratified to find this drug in Yinglings Repertory as being the best for Anticipation of labour.


Excessively fetid discharge from nose. Scrofulous and syphilitic affection of bones of nose and face. Caries of bones of nose and palate. Putrid smell when blowing nose. Sensitive smell: everything smells too strong; or, Want of smell. Boring pain in bones of nose. Nasal catarrh with melancholy, even suicidal. Ulcerated, agglutinated, painful nostrils; cannot breathe through nose. Crusts in nose.


A child of 1 year 8 months, brought to Casualty on the evening of January 19th, 1938. Acute bronchitis, sudden onset in cold weather; flushed face, startled look; carotids throbbing. Temp. 103.2x; Pulse 158; Respiration. 72. Aconite 30, hourly, given. Much improved in the morning; completely well the following day.


Finally swallowing was impossible, restraint had to be used to prevent him from biting his nurses in the hospital, when as a last resource, a piece of Agave was offered to the body by the doctor in attendance, cut from a hedge of the plant with which the hospital grounds were fenced. To the astonishment of all, the boy reached for it and ate it greedily, almost without chewing.


Swallowing very difficult, painful, almost impossible. Soreness of throat begins with a tickling sensation, which causes constant cough; then a sensation of a lump on one side, causing constant deglutition; this condition entirely ceases, only to commence on the opposite side, and often alternates, again returning to its first condition; these sore throats are very apt to begin and end with the menses.


In these days we hear much of focal sepsis and here is focal sepsis with a vengeance. Teeth are sacrificed tonsils appendix gall-bladder and the patient returns for yet more ! A recent patient, on her first appearance, owned up to eight operations, with finally, a malignant condition.


In about a fortnight he was again lecturing, and after the lecture he lingered to tell me, “I took your medicine: I dont know whether it was that: but the man who did the same thing at Charing Cross died.” So far as I remember, he had developed an abscess and then he cleared up.


Soreness lumbar region and kidneys. Can bear no pressure: no jar. Has to step down carefully. Jar or jolt is intolerable. Burning; burning stitches, loins and kidneys. Sore kidneys with urinary disturbances; and excessive deposits. “Little calculi form, start down ureter: pains run up kidney and down to bladder.”. Berb. has bubbling sensations, and pains that radiate from a point.


The real pathological condition of the kidneys in this case is not one of acute Brights disease, nor one of croupous formation in the kidneys, but one of renal congestion, with oozing of blood into the pelvis of the kidney. When the above urinary symptoms are present, you may give Terebinthina with confidence, no matter what the patients disease may be.


Feels double; mind and body separated; that there is no reality in anything; suspects everyone; someone behind him; desire to curse and swear. Objects too far away. Then the characteristic plug sensation: in intestines; in right chest; in gluteal muscles. Rectum feels plugged up. Also a hoop sensation, round head, chest, abdomen or anus. Chelidonium . . Feeling of anguish in pit of stomach.


Diarrhoea with vomiting; continued vomiting. Straining to vomit predominates: child resists tightening of anything round abdomen which increases restlessness and pain. Wets bed at night: during first sleep. “Dreams he is urinating in a decent manner.”. Mammae; stitches; dwindling away; small, hard, painful lumps in them; hard, bluish-red, covered with little scurfy protuberances, from which blood oozes when scruff is removed.


Having only a very limited knowledge of homoeopathic treatment, she wonders if it would have been any better to have used a higher potency, in cases where the patient had been ill for ten or fourteen days before she saw her. Several of such cases died, but that was not the fault of the treatment, as they were too far gone before she saw them. The forty-seven cases were cases in which she had a fair opportunity.


Hahnemann always tells us that mental symptoms, if marked and true and definite, are especially to be considered in prescribing. These are pretty constant in chronic disease, but most marked, where changed by acute disease. Changed mentality, owing to disease, is the most important Pointer we can get to a drug or drugs. As when . . . The self-reliant man loses his never, and exhibits strange weaknesses and distresses.


One must know these short- cuts to cure in some very striking and at times desperate conditions. They are easy to learn up, and to recognize when once mastered. One may not often need them, but when one does, one DOES. Here is the advantage of constantly reading Materia Medica, the little known and unusual remedies, as well as those in constant request.


Ropy and stringy discharges, in pharyngitis, laryngitis, in coryza, in the vomited matters of gastric catarrh: in leucorrhoea and discharges from urethra. In the children it helps, where there are tenacious, stringy and purulent ear discharges, with stitching pains shooting into head and down into neck: glands, especially the parotid of that side swollen, while pains shoot down into that parotid gland.


Patient with kidney stones, determined to try treatment in spite of most solemn Allopathic warnings. Telephone message that he was in agony with acute renal colic. Burning pains with urging to urinate, terrific cutting pain at end of urination, pain in right kidney, extending down leg with great urging to stool.


Phosphoric acid is a drug of rather narrow, yet very definite and great utility. Look at the types that need its help. The weedy, over-grown, over-wrought school children, with growing pains that may spell heart-destruction. The tired and apathetic from unequal struggling with adverse circumstances, mental and physical. The “neurasthenics” that plague us; those, at least, who are worn out, indifferent, apathetic and emaciated.


Among the cases that assail ones memory in regard to Mag. phos. is that of a “very ill” baby, which was admitted to Hospital for diarrhoea with colicky pains causing it to draw up its legs. Coloc. was given, and the diarrhoea was relieved; but the pains persisted, and the fear was that the baby would die. But it was noticed that a warm hand on the abdomen evidently comforted the babe: and Mag. phos., thereupon, did the rest.


A young girl with very high temperature; much pain; ear, “sticking out”; the redness and swelling over mastoid denoting urgency, and no surgeon to hand, got Hepar 200. When seen, a couple of days later, the whole thing had subsided, temperature, pain and all. But such cases of urgent responsibility, in normal days, one hands over, gladly, to the ear surgeon.


Homoeopathy has been taunted before now with its very moderate or non-success in the treatment of certain baffling disease : and the fact that they are equally baffling everywhere else is no excuse. And now, it is just here that one is glimpsing a faint dawning of day, even in regard to the most terrible and baffling of them all. Hence this pointing finger, trembling with hope.


Food cravings and aversions- the resistless desire for salt, for sweets, for fats-or the reverse, the unconquerable loathings. Why, a mere baby will open its round mouth and promptly eject anything too sweet, too warm, or too cold to its taste, or tighten its lips obstinately against-say milk. But one remembers always that change in any characteristic, during or due to illness, is of the greatest importance in prescribing.


That nitrogen and glycerine should combine to produce such a wildly intemperate blasting agent is incalculable- absolutely unforeseen till “discovered”. But, as a great chemist once said, “no cone could tell, a priori, how even a lump of sugar would behave when dropped into a cup of tea”. Science is the plodding daughter of Experiment: and, as such, Homoeopathy is scientific.


PRACTICE teaches us that a single one of these smallest doses will, perhaps, in some very light cases of disease, especially in small children and delicate and very susceptible adults, be sufficient to do all that medicine so far can do; that, however, in other cases, indeed in most cases of continued as well as too far progressed, often by previous drugging complicated, as also in grave acute diseases, plainly such a minimum dose of a remedy, even in our highly dynamized potency, is insufficient to produce all the curative effects which we can possibly expect to be produced by this same remedy; for here it is undoubtedly necessary to give several of such small doses, so that the life- force may be pathogenetically changed to that degree, and the curative reaction so increased that it may be enabled to eradicate all of the original disease, which the well-selected homoeopathic remedy has the power to eradicate and completely obliterate the same through its counter action.


Extreme irritation of stomach. Vomiting of everything taken, even a teaspoonful of water. Extreme sensitiveness of stomach : he does not want to be touched. Vomiting of bile and blood. Everything that comes up or goes down burns. Extreme restlessness, anxiety, prostration.


Some of his lectures have always enthralled me, especially one on Lachesis. It appears that a number of homoeopathic physicians refused to use LAchesis. One group of doctors objected to it because it was not available in any dilution below the sixth, and they were committed against infinitesimals. Others threw discredit upon the proving of LAchesis, because the symptoms were too numerous.


Overwhelming de sire for sweets which always aggravate cysts. Great desire for water, will sit in the river on a cold day. Skin suppurates after cut,. bruise, or bee sting. Cysts always worse after running about in wet grass, etc. The chilliness and desire for sweets were so outstanding that they were used to throw out all remedies not common to both. Remedies in low type were ignored.


Erythema from exposure to suns rays. Ulcerative pain in skin when touched. Burns before blisters form, and after. Swelling, heat, redness of parts. Erysipelatous, vesicular conditions. A far more deep-acting remedy: even to destruction of tissues. Characteristic: scanty, burning urine, passed drop by drop.


Under these circumstances,he applied to me to be cured of his deafness. His present condition is as follows : He is quite unable to hear ordinary conversation, and has never heard a sermon in his life. A loud-ticking lever watch can be heard at a distance of three and a half inches from either ear. On application of the watch to his forehead, or to his teeth, he hears it distinctly.


HOMOEOPATHY IN THE SURGERY. Our Scotch Grandfather, Sir Charles Pasley, K.C.B.R.E. who died in 1861 used to come to Annual Meetings of this Hospital. I am told that his name appears in its annals, as moving resolutions. He became a very keen homoeopath, because he was a man of rare ability and intellect, and his life had been saved by Lachesis (one of our snake poisons) when he was desperately ill with pneumonia.


HOMOEOPATHY IN THE NURSERY. It is the nurseries of England and Scotland that have built this might Empire: without the nurseries the race must deteriorate and the Empire pass. But it will not! It is the craze that pass-always. The nursery will reassert itself: and the Homoeopathic Nursery is the Nursery of Survival, and of People.


True, natural Chronic Diseases are those which owe their origin to a chronic parasitic miasm or germ” or, as we should say, a chronic parasitic micro-organism. He says, they constantly extend; and, not with-standing the most carefully regulated mental and bodily habits, they never cease to torment their victim….


Hahnemann looks upon Syphilis miasm as the most easily cured of all the chronic diseases : provided that it is cured in situ, and not cured externally, i.e., driven in to become a “general venereal disease.”…

Mucous Colitis

Here patient had been very ill for 10 years, and got only close of Luet. in potency, and 3 doses of Mercurius cy. 1m, at long intervals, in 14 months. But she was practically well since the first dose….


Night aggravation is one of the leading indications for Syphilinum… It was about 20 years ago that we began to use Syphilinum in our Eye Department for interstitial keratitis, with extraordinary results….

Other Diseases

Tuberculosis, also, is a parasitic, chronic disease-which Hahnemann classes under his psoric diseases. And tubercle, hereditary certainly, and, probably, acquired, may assume a latent form, and give very little apparent trouble….


vaccination can, to a certain extent, protect from, or modify, smallpox because the vaccinate has been endowed with a similar chronic parasitic parasitic disease, which renders him, more or less, immune from that “like” disease smallpox….


Here there were epileptic fits,”at least once a week,” and after the first dose of Thuja 10m they entirely ceased for the ten months she was under observation…….

Mental Deficiency

Mother says,”The Great Ormond Street doctor said, `You cannot replace brains’-BUT YOU HAVE ” (And that was only two months before he came here.)…


All great poisons are great remedies. The old Latin proverb has it. “The grater the Poison, the greater the Remedy.” Only, you need Hahnemann’s Low of Similars to know how to apply it. …


Hahnemann started on his career with strong tinctures. But he soon found them too violent in action : that the reaction they produced was alarming, even when the result, in the end, was good. So he naturally began reducing the amount given, by diluting….


While two-thirds of Cholera patients treated homoeopathically were cured, two-thirds of those treated by the other hospitals died. This extraordinary result let the Minister of the Interior, to repeal the law restricting the practice of Homoeopathy….

How not to do it

In this presentation of the common errors of those who are untrained in the fundamental doctrines when they attempt to practice homoeopathy, Dr. Tyler draws most vivid pictures of regrettable occurrences; but does not fail to point out how the clouds of regret may be prevented by successful work….


He gives Thuja internally, in the 30th or 60th potency : and when its action has been exhausted after 15 to 40 days, he gives a dose of Nitric acid, in the 30th potency, which must be allowed to act for as long a time,”in order to remove the whole Sycosis.”…

Study of Kent Repertory

A comprehensive Study of Kent Repertory regarding it’s philosophy, structure and placement of specific symptom by DR. MARGARET TYLER. …


Some day someone among the pathologists will demonstrate his perspicacity in regard to Psora also, by proving that the acarus is the intermediate host of some micro-organism responsible for one or more chronic diseases of manifold manifestations. …

Introduction to Repertorizing

Success in Repertorising depends on ability to deal with symptoms; and this has to be taught: it is not innate. …

Small Pox

In one case, after smallpox, some forty years before, when there had been abscesses in both nostrils, she had been unableto breathe through her nose-till Variolinum: which not only improved the unsightly deformity, but enabled her to breathe again through her nostrils….

Grading Symptoms

Then, besides Kent’s Generals and Particulars, you have COMMON SYMPTOMS. A symptom may be common to all cases of a certain disease, and therefore of no great use in picking out the individual remedy for a particular case of that disease; or it may be common to a very great number of drugs….

Eliminating Symptoms

If you can get such marked eliminating symptoms to begin with, see what a comparatively small number of drugs you have to carry down through all the rubrics, and how much easier and quicker it is to get your remedy….

Hot & Cold Remedies

Hot & Cold Remedies. Thermal reaction of important homeopathic remedies….

Psora Miasm

Signs and Symptoms of Psora Miasm given in the book A Comparison of Chronic Miasms by Tyler, ML…

Pseudo Psora

Signs and Symptoms of Pseudo Psora (Tubercular) Miasm given in the book A Comparison of Chronic Miasms by Tyler, ML…

Syphilis Miasm

Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis Miasm given in the book A Comparison of Chronic Miasms by Tyler, ML…

Sycosis Miasm

Signs and Symptoms of Sycosis Miasm given in the book A Comparison of Chronic Miasms by Tyler, ML…


Homeopathic remedies for Diphtheria symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for BOILS AND ABSCESSES symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for TETANUS symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for Stings symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for SNAKE BITES symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….

Chest Medicines

Homeopathic remedies for Chest Medicines symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….

Scarlet fever

Homeopathic remedies for Scarlet fever symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for SPRAINS symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for BURNS AND SUPERFICIAL ULCERS symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….

Cuts, Lacerations Punctures

Homeopathic remedies for Cuts, Lacerations Punctures symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for CARBUNCLE symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….

Remedies And Their Uses

Homeopathic remedies for Remedies And Their Uses symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for CONCERNING THE REMEDIES symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for Influenza symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for Malaria symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….

Fevers in general

Homeopathic remedies for Fevers in general symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….

Blackwater fever

Homeopathic remedies for Blackwater fever symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for Diarrhoea symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for Cholera symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for Cystitis symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for SUNSTROKE symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….


Homeopathic remedies for FATIGUE AND BRUISES symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….