Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Now for the comparisons of a few homoeopathic remedies important for painful menstruation, all of proven value, extending over several generation. Select properly and thrust fully these Friends of Women!.

(I) Pulsatilla nigricans, the wild anemone or wind flower (3x to 30th), cures scanty menstrual flow which is accompanied by severe gripping labour-like pains, which are so great at time as to double up the patient. Menses usually insufficient, clotted, dark, rapidly changing in character and intermittent and sometimes delayed, but always accompanied with this acute colicky pain.

There will be found great chilliness and yawning, sometimes with nauseated feeling which is worse in the mornings; downward pressure sensations, flow very often stops at night, great pain in the middle of the back and lower abdomen, but pains often shift their locality quickly and entirely. Some complain of diarrhoea with menses, very tired feelings, menses irregular or even suppressed at puberty, some leucorrhoea (see article on this subject in February issue), some shreds of mucous membranes are to be found in the flow.

Pulsatilla suits the already feeble, anaemic subjects, whether brought on by prolonged nursing, over-work-strain, those improperly nourished, and those who are constitutionally weak, whether women or girls. The mental make-up of the patients must be considered here as everywhere in all diseases.

The pulsatilla type is generally emotional, mild, docile, timid, irresolute and weeps easily. She likes sympathy (this is an important point of differentiation as with some remedies sympathy is not tolerated). Pulsatilla patients are always better in the cold or cool open air (important keynote). This drug suits blondes better than brunettes, but brunettes must not be ruled out if other symptoms agree.

To any interested orthodox brother I may say this remedy suits one type of what is often broadly diagnosed as membranous dysmenorrhoea.

(2) Gelsemium , the evergreen Jasmine of the Southern States of U.S.A. (3x to 30th). This is the remedy which cured the case mentioned in my preface which easily saved that girl form an unnecessary operation. The menstrual pains cured by this remedy are always worse before the flow is established. This is a very important form of differentiation.

This symptom points to a spasm of the nerves controlling the sphincter (circular) muscle of the neck of the womb (cervix). When the spasm which tightens the muscle of the cervix is relieved and cured by Gelsemium the outlet from the womb relaxes, allowing the flow to pass normally and without further hindrance. Is it wiser and simpler to take a few pills medicated with Gelsemium or to have an operation with very doubtful result?.

The accompanying symptoms in this type will be severe cramping labour-like spasmodic pains passing to the small of the back, almost unbearable, so stated by patients; pains also extend to the hips; sensation as if the womb was being squeezed; very often the patient will state that she loses her voice or has a relaxed throat at periods; flow very scanty at first, being help back by muscular spasm; excessive tremblings and great muscular weakness of limbs, goose-flesh shiverings, yawning and mentally dull, drowsy and dizzy.

Dull headaches passing off with great flow of very clear water-white urine. Eyes feel so heavy that it is hard to keep them open. This is a condensed and extreme picture of the painful periods which this remedy will cure better than any surgical interference. Are you prepared to try a few drops of homoeopathy or do you elect to have the mouth on your womb stretched by machinery?.

Ethelbert Petrie Hoyle
BIO: Dr. Ethelbert Petrie Hoyle 1861 – 1955 was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. He served as editor of the International Homeopathic Medical Directory and Travelling Secretary to the International Homeopathic Society.