Homeopathy Remedy Nux Vomica


      Lower outstretched, stiff and cold, upper cold and affected by cramps. Trembling, with jerking of heart. Jerking in evening in bed; J. under skin. Tearing in l. arm and r. thigh after midday nap during menstruation. Pain in l. wrist and tibia; in joints after midnight, (<) motion; spasmodic, after yawning and stretching, with chilliness and internal beating; crampy, on motion of them. Bruised pain; in morning, (<) joints, worse the longer he lies, (>) rising; in joints and shafts of long bones in morning, (>) rising, with incarceration of flatus low down in abdomen; in joints on which she was lying in morning in bed, compelling turning over, (>) rising; in joints on motion; in joints on which he was not lying, compelling frequent turning, with tearing. Drawing on backs and soles of feet and toes and in arms and hands, with sticking.

Weakness; of arms and feet in afternoon, with heaviness; after taking the open air; (<) ascending steps; with rending; with painful, contractive sensation through the whole body; sudden, of arms and lower extremities in morning; sudden paralytic, (<) motion. Heaviness of arms and lower limbs. Stiffness; of joints; with jerking; of joints, with soreness; with tension.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder. Indescribable pain in joint on which he was lying about 3 A.M., (>) turning over, with general sweat; P. in l. joint, as if ligaments were torn, in evening when lying on r. side, (>) lying on l. side; rheumatic, in r. and deltoid; drawing, in top; paralytic, in joint when sitting and walking, with heaviness and weariness of whole arm, after some motion he could not hold up the arm. Bruised pain in joint and scapula on bending head to opposite side; B. pain in joint so that he cannot raise arm; B. or wearied pain in joint if arm hangs down on walking in open air.

Arm – Pain impeding motion. Drawing pain; extending upward in arm, with paralytic stiffness. Burning, painful spot in deltoid, with external heat. Uneasiness at night, at one time he wishes to cover them, at another to uncover them. Indolence. Falling asleep at night. Sensation as if falling asleep, without prickling, then contracted sensation.

Elbow – Boring about 2 A.M. when lying on opposite side. Contractive pain.

Forearm – Always partially flexed. Swelling of muscles on inner side of l., and pain as if burnt. Drawing pain, with a stitch in fingers. Paralytic pain in middle of r., extending outward. Numb pain down l. ulnar nerve to fingers. Weakness; after midday nap, and of hands. Falling asleep every or every other morning after rising, it seems dead, with coldness, but with distention of veins.

Wrist – Drawing sticking in r. external condyle in evening before sleep. Pain in r. as if dislocated on moving hand. Lameness and stiffness of r. W. and hand.

Hand – Pale swelling, and of fingers. (Often dark red, full of distended veins.) Cramplike contraction of palm so that it cannot be spread out without pain. Twitching, and of fingers. Sharp pain in r. palm. Drawing pain extending upward, then in elbow. No power to write. Falling asleep.

Fingers – Dislocation of thumb on motion. Spasmodic contraction when yawning. cramp after mid-night in bed. Jerking sticking extending backward along bone of thumb. Cramplike sensation shooting into F. on stretching out arms, with sticking. Sharp pain in r. third. Drawing pain up and down. Pain in joints as after hard work and as if tendons were too short. Falling asleep during night-sweat.

Lower Extremities

      Unsteadiness; with dread of falling. The child often falls when walking. Separated, straight and stiff. Shock on looking at a vexatious body, then whole body is affected and she almost loses consciousness. Tearing above the below knee in evening, with sticking. Inability to flex on account of pain. Bruised feeling. Sudden sensation of holding back when walking, so that she must often stand still, with electric shocks in them. Uneasiness before midnight, with an almost voluptuous, agreeable, but intolerable sensation, preventing sleep, forcing him to alternately draw up and stretch out legs. Weakness; of r. on walking in open air; with heaviness; and falling down. Heaviness, obliging him to sit down, Sensibility blunted. Stiff, immovable, muscles hard, tetanically contracted. Falling asleep when sitting during dinner. Paralysis before tetanus.

Thigh – Jerking in flesh; in hip-joint before dinner; in side of r., as if a thread were pulled. Sticking in r. hip as if sprained. Drawing tearing extending to knee, from fatigue. Bruised feeling; in flesh; in r. natis; in muscles of middle on walking; in muscles of T. and knees, (<) motion and touch; in posterior muscles, (<) rising from a seat. Paralytic pain in head of femur, extending below knee, when walking. Drawing-downward sensation. Paralytic drawing in muscles of T. and calf, painful on walking. Gnawing, biting-itching pain in T. and over knee in evening in bed. Painful tension as if too short. Heaviness of r. Burning in r. hip-joint.

Knee – Painful swelling. Tottering. Trembling, and of one foot; evening when standing, with an excited, even agreeable tension of mind. Jerking in hollows when standing after walking in open air. Bruised pain during the day. Feeling as if it would crack when walking. Sensation in hollows as if too short on rising from a seat. Tensive pain in patellae as if weary, on ascending steps, (<) morning. Weakness. Stiffness in hollows, (<) standing, with tension.

Leg. Cramp on getting into a warm bed. Cramp in calves; in morning in bed on flexing leg; in evening in bed on stretching out leg; after midnight in bed, if thigh and leg are flexed on body; caused by washing feet. Cramplike pain in calves. Sticking in calf on exposure to cold air, as if leg had been asleep. Sticking burning pain in spot in a spot in tibia. Tearing in l., extending to toes, in afternoon. Pressure on side of calf; on outer side of calf, as before cramp, mornings on rising. Tensive pain in calves. Spasmodic drawing. Heaviness. Stiffness; and numbness. Falling asleep after sitting, when walking and standing; in calves and feet in morning; when sitting and standing; and sticking in it if it rests against the other leg; sensation of, without prickling then contracted sensation.

Ankles. Easy dislocation when walking, with giving way. Tearing in malleolus after midday nap. Sprained pain in morning when walking, on stepping shooting up into leg. Pain as if fatigued, on walking, with pain in tendons as if too short. Drawing in r. external malleolus in evening before going to bed, with sticking. Weakness of l. with pain on walking.

Foot. Swelling of back; S. of sole in morning (that leg has an ulcer); S. and dampness. Sticking jerking from feet to hips in morning in bed, (>) lying on painless side. Spasmodic contraction of r. sole; of soles when thighs are bend. Cramp in sores often during the day on rising from a seat, (>) stretching out feet and running, and a night cramp on drowning up feet or bending thighs, preventing sleep. Stitches in heels; in soles. Tearing in sole in after noon when lying (preceded by burning in ball of thumb). Pain as if shoes wee too tight and as if soles were sore from walking. Pain like a burning on side of F. and toes and on top of toes, and as if shoe pressed foot, in evening. Burning pain in soles. (Pain as if heels were sore from walking, when stepping upon them, ( stepping upon a stone.) Beating pain in a chilblain as from cold, in summer. Feeling in r. when walking as if it would trip, getting warm from a sharp walk. Peculiar drawing in backs and soles. Falling asleep of soles (deadness). Numbness of heels as after jumping from a height.

Toes. Spasmodic contraction on yawning. Cramp after midnight in bed. Cramplike pain in r. great during rest. Ulcerative in roots of nails on touch. Sore pain in corns. Falling asleep of great.

Clinical Partial paralysis of the lower extremities from overexertion or from being soaked, sensation impaired, legs cold, bluish.


      Painful swellings on forehead; hot S., painful to touch, on thumb, that by joint develops into an abscess. Jaundice, with aversion to food and attacks of faintness, then sickness and weakness. Congestion of face, neck and chest. Red spots on fingers, which seem frozen, with burning itching, (<) in bed or on entering a warm room. Inflamed redness about a previous ulcer on leg, on motion.

Eruption on inner side of r. forearm; itching E.; itching burning E. Tetter on lower part of chin. Itching rash on arms, with smarting after rubbing. Burning itching rash on knee; on thighs during menstruation; Itching pimples on chin, the larger surrounded by redness; P. painful on touch in skin of lower jaw; itching biting, on nates. Pustules on cheeks; about lips; red, painful, on scalp and face. Boil anteriorly on thigh; posteriorly on thighs; on thigh, with sticking; on knee, making whole foot stiff.

Tearing in an ulcer on leg if exposed to open air. Pain above l. eye as if it had been burnt. (Sensitiveness of whole body as if sore, and on touch it seems as if different places were asleep.) Burning itching stitches in various parts; in evening after lying down. Crawling on face; forehead and vertex; from feet upward; in calves after walking in open air. Insensibility.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.