Homeopathy Remedy Nux Vomica


      Delirium, a kind of coma vigil. Rushed into the room, exclaiming that her mother was murdered. (Anxious, delirious fantasies about 9 P.M., as if some one would get into his bed and there was no room in it, as if some one had sold his bed, etc.). Quarrelsome (Anacardium, Lycopodium); even to violence; and reproachful, scoldings, insults from jealousy, with unchaste expressions then he howls and weeps aloud. Hasty, he looked angrily at any one who asked him a question, without answering, as if obliged to restrain himself to avoid being insulting, he was so irritable that it seemed as if he would like to strike any one in the face who spoke to him.

Ill-humored after eating, and sad. Intolerance of noise or talking, music and singing affect him (Coffea, Belladonna). Sensitive to impressions on the senses (Ignatia, Plumb.), intolerance of strong odors or bright light. Impatient of lightest step or jar of floor. Beside herself at the slightest contradiction or reasonable representations to do differently. Resists obstinately what is desired by others. She cannot get over the slightest trouble. Moans and groans piteously without stating the cause. Pain seems intolerable, she would rather take her life (Chamomilla).

Hypochondriac; after eating, and affected by the slightest thing; after dinner, (<) after supper. Silent grief and sadness. (Sad, but unable to weep.) Ennui. Weeping; at the least thing done contrary to his wishes; and sobs; loud, solicitous, inconsolable, with complaints and reproaches that at times change to groans, with red, hot cheeks; alternating with laughter (Ignatia).

Anxiety; in morning on waking, and at 5 P.M.; in morning on waking, (>) rising, with orgasm of blood and ill humor; in evening after lying down, then sweat after midnight; from suspicious and apprehensive solicitude, (<) after midnight; with impulse to commit suicide; with inability to remain in any place; fretful; causing internal heat, then sweat on forehead; as if he had committed a crime. Apprehension in evening when walking, with oppression and intoxicated feeling. Easily startled. Alarm; kept hold of her husband. Dread of death. Believes that she is near death. Agitation and on moving he grasped the nearest objects for fear of falling.

Taciturn as if averse to everything; T., slow flow of ideas. Dreads to go into open air. No patience for work. Aversion to work, but not to moving about. Irresolution; and dawdling. Wishes to accomplish much, but thinks that it will not succeed. Everything miscarries. Tender, gentle mood, music affects him to tears.

Dread of literary work at which one must think, in morning, but no aversion to reading or committing to memory. Disinclination for mental work, blood mounts to the head till evening. Hindered in scientific work. Mistakes in talking and writing, omits syllables and words. Inability to think properly; and mistakes in talking, trouble to find the words, uses unsuitable expressions, makes mistakes in weights and measures. Flow of ideas in morning after rising, so that he is scarcely conscious. Remembers scarcely anything from the time to her fall to being brought home. Stupefaction. Unconsciousness.

Clinical Very useful in effects of mental strain at night, especially when it results in a condition of irritability and great nervous sensitiveness. The disposition is generally passionate and jealous, becomes angry easily. Indescribable anxiety, gets no rest, with coated tongue, nausea, vomiting and trembling. Hypochondriasis in persons of sedentary habits, or those who sit up late at night, with alternations of constipation and diarrhoea. Generally a fiery and excitable temperament.


      Sticking. Tearing after eating, with heat in cheeks and chilliness over body, at least in hands; T., extending to root of nose and jaw, (<) walking; drawing, in morning, with burning pain. Pinching. Sticking throbbing pain, (<) stooping, when it seems as if a piece of the forehead would fall out. Aching in morning in bed, as if beaten with an axe, (>) rising. Bruised sensation.

Aching; in morning after yawning; in middle of brain in morning on waking, even before opening eyes; in night on waking; before dinner; before dinner, (<) eating, then sticking in l. temple, with nausea and sour vomiting, symptoms (>) evening after lying down; in morning, as if he had not slept at night; stupefying, in morning on waking, (>) rising; composed of heaviness and pressure after dinner, (<) moving eyes; on stooping, as if a weight fell forward in it; as if brain would be pressed asunder, when lying after slightest thought; over surface of brain as if skull would burst, in morning in bed; (burrowing?) in morning, (>) rising; as if brain were split in two; drawing jerking, in morning; tearing drawing; drawing; drawing, externally; tensive, at night; as from emptiness; as if sore externally, though the spot is not sore to touch, in a raw wind; in middle of brain on closing eyes, as after vomiting.

Heaviness in morning; H. on stooping; dizzy H. in morning. Intoxicating confusion; C. after dinner. Dullness; and on moving it blood rushes into it, with sluggishness of rest of body. Fulness, partial pain, inability to study, buzzing in head, (>) evening. Painless drawing here and there. Jerks; or beats. Stupid feeling; if he holds it erect, if he bends it down sensation in forehead as if a weight fell into it; in open air and in sunlight; (with black points floating before eyes). Tingling in brain when walking and running, with quaking. Apoplexy. Mounting to H. on walking rapidly in open air, thought vanished, obliged to stand still, blood rushed to heart, constriction of upper part of trachea, sparks before eyes, could not see where she was. Swashing in brain when walking, with bubbling. Intoxication.

Vertigo; after dinner; when eating; on moving; on moving, with burning pain in temple; when walking after eating; (>) standing still; during eructations; when lying on back, so that it was impossible to raise head, with obscuration of vision; here and there in brain; with obscuration of vision; with shooting through head; with congestion of brain, roaring in ears and blackness before eyes; in paroxysms, as if brain were turning in circle, with momentary unconsciousness; as if he would fall to one side; as if he would fall to one side or backward when walking; as if the bed were whirling around with her evenings; sudden, on going out; faintlike; as on going from cold air into a warm room, when eating, with obscuration of vision; as if one neither saw not heard and would fall, when sneezing, coughing, or rising after stooping low down.

Forehead. – Tensive pain. Pain as if he had not slept enough. Bruised pain over l. eye and in bones, with inability to open eyes. Pain (>) laying head upon a table (Ignatia), (<) open air, with weariness of feet on ascending; P. above r. orbit in morning if he lies on r. side. Drawings back and forth, extending to root of nose. Buzzing in afternoon and evening. Obscuration in evening in open air, as if consciousness would vanish.

Temples – Pain from exerting head; P. in r.; drawing, then in forehead, then in occiput.

Vertex – Tearing, and in forehead and eyes, with nausea in region of chest and weakness of vocal organs. Throbbing pain from fixed attention. Deep seated, pressing-downward drawing pain.

Side – Tearing in r. hemisphere of brain in morning when lying on l. side, (>) lying on r. side; T. downward at ear. Intermittent pain in one half as if a nail were forced downward deeper and deeper into parietal bone (Ignatia). One-sided pain from 4 P.M. till night, with weakness. Drawing-upward pain in r. side of brain near ear.

Occiput – Pain; in medulla oblongata; in morning after rising; as from an ulcer in brain, during menstruation, (<) lying; as if brain were thrust forward; as if skull were forced asunder, momentarily (>) pressure of hands, with heat in brain. Obscuration.

Scalp – Pain, (<) touch; P. on occiput. Bruised pain on vertex on touch; B. pain and the hair stood up in this place and was painful to touch. Crawling on skull.

Clinical Vertigo before breakfast, recurring after dinner. Vertigo in the morning, resulting from alcoholic excesses on the previous day. Congestive headache, with bloated face, (<) morning. Frontal headache, with nausea and vomiting, desire to press the head against something. Persistent headache recurring after sleep, even in the daytime. Headache from the abuse of coffee. Supraorbital neuralgia, recurring early every morning (compare Ced., Sanguinaria, Iris). Congestive headache, associated with haemorrhoids or with other abdominal troubles, bruised feeling in the head, (<) walking or drinking coffee.


      Inflammation. Injection of whites. Swelling with red streaks in whites and tensive pain. Glistening, staring. Staring, often turned upward so that pupils could not be seen. Wild. Sunken and moved rapidly. Oozing of blood. (Stitches.). Bruised pain in l., with purulent mucus in external canthus, with lachrymation. Burning; crawling. Dryness of r. Movement difficult on account of stiffness of muscles (Kalm.). Lachrymation; in morning when yawning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.