Homeopathy Remedy Nux Vomica

Clinical Sometimes indicated in venereal ulcers, with the general irritability characteristic of the drug. General effects of sexual excesses. Prolapsus of the uterus, recent, resulting from sudden strains, associated with the bladder and bowel troubles characteristic of the drug. During pregnancy useful for morning sickness, possibly with jaundice, constipation, etc. Valuable during labor, when the pains in the back go down the thighs, or when the os is rigid, with constant desire to evacuate the bowels and bladder. Too early and profuse menstruation, with morning nausea, chilliness, and pressure in genitals. Intense, agonizing dysmenorrhoea, with constant desire to evacuate the bowels and bladder. Dysmenorrhoea, with cross disposition, pain in sacrum as if it would break, bearing down in uterus, constant desire for stool. Dysmenorrhoea, with nausea, red face, etc. Generally in the irregular menstruation characteristic of Nux v. new symptoms appear and some of the old ones become worse.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx. Roughness and scraped feeling, provoking cough. Dry, painful catarrh in evening before sleep; in morning, with heat of hands and feet, then general sweat, relieving the catarrh. Itching, provoking cough. Inability to speak aloud.

Trachea. – Hawking of mucus, without cough. Adherent mucus high up, provoking cough; A. mucus in upper part in morning on rising, chest seems stuffed up. Upper part constricted by mucus, which he must forcibly expectorate by short coughs. Tickling itching in middle of sternum, provoking cough. Tickling on expiration, provoking cough.

Cough; at night; at night, preventing sleep (Pulsatilla); at night, with oppression of chest; on physical exertion; after eating; from reading or reflecting; disturbing sleep till midnight; violent, every other day; causing sore sticking; causing headache as if skull would burst; causing bruised pain in upper abdomen; causing heat; (causing cracking in ear); scraping. Dry cough from midnight till daybreak; D., from tickling in region of palate; in violent paroxysms in evening after lying down and in morning; and fatiguing, about midnight if she lies upon back, (>) lying on side. C., with expectoration, then weakness; violent C. in morning before rising, with expectoration of clotted blood and aching in chest.

Respiration. – tight, and thereupon hacking cough. Dyspnoea; morning and evening; in morning when lying on back, but headache after turning on r. side; at night on waking from frightful dreams, with roaring in ears, rapid pulse and sweat; after dinner, obliged to breathe deeply and slowly, but after some hours short, rapid respiration; (>) lying; with anxiety and intermittent sweat. Irregular, superficial, suffocative. Short, she could not inspire sufficient air, with rapid pulse. Rapid and labored; R., sighing, constantly interrupted; R., with great heaving of chest; R., difficult, with pain in praecordial region. Slow, with dilated pupils. Suspended. Unable to breathe when walking if the clothes are tight under the ribs, (>) loosening them somewhat, but respiration again difficult if the clothes are removed.

Clinical Irritable cough coming on in the morning, (>) warm drinks, sometimes with involuntary micturition. Reflex cough (<) mental work, or cough associated with indigestion, always after eating, with soreness over the stomach. Asthma recurring towards morning and (<) eating heartily. Occasionally useful in whooping cough, (<) towards morning, cold air, eating or drinking.


      Catarrhal accumulation in morning, so that he cannot loosen it by coughing without pain in trachea. Catarrh (like felt) in morning, (>) rising, with hoarseness and roughness in chest and a sore spot in trachea, from which mucus is loosened by coughing.

Sticking in sternum in afternoon; in pectoral muscles, not caused by breathing; in middle, (<) moving about; in pectoral muscles, with internal and external warmth in chest; itchlike, below nipple; (jerking). Scraping causing cough. Pain after eating, with cutting; P. in l. if she sits awhile, (>) eructations; beneath axilla on touch; in r. nipple on touch; anterior to r. scapula, with cough; extending transversely across, with shortness of breath; transversely across, impeding respiration; in nipples, as from milk rushing into breasts after childbirth; as if sternum were pressed inward; in region of sternum as if too short, during the day on breathing. Bruised pain in sternum on touch; below shoulder, (<) motion and touch; in sternum, extending to scapulae, during the day, with stitches and shortness of breath. Drawing pain; in ribs; pinching, near sternum. Drawing in l. side in morning, with burning tearing; D. beneath l. breast, with anxiety, a kind of oppression of heart, which makes respiration difficult.

Asthmatic constriction transversely through C. on walking or ascending a height. Oppression; in evening; as from tight clothes, on ascending steps, (>) sitting down. Compression; at night in bed. Weight in open air; W. externally at night, with paralyzed sensation in sides. Feeling as if something would fall down. Anxiety. Stuffed feeling, he cannot loosen it by coughing. Nipples sensitive. Throbbing; in side in morning. Heat; rising into mouth, causing uneasiness, anxiety and sleeplessness. Warm organs that causes anxiety. Warm tension. Painful weariness, (>) bending backward.


      Stitches; in praecordial region in morning after rising. Painful thrust towards H., rhythmical with pulse. Pressure on H. in region of pit of stomach. Action rapid and fluttering; slow and feeble. Palpitation; in morning, with orgasm of blood; after midnight, with anxiety that impels him to suicide; on lying down after dinner.

Clinical Angina pectoris from suppression of haemorrhoids, constricting, agonizing pain, with vomiting, opisthotonos, etc. “Cardiac complaints, with portal obstruction,” with distress in the region of the heart, dyspnoea, etc.


      Rapid; and irregular; and irregular, during spasms; and small, irregular; and hard, small; and faint; and faint between spasms. Throbbing in carotids. Hard and excited. Irregular; during the spasms, almost lost. Weak. Slow and indistinct.


      Swelling of l. muscles, with pain on moving head as if tendons were too short. Crackling in vertebrae on moving head. Paroxysmal tearing in nape in evening. Pain in joints of vertebrae; in nape and between scapulae on moving head; bruised, in nape on motion and touch; as if flesh were beaten loose from last vertebra, he could scarcely tolerate the shirt against it; paralytic, in nape, then extending into wrist, on walking in open air, (>) evening on going to bed, with inability to grasp anything firmly. Drawing pain in muscles; in nape; in nape in morning, with feeling of a load on it. Drawing in nape extending down back in afternoon when sitting, with pain in pit of stomach like a crawling, so that she must sit bent over. Stiffness in muscles, with drawing; stiff and drawn to r. side; S. of r. side at night, as if head had been lying in an uncomfortable position.

Clinical Wry neck from cold or from nervous shock.


      Tearing and pulling pain; burning T., drawing T. Pain; in vertebrae; indescribable, then tetanic spasms; bruised; drawing; as if congested, on touch and pressure. Constriction. Stiffness. Stitches between scapulae; on motion and breathing; burning. Sprained pain in scapulae. Bruised pain in dorsal muscles on touch; D. pain between S., (<) stooping, with drawing. Constriction between S.

Lumbar Region. – Sticking taking away the breath, on turning upper part of body sideways; (during afternoon chill, then extending into sides and impeding respiration); burning, extending through thigh on steeping and walking; jerking, and in ischii, so that she could not turn in bed, also pain in lumbar region during rest, inability to lie still, cough or sneeze on account of the painful jerking. Tearing; when walking and sitting, (>) lying, with pulling. Pain in morning, with pain as from incarcerated flatus low down in hypogastrium; P. passing to hips; at night, preventing turning over in bed; extending towards spine, in morning after drinking, then it presses towards hypochondria, as from incarceration of flatus; extending up spine, causing anxiety, after supper; as if dislocated, in pelvic region, on motion; as if it would break, caused by a draught of air, was obliged to walk bent over; heavy; throbbing, during shaking chill, with eructations; drawing, extending up back, with paralytic stiffness. Bruised pain in L. region and in knees in morning in bed, with drawing pain; B. pain on bending far backward, (<) bending far forward; (<) motion. Pain as if beaten or weak, as after childbirth, during the day. Constriction extending into side. Tense and sore on touch.

Clinical Lumbago, the back feels bruised and lame. General rheumatism of the large muscles of the back and trunk, with extreme sensitiveness to pain and to cold, with gastric symptoms. Lumbago (<) night in bed, inability to turn over, the longer he lies the worse it gets. Spinal irritation, with loss of power in the extremities, with go to sleep easily, numbness. Formication along the spine. Occasionally useful as an intercurrent in locomotor ataxia. Multiple sclerosis.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.