Homeopathy Remedy Nux Vomica

Upper – Griping when she wishes to go to stool. Grasping and clawing alternately. Flatulent colic in evening after lying down. Pain as if clothes were too tight. Pressure below pit of stomach causing eructations. Fulness on beginning to eat.

Sides – Stitches on moving; in l. on deep breathing; in r., taking away the breath in forenoon, (>) pressure. Pinching. Pressure outward during menstruation. Bruised pain on touch, and in loins. Drawing pain from l. over umbilicus. Bubbling, with anxiety. Creeping in r. muscles, the place felt dead and seemed swollen.

Hypochondria. – Sticking in hepatic region. Constriction. Throbbing in and below hepatic region as if an ulcer would form. Sensation of internal swelling.

Umbilicus. – Sticking in region. Griping about U. on eating, with pinching. Pain below U. as form a stone, taking away the breath, after dinner. Kneading in region as if something drawn from the limbs were collected into a ball.

Hypogastrium – Development of a tendency to inguinal hernia (compare Coccul.). (Glandular swelling on bend of groin.). The band of clothes above hips is tight. Cutting mornings, with nausea, sweetish disgusting taste, weakness and sleepiness; C. rising to upper A., where it amounted to griping. Pinching in morning, with fermenting rumbling, then watery diarrhoea. Pain in ring in morning in bed as if a hernia would become incarcerated. Pain in pubic region. Pain especially extending towards anus. Colic as if flatulence, with cutting, were forcing out bladder, neck of bladder, beginning of urethra, perineum, rectum and anus, (<) every step, obliging him to walk bent, (>) rest when sitting and lying (Sul.). Pressure like a distention, on inspiration, talking or touch. Forcing down towards genitals. Griping drawing in ring, extending upward in side of abdomen. Constriction when walking in open air, with forcing downward towards genitals. Soreness on bend of groin. Weakness in ring as if a hernia would form.

Clinical Engorgement of the liver, with stitches and soreness and yellow face (symptoms of gall-stone). Colic from indigestion, with pressure upward causing shortness of breath, and downward causing desire for stool, with general soreness. Colic, with constipation and frequent desire for stool. Jaundice resulting from fits of anger. Affections of the liver in persons who habitually use alcoholic liquors, especially if constipated and subject to haemorrhoids. Incarcerated hernia; numerous cases of apparently irreducible hernia have been reported as cured by this drug, which seems to relax the unnatural condition of the irritated muscles; in more recent hernias a complete cure is made by Nux v., by restoring tone to the relaxed muscles which have permitted the hernia to protrude; this is especially true in infants who have hernia from extreme constipation or from crying, with colic and indigestion, especially if they are very cross.

Rectum – Sticking during stool. Sharp pain after stool and after eating, (<) exerting mind or studying; in morning before stool. Pain in evening, and in anus; deep in, taking a way the breath about midnight; as from constipation, in evening after eating, (>) emissions of flatus. Contraction in morning after rising, and in anus; C. at times, as if he must go to stool. Constriction during stool, with discharge of bright blood; C. after stool, with sensation as if some could not be evacuated; in R. and anus after eating, exerting mind and reflecting, with tearing sticking; preventing stool. Raw, sore feeling. Itching; voluptuous; tickling in R. and anus, with crawling. Sensation as if stool were incomplete, with colic. Urging, with pain in hepatic region and other parts of abdomen; anxious U.; ineffectual; frequent, ineffectual, after the usual stool; frequent, ineffectual, with griping, and stool when passed was soft; ineffectual, after eating. Pressure before stool.

Anus – Blind haemorrhoids; H., with burning and sticking in rectum. Haemorrhoidal excitement. Haemorrhage. Discharge of blood with the stool; D. of thread worms. Jerking when not at stool. Burning smarting some hours after stool, with cutting as in a sore. Biting in evening after stool, with cutting as in a sore. Biting in evening after stool, with sore pain. Burning pain externally after stool. Itching, when walking in evening, with sore pain as from haemorrhoids; I. on margin becoming a smarting and sore pain as from blind piles; and hot stool. Crawling at night as from thread-worms. Pain in perineum after dinner.

Clinical Haemorrhoids, with itching and frequent urging to stool. Blind haemorrhoids, which are extremely painful.


      Watery and copious; W., yellow, frequent; W., involuntary, during emission of flatus, then hard faeces. Diarrhoea; in morning after rising (and drinking), then weakness, yawning, sleepiness, chilliness and Dullness of head, then refreshing sleep; dark, (<) morning and after dinner; scanty and corrosive in morning; green, slimy; offensive; and copious, two hours later watery and urgent, with colic; afterwards hard. Soft, with griping.

Constipation; with rush of blood to head; as from constriction of intestines; as from inactivity of rectum. Hard, then sticking as from haemorrhoids; H. and large; H. in morning and after eating (and drinking), mixed with soft faeces and flatus. Whitish, mixed with tenacious mucus and streaks of blood. Coated with white mucus; with blood and mucus. Two, in forenoon, with straining. Small, frequent. Difficult, with burning. Delayed, with urging, after five hours and a half urging again, stool loose and scanty, with straining.

Clinical It is generally indicated in constipation when there is now, or has been, repeated ineffectual urging to stool throughout the whole abdomen, in this respect differing from Sul., which is indicated when the uneasiness is in the rectum; the constipation of Nux v. usually results from inharmonious action of the persistaltic muscles of the bowels, while that of Sul. is from dryness, irritability and relaxation of the rectum, particularly caused by injections of water. Diarrhoea consisting of frequent small evacuations, with backache and constant feeling as if there were more to be evacuated. Dysentery, with backache, violent tenesmus, nausea and vomiting. Dysentery, especially after the administration of allopathic remedies, with disordered stomach, morning aggravation, discharge of bloody mucus.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder, discharge of tenacious mucus during micturition; (sticking after dinner, (>) emission of flatus); pain in neck before micturition; pressure in neck after micturition; burning in neck during micturition, with tearing; itching burning in region of neck in morning in bed, seeming like sexual desire. Urging; in afternoon; frequent; ineffectual; and urine scanty. Micturition difficult; M. in strong stream; painful of thick urine; delayed. Slight incontinence of urine.

Urethra – Discharge of mucus. Sticking or jerking before urinating; itching stitch in forepart, extending backward. Pain in meatus, with shivering; P. in meatus as if sore before and after micturition. Constriction in forepart, extending backward, in morning and when reflecting. Itching when urinating. Burning in urethra when urinating; and at other times tearing; before micturition after dinner, with sticking. Burning pain in forepart when urinating.

Urine – Turbid with dirty yellow sediment. Reddish and thick. Watery. Pale, then discharge of a thick, whitish substance like matter, with burning pain.

Clinical Extremely irritable bladder, with strangury, frequent and painful efforts to urinate, with discharge of only a few drops of burning urine. Paralysis of the bladder, with dribbling of urine. Retention of urine, and spasmodic closure of the neck of the bladder. Haematuria, with suppression of the haemorrhoidal flow or of the menses. Renal colic of r. side, extending to the genitals, with frequent ineffectual efforts to urinate, but the urine only dribbles.

Sexual Organs

      Pressure outward in morning in bed. Irritation in morning after rising, with desire for an emission. Sore pain in tip of glans after micturition. Biting in glans. Itching of glans; in morning; biting; burning, posteriorly; corrosive, evening and morning. Erections mornings; after midday nap; persistent. Prepuce retracted above glans; P. sore on margin, (<) towards evening; biting itching on inner surface, (<) towards evening. Profuse smegma behind corona glandis. Pinching on r. side of scrotum. Itching of scrotum. Testicles, stitches; constriction; aching in r. T. and spermatic cord, (>) camphor or brandy, with heaviness; heat. Desire on slight provocation; (<) morning in bed; D., but during an emission he became impotent. Emission at night, with lascivious dream; E. at night without erection, then relaxation of lower part of body; at night, then coldness of feet.

Female – Discharge of yellow mucus; offensive mucus. Internal swelling of vagina like prolapsus, with burning pain, (<) touch. Corrosive itching eruption on pudenda. Burning in pudenda, with great sexual desire. Pressure in uterus at stool, as if the child would pass. Menses too early; with cramps; and scanty; and scanty, and shorter than usual; delayed till full moon; at full moon; M. that had ceased the day before returned for a few hours.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.