Homeopathy Remedy Nux Vomica

Clinical Tearing toothache, extending to head, (>) warmth. Neuralgic toothache from taking cold, involving even healthy teeth, feeling as if they would be wrenched out, usually (<) cold air, especially worse immediately after eating. Ulceration of mouth and gums wit fetid odor and other symptoms.


      Hawking of salt mucus from fauces. Stitches in upper part in afternoon; in uvula and sub-maxillary gland when swallowing, with shivering during the day, sweat at night and headache, in sides when not swallowing, (<) stooping and ascending stairs; itching, extending to ears, on swallowing or moving jaws; as form a plug, (<) not swallowing. Rough from catarrh. Rawness that provokes cough; pain at palate as if raw and and sore; R. on swallowing; R. in fauces on drawing in cold air and on swallowing. Scraping as after heartburn; and at orifice of larynx; S., not on swallowing. Sharpness on coughing, causing pain in pit of throat. Spasmodic pain from pharynx to pit of stomach in morning.

Swollen sensation; in pharynx, (<) swallowing on palate, not when drinking. Pressure on swallowing saliva. Constriction of pharynx. Dryness posteriorly after dinner; in fauces in morning on waking, and after rising bad breath. A rising up, bubbling and burning extending into throat. Burning; in pharynx; at night, (<) lying; and in chest, with suffocating sensation; in oesophagus, extending to mouth; in fauces like heartburn. Crawling upward in pharynx in evening after lying down, during menstruation. Swallowing impeded.

Clinical Sore throat, catarrh, with smarting burning, usually associated with coryza. Tickling in end of l. Eustachian tube.


      Appetite great; in morning; but soon satisfied; but aversion to food; but lost next day at lunch time, sleep instead; periodically in afternoon, (<) after weiss beer, if the hunger passes off without eating he feels quite full. Longing for tobacco. Appetite diminished; lost; lost after walking. Aversion to food; to the usual food, drinking, tobacco and coffee; to the food just eaten, (<) if she does not lie down,; to the odor of food (Colchicum); to bread; to rye bread, it causes salivation; to sour (black) bread; to fluids, which were swallowed with difficulty or not at all.

Thirst; in afternoon and evening; in evening, but nausea soon after drinking; for milk; yet aversion to water and beer; yet drink distresses stomach; for beer during chill; for small beer, with shivering; for small beer after morning sweat.

Eructations; after eating and drinking; of bitter and sour liquid, also at night; bitter when fasting; sour all day; sour, as far as tongue, after walking in morning; sour after eating, with yawning; of water after eating; of food; painful. Hiccough; before dinner.

Nausea; in morning (Lobelia); in morning during menstruation, with chilliness and faintness; in morning in bed, with bruised pain in intestines and loins; during morning sweat; in morning, with qualmishness about heart and salivation, in afternoon shivering; about 5 P.M.; in pit of stomach towards evening; from smoking; after eating (Ferrum); before dinner; during dinner, (>) lying down, with faintness and flashes of heat; after dinner; after dinner and drinking, then thirst, and after drinking distention of abdomen; wherever she wishes to drink; after palpitation; after anxiety, with rapid respiration, then dry cough caused by the nausea, with vomiting; from colic, more cutting than griping; with cutting colic; (<) pit of stomach, with cramp in l. side of abdomen; rising from pit of stomach, after eating, as from a purge, with anxiety; extending through body here and there, as if everything were fermenting, in morning; sudden, after dinner, then vertigo and attacks of faintness, then eructations; sudden, rising from pit of stomach after dinner, with general anxiety, trembling, beating and weakness.

Retching; on hawking mucus from fauces. Vomiting; violent; of sour mucus in forenoon; of sour-smelling and sour-tasting mucus towards evening, with headache like a tearing (?) around lower part of skull; haematemesis; copious, after much milk.

Distention, with pain on touch, also in pit; D. in pit and abdomen after eating, with pressure. (stitches in pit in evening and after lying down.) Tearing. Constrictive pinching. Scraped sensation in pit. Pain; in pit; epigastric region; and in chest; in pit in morning, then cutting in abdomen and nausea; in morning after eating a little; after eating, with return of a metallic and herby taste; below pit, (<) walking in open air; with weight and heat in it; as form a stone; in epigastrium, as from a stone in morning, (<) walking, (>) sitting; in epigastric region, as from overloading stomach, after eating; in pit after drinking, causing tightness of breath, with distention of abdomen; as if beaten before eating, (>) eating. Clawing towards morning, as from a purge, changing to burning in pit of stomach. Epigastric region sensitive to pressure, nausea if hand lay on S.

Tension; above S.; transversely across epigastric region, above S., about 3 P.M. then pain as if everything were raw and sore. Sensation as if something in epigastric region turned over. Throbbing in epigastric region; after supper, most noticed on laying hand on it. Heartburn; as after overloading S. with rancid fat (Pulsatilla). Burning; in orifice; in pit, extending upward; cool, in pit, rising to pharynx, (<) night. Burning pain in pit and farther down after supper, with anxiety. It often seems as if she would eructate, but she does not, it then seems as if oesophagus were constricted by a spasm. Discomfort in pit, ascending to throat, choking him and stopping his breath. Heaviness from a light dinner, afterwards distention and flatulence in bowels. Fluttering, sinking feeling in epigastrium, with palpitation. Acidity caused by milk.

Clinical General desire for stimulants. Indigestion characterized by extreme distress in the stomach immediately after eating, feeling as if the stomach knotted up, at times with bitter eructations or with sour or putrid taste in the mouth, nearly always associated with nausea and efforts to vomit. Persistent efforts to vomit food. Vomiting of pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting every morning. Chronic vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are a very frequent accompaniment of the state requiring Nux v.; the efforts to vomit are usually spasmodic and associated with great distress in the stomach, (<) eating. Severe gastralgia or cardialgia, (<) least nourishment, the stomach seems very irritable and contracts painfully upon its contents. Atonic dyspepsia, with slow and imperfect digestion, fulness in the stomach, belchings, pain extending all around the chest and up to the shoulders. Various forms of inflammation of the stomach, caused by the habitual use of powerful drugs or of alcohol. Dyspepsia from drinking strong coffee. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, with headache, vertigo, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting, soreness of the stomach and abdomen, uneasiness in the bowels. Gastralgia, (<) light, (>) hard pressure, transiently (>) vomiting.


      Twitching of muscles. Distention; flatulent after eating (Lycopodium); flatulent, after drinking. Rumbling; in morning, with gurgling, also in bed, with spasmodic griping flatulent colic and heat in palms and soles; in afternoon; with motions as if stool would follow, with weakness and necessity to lie down. Croaking as of frogs. Movements in morning. Agitation from below upward. Flatulence rising and becoming incarcerated under short ribs; rising into chest, tightening it and causing sticking here and there; caused by all food, rising up and causing anxiety; here and there, causing pressure and anxiety.

Stitches. Cramp. Tearing after 4 P.M.; griping T. extending to chest; drawing; drawing, that comes from both sides above ossa innominata. Griping; in A. and uterus, with clawing, with profuse discharge of clotted blood; with bubbling and digging; as of worms, after coffee, (>) bending backward, returning on stooping. Burning cutting, (<) upper, and (<) moving about.

Pain; on touch; in a spot on touch or on pressure of clothes, after walking violently, with sticking; with dryness of lips and heat in face; with desire for stool, but emission of only flatus; then discharge of dark mucus, causing biting burning in anus; as before diarrhoea from taking cold (Sulphur); in open air, as from taking cold; as from taking cold, in morning on slightest uncovering during sweat; as if everything were sore, on every step, as from incarcerated flatus; flatulent, after stool, as if intestines here and there were pressed by stones; drawing- tensive; drawing, extending through thighs. Bruised pain in muscles on motion; and on touch.

Constriction. Weight. Sensation as if everything would fall down, obliging him to walk carefully. Sensation as if intestines swashed about on walking. Warmth in morning; not disagreeable W., with sensation as if something as if something unfolded itself and were in motion.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.