Homeopathy Remedy Nitrum Acidum

Urethra. Orifice swollen and dark red. Discharge of bloody matter; of prostatic fluid after a difficult stool; drops of thin mucus, not stringy like prostatic fluid, after micturition; tenacious mucus after micturition; drops of mucus when not urinating; yellow matter. Sticking in orifice. Cutting. Smarting when urinating. Pain on touch; sore P. when urinating. Burning when urinating; after U.; in forepart compelling micturition, which aggravates it.

Urine. Brownish, offensive, biting; B. causing stains like coffee stains. Dark; but soon becomes white and turbid, after micturition increased dryness of throat; a pint, of the consistency of pea-soup. Like brandy, but not strong in odor, afterwards copious and straw-colored, with occasionally a slight hippuric odor. Cold when passed. Offensive; like horse’s urine; odor like tobacco; ammoniacal odor and whitish sediment. Clear on passing, but on standing it becomes cloudy and thready and deposits a bright red tenacious sediment. Copious, pale. Scanty; and turbid, offensive. Sediment red.

Clinical Ulceration of the urethra, with smarting and burning when urinating. Albuminuria, with pressing pain in the region of the kidneys, fetid breath, scanty urine. Frequent micturition, the urine has a strong odor. Cystitis, with violent pain in the region of the bladder and passage of almost clear blood, with urging to urinate. Oxaluria. The strong-smelling urine, which the patient requiring Acid nitricum usually have, is to be compared with Benzoic acid.

Sexual Organs

      Falling out of hair. Itching. Penis, denuded spot becomes ulcerated and will not head; itching pimples; ulcer, with elevated, lead-colored, sensitive edges; red spots become covered with scabs; moisture; sore pain in tip when urinating; throbbing and pressure; itching; itching, (<) glans, beneath prepuce; itching tickling as from gnat-bites. Great inclination to erections; E. in morning in bed, with pain in urethra; E. in evening after lying down; with burning and sticking in urethra; violent, at night, even after an emission; violent, at night on waking; spasmodic, disagreeable, after midnight, obliged to toss about uneasily; wanting.

Corona Glandis. Superficial ulcers, looking clean, but exuding offensive matter. Flesh-colored excrescences, exuding offensive moisture and bleeding on touch (Hepar). Brown, painful spots.

Prepuce. Itching vesicles that open and become covered with dry scabs. Burning itching pimple on inner surface, and after rubbing a yellow ulcer even with skin, covered with thick matter, without pain, surrounded by redness. Superficial, yellow, ulcerating spots like flat chancres, moist but painless, on inner surface, on both sides of fraenum. Inflammation and swelling, with burning pain, and on inner surface soreness and small ulcers secreting an offensive ichor, that stains the linen like bloody matter. Swelling of. and phimosis, without much redness, and on its inner surface and margin and in meatus urinarius chancre-like suppurating ulcers, with flat edges, without inflammation, with sticking tearing, (<) towards evening, preventing sleep at night, still more (<) violent erections towards morning. Mucus beneath P., behind corona glandis. Sticking. Itching, with moist spots on its inner surface.

Itching of scrotum; with sore spots. Crawling on scrotum, extending through groin. Swelling of testicles; of r., with pain on touch. Testicles painful to touch, with tearing in spermatic cords; bruised pain in l. T.; twisting pain in l.; burning pain in l.; drawing pain.

Power diminished, at times absent, with slow, unsatisfactory erections, only excited by fondling, that at the next time are all the more satisfactory and complete. Excitement; with discharge of prostatic fluid; and erections without lascivious fancies; wanting. Slight voluptuous sensation during coition. Frequent emissions.

Female. Constriction towards genitals during menstruation. Dry burning. Itching of pudenda towards evening; I. when walking, then soreness; l., and she rubs the foetus almost sore at night. Vagina, swelling of one side and of labia minora, with burning itching; ulcer even with surface, covered with yellow pus, with burning itching pain; sticking; sticking extending upward when walking in open air; itching and inflammation of V. and labia majora. Cherry-brown, offensive discharge from vagina. Leucorrhoea profuse; L. of bad odor; stringy, mucous, flesh- colored; greenish. mucous, after menstruation. Menstruation too early; reappeared a few days after close of menstruation and was pale; too late; too late (at the full moon) and rather too profuse, with headache and colic (in a young person); too profuse.

Clinical Syphilitic ulcerations and erosions of the penis and prepuce. It is particularly useful for venereal ulcers when the ulcers bleed easily and there are sharp, splinter-like pains. Condylomata on the prepuce, with offensive oozings. Inflammation and swelling of the testicles, with pain in the cords, extending to the abdomen. Herpes of the prepuce. Leucorrhoea yellow and acrid. Inflammation of the cervix uteri, with warty excrescences and excoriating discharge, general tendency to uterine haemorrhage. Erosions and ulcerations of the cervix, with yellow discharge. Obstinate haemorrhage from the uterus, with pressure in the hypogastrium, pain in thighs, strong-smelling urine; aching in rectum after stool, general anaemia.

Respiratory Organs

      Rattling in trachea in morning in bed, then retching cough and bloody expectoration, then sick feeling, chilliness etc. Scraping in trachea. Sticking in region of larynx. Hoarse; in morning. Voice rough; feeble.

Cough; on deep breathing; from constriction of throat, (<) night during sleep; (<) night, and in the day when lying down and falling asleep, he can sleep only towards morning; (<) night, with shattering of whole body, often taking away the breath, as in whooping cough, with stitches in chest, sore throat and fever; with redness of face and body. C. causing anxiety and vomiting of mucus and food. Retching, in evening in bed. Violent, after midnight; V., with whistling inspiration, redness and sweat of face and body, the paroxysms of cough so increased by the inhalation of the gas that it caused a taste of blood, nausea and vomiting of mucus and food, longer exposure caused oppressed breathing and anxiety, afterwards rawness, soreness and weariness of chest. Spasmodic, with fits of suffocation; S., ineffectual, ending in gagging; croaking, paroxysmal, from pit of stomach, (>) night. Hacking, in morning; H. after eating, with irritation and crawling in larynx. Dry; before midnight, in sleep; and rough before midnight; and barking, (<) evening. Loose. Cough with expectoration of mucus; of bright blood, then easier breathing; C. and hawking of much black blood and blowing of the same from nose; retching C., causing expectoration of black, clotted blood.

Expectoration. Yellow, bitter. Of green, frothy mucus.

Respiration. Threatened with asphyxia. Difficult; in morning; in morning, and painful, stridulous; at night, interrupting sleep; on waking in night and in morning, with anxiety; from cough; when walking in open air; as from rush of blood to chest; and rough, the quantity of air taken into lungs appearing to the ear applied to chest to be small, afterwards breathing more labored and a low whistle at each inspiration, later respiration more croupy. Short, Catching; at every attempt at a full inspiration. Could be heard in bronchi. Slow and feeble. Lost when walking in open air, and feet heavy.

Clinical Cough (<) forepart of night, with feeling as if the chest were to full, pain as if bound with an iron band, with tendency to tuberculosis. Chronic cough from the larynx, with stinging and smarting as if ulcerated. Phthisis of the larynx, with extensive ulceration. Night cough, fatiguing, paroxysmal, cough caused by laughing or crying, great weakness.


      Whistling on inspiration, with rales. Adherent mucus. Lungs filled with frothy mucus, and death with symptoms as in drowning. Broncho-pneumonia, with violent fever. Signs of commencing tubercle in apex of r. lung. Dullness on percussion over lower parts, with Dullness of respiratory murmur, raising of frothy mucus and rawness of chest on coughing.

Sticking in r. side and scapula; externally; under sternum and borders of ribs; through lungs in forenoon; in r. breast in evening after lying down; in middle of l. evening, on nearly every breath when coughing and breathing, (<) lying down; at night when lying on back he started up and was attacked by S. in r.; S. and pinching at one time below breast, at another in back, at night; in r. side on breathing; in sides on stooping, breathing deeply and reaching high up, with suppurative pain; on sternum, with drawing; in upper parts, inside r. ribs, extending to abdomen and back; in l. in morning, making respiration difficult; in and below l. as from incarcerated flatus.

Cramp. Spasmodic pain anteriorly and in back, waking him at night; S. pain in C. and opposite in back after midnight, (<) inspiration. Twisting pain in r. pain in r. in morning after many empty eructations; P. caused by cough; externally, (<) stooping; anteriorly on ribs, even on breathing, with bruised sensation; in l. as if blood would not go through heart. Sore pain when eating; when coughing; on respiration. Soreness; in folds beneath breasts; under sternum, with burning pain; caused by cough, with rawness and weariness; muscular, through intercostal spaces. Spasmodic drawing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.