Homeopathy Remedy Nitrum Acidum

Clinical Caries of the bones of the face, especially of the malar bones, which become sore and painful as from splinters.


      Teeth Yellow (Iodium, Lycopodium). Loose; and painful on chewing (Mercurius). Feeling as if soft and spongy, fear of biting them together lest they fall out, on slightest sucking of teeth blood exuded form gum. Sticking; at night, with burning in them; on taking anything cold or warm into mouth; with swelling of cheek; in upper molars, extending to their crowns: Tearing; with swelling of cheek and a red spot in middle of it. Boring on touch of anything cold or warm. Jerking, (<) hold low T. and in evening; constrictive, in hollow, with bubbling sensation. Throbbing, now in one, now in all, (<) evening in bed, preventing sleep. Pain during menses; P. in a lower molar on chewing; (<) leaning head on pillow; in upper, with swelling of cheek and tightness in it; in upper incisors and a lower hollow molar, as if loose and blunted, or as if they had been bend forward and were loose, in evening, (>) warm food. Drawing; at night, with grumbling, and in jaws; about midnight, with sticking in them and swelling of gum; extending to larynx; sharp, in r. and in head. Seem too long. Coldness. Sensation of softness (Weichheit), (>) eating.

Gums. Swelling during menses: S., with such looseness of teeth that she could have taken them out (Mercurius); of upper, even of sockets of teeth; and white. Bleeding. Feel affected and are red and enlarged between teeth, next day tender. Cutting in upper. Pain and sore feeling. Itching.

Tongue. Blisters, with burning pain on touch (Natrum mur., Lycopodium); painful B. on sublingual glands; and dry, brownish, with swollen papillae. Painful pimples on sides. Painful, raised papillae. Pale, moist. Swollen and of citron appearance; S. and of lemon color. T. and inside of mouth yellow and denuded in places. T. and inside of lips covered with a lemon-yellow membrane. Coated; in morning, and dry; with the febrile symptoms; yellow in two stripes, with red excoriations; whitish, whitish-yellow, with bitter taste. Bitten when chewing. Hits against teeth. Sticking in root when not swallowing, in evening in bed. Sore pain in red part. Sensitive, even to soft food, which causes biting. Dry; and white; and sticking to palate in morning on waking. Stammering. Speech almost impossible in morning.

Ulcers on insides of cheeks, with sticking (compare Ka-chl.); inside of cheeks, uvula, palate, fauces and as far as could be seen covered with U. and yellowish-gray membrane, red, swollen, painful and offensive. M. and throat swollen bright red, with pain and burning in mouth, throat and stomach. M., fauces and tongue covered with a white membrane that could be torn off easily. Covered with a whitish-yellow membrane. White. M. and fauces deep yellow, and tongue looking as if covered with Indian meal. Mucous membrane of cheeks easily gets between teeth so that bites it when chewing. Tenacious mucus. Spitting out of blood- stained mucus. Pain, and in throat and stomach; in M., palate and oesophagus, with burning. Burning at night. Soreness; and of throat. Constriction. All parts seem stiff and swollen in morning on waking. Sensation as if all parts were asleep.

Dryness; superiorly on palate; in morning; in morning, with scraping as after much smoking; with out thirst, with swollen, hot lips; with dry lips, tongue feels scalded, tips and edges very red. Salivation (Mercurius). Bloody saliva is expectorated in morning; A. colored with blood, (<) mental work; spitting out much tenacious; sweetish. Foul odor (Iodium, Mercurius). Taste sweetish in morning; T. of blood caused by cough; salt to water; of the food long after eating. Bitter taste; in forenoon; afternoon. Sour taste; in morning; in evening; after eating; caused by black bread, with vomiting; that burns the throat.

Clinical Gums unhealthy and bleed easily; the teeth are loose and the saliva is bloody, and there is a putrid odor form the mouth; with these conditions the drug is frequently indicated in a mercurial cachexia. Ulceration of the mouth, with great fetor, the ulcers spread rapidly, like mercurial ulcers, but when touched they have sharp splinter-like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria. Ulceration of the sides of the tongue, with tough, stringy mucus. Tongue coated yellow as a rule, though sometimes white in the morning.


      Submaxillary glands swollen (Iodium, Mercurius); with pain on moving and touching neck; swollen sensation. Pain in Submaxillary glands; r.; and in neck. Itching of the swollen parotids. Hawking of mucus. Mucus posteriorly. A morsel sticks in pharynx when eating, as if P. were constricted. White patches on tonsils, then on back of throat, then inside of mouth and lips, the deposit become yellowish and tongue coated yellow, with red tip and margins, swallowing painful, throbbing in tonsils and stiffness in muscles of throat. Swelling in tonsils; and uvula; and arch of palate, with pain and injected vessels. Redness of fauces, with excoriations and yellow membrane; of fauces and posterior pharynx; R. and swelling of pharynx, epiglottis and aditus laryngis, with burning and titillation in larynx and pharynx. Ulcers in fauces, with salivation. Hawking of mucus.

Sticking (Ka.c.); on long talking; on coughing; with swelling; in tonsils, with burning in fauces behind uvula. Tearing sore pain in pharynx, chest and stomach after drinking at beginning of meal. Soreness; with tickling cough. Pain; and in larynx; region of hyoid bone and of pit; (<) lateral compression on larynx; behind suprasternal notch, (<) drinking water; in pit extending to pit of stomach, in morning; posteriorly on swallowing food, extending down inner surface of back; in tonsils, with soreness of uvula; sore, in pharynx; on swallowing, as if swollen, raw and ulcerated; as if swollen and thick during day and evening, with sore pain; on swallowing food, as if it would not go down; burning, and in epigastrium.

Feeling of a lump on empty swallowing. Rawness, with smarting down oesophagus. Scraping; and cough; and inclination to cough on reading aloud; with roughness and dryness; as if something prevented speech and swallowing. Tickling, Bitterness. Acidity; after eating fat. Dryness and heat; D. low down posteriorly, with heat at night. Burning after supper. Swallowing difficult; possible only for liquids; referred to a line from top of sternum down to l. side; S. painful; impossible. When eating food is forced into choanae, with a disagreeable sensation then it is drawn downward with mucus. When eating food is forced into choanae and towards nose, as if pharynx could not grasp the food. Food arrested at a point corresponding to upper edge of sternum.

Oesophagus. Pain; (<) swallowing. Feeling of knot rising in it. Constriction so that he could swallow only by gulps, a part of the fluid regurgitating through nostrils. Heartburn down to pit of stomach.

Clinical Sore throat, with pain as from splinters on swallowing, with much salivation. Syphilitic ulceration of the mouth and throat. Enlargement of the parotid glands. Diphtheritic sore throat, with high fever, nausea and vomiting, deposit on tonsils and posterior walls of the pharynx, feeling of a foreign substance on swallowing, with cutting pain. Diphtheria, with excoriating discharge from nose or corners of mouth; sometimes it seems as if the discharge from the throat affected the stomach, on account of the taste, uneasiness and aversion to food. Rheumatic soreness of palate muscles following severe influenza.


      Hunger great (Iodium, Lycopodium) with weariness of life. Ravenous H.; dissatisfied with milk and gruels; constant H., but speedy satiety on eating. Desire for fat and herring. Craving for food, but everything was soon rejected. Little appetite, immediate satiety, with eructations after a little food. Cannot eat bread, she can eat only cooked food. Satiety, with Dullness in head. Appetite lost; (<) morning; but she eats and soon becomes qualmish. Aversion to food; to sweets to cooked meat; to animal food. Thirst great; for water in morning on waking; at night; obliged to drink while eating.

Eructations the first half of the night, with cramps in stomach; before and after eating; after dinner, with flatulence; after eating, with bitter and sour vomiting; after eating, then heartburn from stomach to throat; with heartburn; sour empty; empty, in morning; tasting of the dinner eaten hours previously; offensive; bilious, when eating, (<) evening; of partly digested food, with insipid taste in mouth. Hiccough; from morning till evening.

Nausea; all day; in morning before breakfast, till she fell asleep again; in evening, with weakness, then excessive yawning; after soft stool; after eating; after eating, with diarrhoea; in throat after eating, (>) moving about; (<) moving about, with sick feeling like faintness and anxiety as if she would eructate alternating with ravenous hunger, pain in stomach as from emptiness, and waterbrash; (>) vomiting; (>) eating and drinking, with heat from pit of stomach to pit of throat; with heaviness and Dullness of head; with anxiety and trembling; with stitches in side of chest; with unquenchable thirst, but drinking caused increase of pricking in stomach and of nausea; with general sick feeling and movements of body, as after an emetic; with general sick feeling, chilliness after the usual coffee and necessity to lie down; as from heat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.