Homeopathy Remedy Nitrum Acidum

Retching. Vomiting; caused by drink; after dinner, with pain over eyes and in parietal bones as if head would burst; with excruciating pain and anxiety; with pain in mouth, throat and stomach; with burning thirst; with restlessness and delirium; violent; of everything but cold milk; of food and watery fluid after swallowing; bitter and sour; constant, of tenacious, purulent and bloody mucus; of a fluid neutral to test paper; of green mucus about every fifteen minutes, then neuralgia in gums, teeth, jaws and throat lasting about fifteen minutes; of blood; coagulated blood and fluid, net day V. of bloody fluid, with a shred of offensive mucus membrane; black, offensive blood; thin, black blood and of an offensive black, fibrous membrane nearly a foot in diameter, containing bloodvessels; of a ropy, white and yellowish substance streaked with blood; serous brownish fluid mixed with blood and yellow mucus; incessant, of dark, sanguineous and grumous fluid.

Epigastric region distended and sensitive to pressure. Motion near l. side of pit. Sticking anteriorly beneath pit. Cramps, with pain and tenderness; C. as after taking cold. Spasmodic griping; and pinching. Clawing in morning after rising, extending into chest, then attacks of griping in abdomen. Gnawing in morning fasting. Pain; in epigastric region; in morning on waking, and in back; at night; at night, waking her; at night in sleep, (>) waking; in epigastric region on touch; below S. caused by cough; when fasting; after eating, with coldness of it; in region of cardiac orifice on swallowing food; above S. and pit when walking in open air; (<) pressure; (<) before eating, (>) eating, with empty eructations; in epigastrium, ileo-caecal region and region of S. Romanum, with sensitiveness to pressure; in pit, with sudden burning as if he would vomit blood; above S. so that he dared not stretch out straight, (>) eructations; sore, during the day; intermittent; spasmodic, in pit; spasmodic drawing, in pit, extending to navel, with tension, causing short breath.

Tenderness at pylorus. Pressure upon S. and pit when walking in open air. S. and abdomen tense after a moderate meal, clothe seem too tight (Lycopodium). Uneasiness in epigastric region on pressure. Spasmodic constriction. Pulsation in pit. Orgasm in region of pit. Burning; in epigastrium; and in chest.


      Threw himself on A., writhing in paroxysms of agony, pressing his A., groaning and beseeching to be stabbed. Distention; in the place of a hernia; in morning on waking; in morning, not (>) soft stool, with colicky uneasiness, movements, pain and rumbling; during menses; with constipation; (<) l. hypochondrium, extending to umbilical region, Dullness on percussion, fluctuations, pressure painful; flatulent, with rumbling from morning till evening. Contraction of muscles. Rumbling; after eating; with uneasiness and thin stools. Gurgling after eating. Emission of flatus; offensive. Movements of flatus, with discomfort.

Sticking, (<) pressure. Cutting in morning in bed, then soft stool; C., with diarrhoea and cold feet; through A., centering at pit of stomach. Cramp; at night; about once an hour, not (>) black fluid stools, which occurred about every fifteen minutes; and greenish stools, with tenesmus. Griping; in morning after a good stool; in morning, with emission of much flatus; at night, with restless sleep; before a good stool; when drinking water during a meal; then soft stool. Pain; before stool, with drawing; before emission of flatus; during menses, and in small of back; after frequent and in part ineffectual urging to stool; flatulent; flatulent, in morning after rising; as from taking cold; drawing, extending into thighs; twisting drawing, before emission of flatus; in a spot as if something would come out there. Sensation before diarrhoea. Constriction, with itching; spasmodic C. Tension. Sensitiveness. Uneasiness at night, with frequent waking; U. at night, with anxiety in A. and heat of head and hands. Qualmishness some hours after a meal.

Hypochondria. Sticking in hepatic region, (<) motion; in region of spleen on motion. Pain on coughing; P. in hepatic region during menstruation; in l., (<) towards front; in hepatic region, with tension; in morning passing up walls of chest, meeting at upper third of sternum, causing a terrible fit of coughing, with bursting headache and pricking in face, temples, etc. Swollen sensation in spleen. Nausea under short ribs frequently during the day, with anxiety, without inclination to vomit.

Side. Sticking in a hernial spot in l. Pinching in r. during afternoon nap. Pressure in l.

Umbilical Region. Distention. Griping, (<) moving and bending body, with drawing. Burrowing below umbilicus. Plain; after stool. Constriction. Pressure in middle abdomen as from a lump.

Hypogastrium. Swelling of inguinal glands, suppurative, with pain on walking, the whole limb seems paralyzed and muscles tense. Sticking above pubis when urinating; intermittent S., with pain on touch. Burrowing and griping. Cutting in r. side, with tension. Cramplike pain on appearance of menses; C. pain, as if it would burst during menstruation, with constant eructations and inability to remain quiet in any place. Labor-like pain during menstruation, then dragging into vagina. Pain as if everything would come out of genitals during menstruation, with pain in small of back extending into hips and down legs. Drawing pain, with shivering. Pain in l. groin as if from a rupture, (>) walking. Constriction of inguinal glands.

Clinical Chronic enlargement of the liver.


      Fissures more in R. than in anus after stool (Graphites, Silicea). Painful protrusion. Stitches in evening; during and after stool, with spasmodic constriction in anus (Silicea); in R. and anus after stool, with scraping; when coughing. Pain during stool, as if something would be torn asunder (Acid sulphuricum). Sticking cutting in R. and anus during stool, with dragging. Griping. Pressure. Itching; from thread-worms. Burning; at night on waking, and in morning; with pinching; extending to perineum, with ineffectual urging. Inactivity and inability to evacuate faces. Dragging towards R., then painful haemorrhoids. Urging, but a scanty stool. Sensation after stool as if more should be passed. Ineffectual desire after stool; constant ineffectual desire.

Clinical Ulceration of the rectum, with severe pain after stool. Extensive ulceration of the rectum, following dysentery which had been badly treated by local injections.


      Haemorrhoids after pressure downward in back, when standing; swelling; protruding, painless, discharging blood with every stool; with prickling in rectum; painful; burning. Fissures in evening. Discharge of blood with stool; D. of bright red blood; fetid D. Moisture and itching. Soreness; moist, between A. and nates when walking. Biting acridity with the stool. Pain as if haemorrhoids would form. Constriction. Itching when walking in open air and after stool. Burning (Silicea); all day, (<) after urinating; with hard stool; after stool (Iris). Perineum, painful pimples; drawing stitches extending towards anus.

Clinical Fissure of the anus, with constant oozing of fetid moisture, frequently burning stools, raw smarting, as if cut with a knife. Stricture of the anus, with accumulation of pus in fistulous ulcers. Haemorrhoids that have ceased to bleed, but are very painful and pendulous.


      Diarrhoea; frequent; every other day; twice in morning, with tenesmus; yellowish-white. Pasty. Soft, twice daily. Constipation; painless. In hard masses. Hard, scanty; H. enveloped in mucus, at first only every other day, afterwards daily; with pricking cutting in anus; like sheep-dung, with pressure and with mucus; alternating with a thin one. Bloody, with tenesmus (merc.); and painful; and dysenteric, with tenesmus, fever and headache; of much black, offensive blood; of B. and pseudo-membranes, painful and frequent. Dysentery; with fever. Offensive, with offensive flatus. Containing undigested food. Small, dark. Frequent, of only mucus, at times with cutting and urging; F., with shivering and Qualmishness under short ribs. Difficult, but not hard; D., with straining and burning in rectum.

Clinical Dysentery, with exceedingly painful discharges, great tenesmus and frequent unsuccessful efforts at stool. Diarrhoea, with burning, slimy stools and violent colic; the discharges are usually offensive, dark green or watery, with pieces of membrane varying in size, like scrapings of the intestines, sometimes streaked with blood. Diarrhoea, with most violent cutting pain lasting for hours after the stool (during typhoid). Constipation; stools hard, scanty, with painful burning in rectum (Iris, Silicea, Sul.).

Urinary Organs

      Burning pain in bladder. Urging; at night, with cutting, colic; at night with scanty discharge (Mercurius); frequent, with scanty discharge. Micturition easy, profuse; frequent M. at night; involuntary (in a child); in a thin stream, as from stricture of urethra. Polyuria. Urine suppressed; (bladder empty).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.