Homeopathy Remedy Nitrum Acidum

Nitrum Acidum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Nitrum Acidum…

      For use, pure Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.42, is mixed with distilled water (1 to 9), making the 1st decimal dilution.

General Action

      A tissue remedy of wide application, but with a particular affinity for the skin and mucous membranes; general tendency to destructive ulcerations, with sharp pains. In many particulars it resembles Mercury, in others the potashes and Iodine. It presents many points of resemblance to the lesions of syphilis.

Allied. Mercurius, Kali, Iodium, Lycopodium, Graphites, Hepar, Silicea, Aurum, etc.


      Emaciation (Iodium); (<) upper arms and thighs. Anemia of mucous membranes. Collapse, with sinking of pulse and delirium. Trembling in morning on waking; T. from weakness. Tossing about. Twitching. Epileptic attack after midnight, it began like a mouse moving up and down his l. side, then loss of consciousness, arm jerked, head and mouth drawn back and fort so that he bit his tongue, then stiffness and snoring; E. attack when sitting, first drawing in l. side of chest, then conclusive drawing back and forth in arms, with tolerable consciousness.

Stitches; here and there in all parts (Kali); under skin of whole body; head, face and body; through forehead, temples and malar-bones and in gums and teeth; head, face, lips, gums, and sharp aching in jaws, these pains partially (>) binding head tightly with cold compress. Painful hammering, (<) head. Pains in bones; P. when half awake he could not distinctly remember when awake; burning. Drawing almost all parts, suddenly appearing and disappearing; D. pain in periosteum of all bones, as before intermittent fever. Drawing in whole body, with tearing.

Tension in head and whole body; T. of nerves, with thirst. Inclination to take cold (Ka-c.); and has pain in back in consequence; in weak part in evening in cold wind, and then drawing pain in the parts. Sensitiveness of whole body to open air. Pulsation in upper part of body. Confusion of body, not of head, as after severe illness. Malaise; after dinner becomes warm, limbs feel prostrated and tremble, she is obliged to lie down; of whole body, with weakness of joints and heat of head. Restlessness; internal, in morning on waking,, arms. Sensation in all muscles as on resting after great fatigue. Disinclination to walk.

Weakness (Ka-c.,

     Phos-ac., Mercurius, Mur-ac., Sul-ac., etc.); of mind and body; all day, with sleepiness; in morning after rising till 10 A.M.; towards noon; in afternoon; in evening, (<) lower limbs; in evening, with trembling; on slight movement; after stool; when sitting and walking, with indolence and bruised sensation; after dinner, limbs relaxed, (<) knees and elbows; from too frequent coition (though with sufficient sexual desire), with renewal of old complaints; with atony; with trembling and sensitiveness; so that he was almost constantly obliged to lie down; sudden; so that she could not speak during menses, it took away her breath, and she was obliged to lie down; faintlike every other morning, with anxiety.

Faint; all day. Heaviness; on walking in open air; of head and limbs. Spasmodic stiffness of back and whole body. Aggravation towards evening, especially of the drawing pains here and there; A. on lying down. Most symptoms disappear when riding in a carriage (Graphites).

Clinical Epileptiform convulsions at night on going to bed, during the day frequent vertigo, always felt well when driving in a carriage, a long drive would keep off the paroxysm, promptly cured. In general, indicated for the bad effects of Mercury, to which it is similar. General aggravation from water, on washing (Phosphorus). Foul odor of all exertions; foul breath, offensive salivation, etc. The pains are almost always splinter-like (Hepar).


      Delirium at night; D., fancying himself suddenly rich, ugly, raving, later angry at his attendants. Images of all sorts appeared to him in evening in bed, they walked, ran disappeared, became larger and smaller, with chilliness. Beside himself from slight pains. Easily excited, much affected by peevishness. On being questioned he raised his eyelids, whispered briefly and quickly and apparently with increased suffering, for to other questions he answered by a look or nod. Fancy that she shall die soon, but is not physically ill.

Changeable mood, at one time lively, at another sad. Violent about trifles all day and then he has to laugh at himself. Vexed at trifles, even at himself if he makes a mistake. Rancor, insensibility to apologies. Attacks of rage and despair, with curses. Ill humor; in morning on waking; in morning after rising, with discomfort; at himself. Inclined to be angry and to use insulting expressions. Discontented with himself. (>) violent weeping; D., despising life. Quarrelsome. Impatient; in afternoon.

Despondent; not lachrymose; and in deep thought, Weeping mood. Sad; and peevish, obstinate, lachrymose and absorbed in himself and silent. Homesick. Tired of life. Wishes for death, yet dread it. Tendency to start. Fright; for a moment after waking; thinks that he is going to die. Peculiar anguish, (>) driving, returning when she was at home, so that she was forced to drive all day. Taciturn. Apathy; interrupted by murmuring.

Anxiety; all day; in evening, before menses; at night; after eating; during a storm; after stool, with irritability and general indisposition; if she walks rapidly, with oppression and with sweat on back and chest, with palpitation that takes away the breath; with stitches above heart, fantasy as if she were speaking irrationally, coldness of body and inclination to fall; as if engaged in a lawsuit or dispute, causing uneasiness like palpitation, at night, as if she had committed a crime, so that she could not remain in bed, with nausea, no palpitation was perceptible to hand; paroxysmal, so that he could not sit still in evening. Lost in thought about a long past, anxious event, form which she could free herself, almost like a waking dream, at times she aroused herself from it as if in fright, but was always buried again in the same thought.

Thoughts vanish; if she exerts herself to reflect upon things important to her. Indisposed to earnest work; no desire to work; I. to scientific work, diminished power of thought. Memory weak; diminished as the physical weakness increased. No thoughts and inability to comprehend anything. Stupor; all day, with chilliness in afternoon.


      Sticking, (<) frontal and temporal regions, in almost all parts; extending into r. eye and l. ear, then inflammation of eye, white of eye very red, in open air he cannot see; sudden, on stooping, as if heavy. Cutting. Feeling as if in vise from ear to ear over vertex after breakfast, then feeling as if she had no head, it felt light on her shoulders, it felt numb or as if made of putty. Feeling as if forced forward. Shocks from a slight noise. Sensitive to jar of a carried and to a hard step.

Aching; in bones; in morning on waking, (>) rising; on waking, involving eyes; in morning in bed, after rising pressure in r. temple, chilliness, qualmishness in umbilical region, at last pain in abdomen as from incarcerated flatus, and eructations, every afternoon, then nausea and anxiety, and at night vomiting, with faintness and diarrhoea; on coughing; on walking in open air; with heaviness in lower limbs; with the dysentery; with inability to apply mind; wit the dysentery; with inability to apply mind; with tension in eyes on moving them; as if tightly bound (Mercurius); bursting, with soreness of scalp as from ulcerating, (>) tying up head tightly (Silicea); waking two or three times at night, and he could not sleep again for an hour or two; paroxysmal, in morning on waking, with nauseas and sensation as if all parts of mouth were numb; drawing; as after intoxication, (<) stooping, with pain in eyes as from smoke; as from rush of blood, so that she could not collect her senses, with dim vision; in H., eyes and upper part of nose, as from fulness of blood, on shaking head and blowing nose.

Tension, and in eyelids. Fulness; as if it would burst at times during the day. Confusion; (<) after a meal; and weakness; at times, like loss of consciousness, (<) open air; with spasmodic painful drawing. Sensation as in violent coryza, without special discharge of mucus. Jerking in H. in evening. Jerk like beating on stopping and lying down again. Heaviness; at night when sleeping and dozing, with oppression; as from coal-gas, waking him in morning. Rush of blood; with heat. Crawling, asleep and numb sensation. Vertigo; in morning on rising, with obscuration of vision and necessity to sit down; in morning immediately after rising, with weakness; in morning, with nausea, then eructations; in evening immediately after lying down; in evening, with pulsation in head and pressure in middle of brain; in evening, she could scarcely hold herself on rising form a seat; at night on rising, so that she did not know where she was; on stooping; on rising from stooping; on rising and walking, with flickering before eyes.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.