Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius

Tearing; in r. shoulder-joint, shaft of humerus, in wrists, knee, hip-joints and shafts of femur; (<) arms; hands and feet, at night; here and there, more in muscle, (<) pressure; with drawing; rheumatic, in arms and legs, (<) in bed. Pain; in arms and legs; forearms and legs; in joints; in joints, (<) wrists, elbows, knees and ankles; goutlike, in joints, with swelling; as if dislocated, (<) sitting; in joints as if dislocated, consisting of compression and crushing, obliging him to turn in every direction; bruised, with weakness of thighs; drawing, (<) night; as from fatigue, in bones of forearms and shafts of tibiae, (<) touch.

Painless throbbing in joints. Uneasiness in evening, as if there were a jerking in them. Weakness; with hastiness of motion. Heaviness; (<) night, especially feeling sleepy; with fuzziness. Falling asleep of arms and legs, (<) night. Rigidity so that he could not raise them. Electric irritability good, but limbs contracted tremulously, so that fingers upon the electrode felt a kind of whirring. Paralysis, except of l. arm, afterwards motion returned in arm, but not in lower limbs.

Upper Extremities

      Drawing pain, with formication and fuzzy feeling, then trembling in upper, then also in lower limbs, at last in all voluntary muscles, (<) excitement and attempt at motion. Loss of control of l. Paresis of r., with trembling.

Shoulder. L. higher than r., with pain, even waking him, (<) motion. Jerking in joints rather than throbbing, every quarter of an hour. Sticking in joint in evening. Pain like a pressing down. Burning pain from r. up to nape when sitting. S. and upper arm asleep in morning in bed.

Arm. Trembling. Jerking of r.; all night. Tearing in l.; on inner surface of r.; jerking, in upper, then soreness to touch. Periosteal aching in outer side of l. in morning, changing to l. wrist and forearm. Crushing pain in humeri. Rheumatic pain; in l.; in upper. Drawing pains, and in hands. Weary pain if it lies long in one place, he must alternately flex and extend it, but it is better when extended. Soreness in muscles. At times disturbance of sensibility in l. Fuzzy feeling in arms and hands. Heaviness of l. on raising it high, with sprained pain. L. cannot be raised, forearm moved with difficulty, hand more easily, r. arm less affected. R. arm and hand asleep, (>) motion.

Elbow. Cracking, and in shoulder-joints. Stitches; slow tearing. Tearing.

Forearm. Cramp in extensor muscles, with paralysis of them. Convulsive movements on radial side, causing flexion of thumb and index. Sticking cramplike pain on inner part of r.; in muscles of outer part of l.; in periosteum of inner side of r. when walking. Aching in flexors of l. Weakness, with pain in elbows.

Wrist. Permanently flexed at a right angle with forearm, but easily straightened. Swelling of l., with pain when tightly seized and on motion. Aching in l. and in dorsum of hand. Weakness, cracking and sticking; in l., with paralysis. Attacks of painless throbbing. Painful stiffness of r.

Hand. Swelling of l. Could neither feed nor dress himself. Tremor; then of limbs, then of whole body; with weakness. Jerking of H. and fingers, (<) every exertion. No power of directing them with decision, thus they caught at a paper with jerks, and when at last the paper was seized it was crumpled in the hand. Cramplike contractions of H. and fingers, they become flexed. Burrowing in ball of r., on outer side below little finger, (<) rest. Pain in bones of l. on stretching it and grasping, then pressure as if paralyzed and stiff; cramplike, in l., (<) fingers, on moving hand; drawing, with coldness of fingers. Tension. Weakness at times, generally (>) ardent spirits. Stiffness; of H. and fingers when at work, with cramplike pain. Paralytic, so that he could not with both hands carry a glass half full to his mouth without spilling it. Could not hold a glass without spilling the contents,(>) when intoxicated.

Fingers. Exfoliation of nails. Nails blue. Painful swelling of proximal joints. Permanent contraction of l. Flexed, (<) thumb, so that it is drawn inward as in epilepsy, with difficult opening, and with trembling of hands. L. thumb and index compressed together so that they could not be separated in afternoon when held horizontally while sitting, with sticking in thumb, then thumb moved involuntarily from index. Trembling (Natrum mur.); gradually increasing in violence and extending over whole body. Cramp of F. and hand, at first they are extended so that she can hardly close them, but after closing them cramp draws them firmly inward; sudden C. after hard work, then trembling of upper limbs, containing even during sleep, with gnawing pain, after a week lower limbs affected so that the whole body was in constant motion, the trembling of r. arm (>) latter part of the day, but the limbs remained almost paralyzed. Tearing here and there in joints. Sticking cramplike pain in l. index. Pain in middle joint of middle finger on flexing it. Burning jerking beneath thumb- nail when writing. Asleep in morning, then tickling in them, then tearing extending half way up forearm. Deadness; and coldness.

Lower Extremities

      Oedema. Veins dilated; saphenous vein as large as the thumb. Coarse tremor of r. when told to raise leg off the ground while sitting. Movements slow, those of hip-joint difficult. Inability to stand steadily. Staggering; when eyes are closed, would fall unless prevented. Gait hesitating and difficult; H. and uneven; as in tabes dorsalis. Inability to walk. Heaviness; causing unsteady gait.

Thigh. Shining, transparent swelling of T. and legs. Must lie down in forenoon on account of jerking and heaviness in T. and general sweat. Cramp above hollow of knee. Cramplike pain in tendon on outside near knee when sitting. Sticking in T. and legs on motion; in r. hip-joint when walking. Tearing in hip-joint at night; sticking, in muscles of r. Boring in r. gluteals when sitting. Bruised pain in r. (<) touch and walking. Tensive pain in r. when sitting; T. pain in l. nates as far as hollow of knee, (<) along crease between nates and thigh, when dozing at night, (>) lying on back with something under thigh, (<) resting thigh on chair when sitting, and worse periodically. Drawing pain on anterior surface of l.; D. pain extending through leg. Dragging downward deeper than muscles. Hamstrings feel too short. Weariness above knees when walking. Paralysis as if asleep.

Knee. Jerking and feeling as if too large. Sticking when walking in open air; tearing, in r. when sitting and walking. Tearing. Pan at times; P. as if broken when lying; P. in r. as if stiff. Throbbing. Weakness and giving way; W. of K. and ankles, as if tendons had lost their power and steadiness, (<) standing.

Leg. Swelling. Long, deep depressions in calves. Excessive development of one calf. Varicose veins. Trembling; when walking; when walking, (<) about knee and in groin. Moved forward involuntarily. Jerking. Cramp; of r. calf. Spasmodic contraction of calf, with knots. Drawn up spasmodically all night. Sticking as if too short on stepping hard; S. in calf when walking in open air. Sticking tearing in muscles of r. when walking in open air. Sticking cramplike pain, almost like a tearing, anteriorly in periosteum of l. tibia when standing. Boring in tibia. Pain in tendo-achillis when walking; in periosteum of r. tibia, almost like a cramp, when standing; anteriorly in periosteum of l. tibia in morning. Drawing pain in tibiae; on inner side of l. leg above calf. Bursting sensation in r., then periosteal tingling. Giving way. Weakness so that he could scarcely stand; W. in evening, with uneasiness. Heaviness and drawing. Stiffness on walking; S. of l. extending to hollow of knee.

Ankle. Swelling of r., with sticking in it, (<) evening and walking. Sticking from external malleolus to hollow of knee. Tearing extending to back of foot, with swelling about it. Sprained pain in r. tarsal joint. Painful drawing below external malleolus and in hollow of foot, at first like a sticking and griping. Pressure beneath bones and in flexure, when walking. Weakness.

Foot. Swelling; of backs; of heels, so that she could scarcely step upon toes, with burning and biting in whole foot, even obliging her to rise from bed. Soles turned inward and upward, tendon of tibialis anticus rigid and prominent. Sticking in heels and groin in evening. Sticking, cramplike pain in r. sole near heel when sitting. Tearing in l. heel as from a sprain, when sitting. Tearing-drawing pain from heel to nates, (<) night, inability to walk because knees give way. Burrowing in r. sole when standing.

Toes. Swelling; intermittent, of three, with pain at night. Cramplike contraction at night. Itching stitch at root of two last l. during rest. Paroxysmal tearing from great T. to above knee. Boring in tip of third. Burning pain beneath l. great T. during rest. Tingling of l.


      Fresh wounds heal slowly. Jaundice, with biting itching on abdomen. Brownish and dry. Earthy color. Pale and dry; P. and soft. Thin and glistening on back of hands. Scaling of back of hands. Itching redness between fingers, swelling of face, and especially of inner side of elbow, with loathing. Feverish exanthem, resembling roseola, beginning in throat and face and spreading over body. Tetter about mouth and on cheek, with hard and superficial ulcers; T. posteriorly on thigh, and on scratching pain and desquamation; T. burning on touch; on r. forearm, becoming round, with desquamation, causing voluptuous itching; rough, partly red, partly white, on l. zygoma; red, round, scaly, with burning pain, on forearm and wrist; dry, elevated, burning, itching, over whole body, (<) lower limbs, arms, wrists and hands, even between fingers.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.