Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius

Sticking in scrotum. Crawling in scrotum and fraenum of glans. Paroxysmal drawing in spermatic cord. Testicles, swelling, sensitiveness before emission of flatus, not painful; spasmodic tearing between T., extending into penis and causing itching in ulcers; drawing pain, and in groins; drawing rather than pressure; itching of r.; coldness every afternoon and evening. Power lost. Emission at night; and mixed with blood; during midday nap, then burning pain in orifice of urethra when urinating; E. without voluptuous dream.

Female. Pressure, whereupon she must urinate much. Pimple on labia; on pudenda. Itching of pudenda; before menstruation. Prolapsus of vagina. Inflamed swelling as if raw and sore internally in vagina. Leucorrhoea, (<) 8 till 10 P.M., it does not drop, is greenish, causes biting in forepart of genitals, so that she must scratch much, (<) evening and night, and burning after scratching; corrosive L.; bland; purulent. Discharge of flakes of mucus and pus as large as hazel nuts from vagina. Profuse haemorrhage; suddenly. Discharge of blood from a woman whose menstruation had ceased eleven years before; D. of blood six days after menstruation. Menorrhagia for three weeks. Profuse metrorrhagia, once there was menstrual flow for ten weeks. Menstruation too profuse, with colic; M. irregular, sometimes omitting, sometimes too copious and too late. Menses scanty; and irregular; and pale, lasting only a few hours. Menses suppressed. Abortion. Child born four weeks too early, weak and died within a year and a half. Coition very easy, with certain receptivity and conception.

Clinical Frequently valuable for venereal ulcers, with nocturnal aggravation and profuse muco-purulent discharge, swelling of inguinal glands, etc. Herpes of the prepuce. Orchitis. Catarrh of the vagina, with greenish excoriating leucorrhoea, (<) night. Ulcers of the vagina and os uteri. Subacute ovaritis, sometimes with peritonitis, pains (<) night, always more or less tenesmus of the rectum or bladder, or of both. Abscess of the vulva. Women who require Mercurius are prone to uterine haemorrhage. Pruritus of vulva.

Respiratory Organs

      Voice tremulous, as during rigor; tone of V. altered. Laryngeal phthisis, with erosions and ulcers on posterior wall of pharynx Chronic bronchitis in one who escaped salivation.

Cough. With tightness of chest; with pain in l. side and l. shoulder; with sweat and prostration; (waking him about 2 or 3 A.M.); rough; violent, nights, caused by irritation that comes from stomach; racking paroxysms as if chest and head would burst, every other night as he was about to fall asleep, then excessive stretching; which rings and feels as if everything in chest were dry, with pain in chest and small of back. Dry; and short, fatiguing, from tickling beneath upper part of chest, which was especially excited by talking; at first, then with white frothy expectoration, with emaciation and weakness. Loose, with such acute pain in chest that leeches were applied, the leech-bites bled upward of twenty-four hours and the blood was thin. With expectoration; of blood; and emaciation.

Expectoration. Salt (Lycopodium). Of bitter, tenacious mucus. Bloody, when working; B., when walking in open air; of over a pound of blood in three hours in forenoon when lying.

Respiration. Asphyxia. Asthma; with constant rattling, no cough or expectoration, at last she could not walk or bend over for fear of suffocation. Dyspnoea; after eating; in evening if he lay upon l. side, with necessity to breathe deeply, when, however, there was pain in l. groin. Difficult in morning, as from want of air. Short; on ascending stairs; with suffocation; when walking, as if he could not inspire air enough. Rapid; with constriction and cough. Inspiration and expiration in two or three jerks on attempting to breathe deeply. Oppressed, (<) night; O. from diaphragm upward. It seems as if he would lose his breath when coughing.

Clinical Chronic forms of laryngitis and bronchitis, with violent nocturnal cough, sometimes spasmodic, always (<) lying on r. side.


      Swelling of female mammae, (<) nipples, which were hard. Emphysema of lungs. Tuberculosis of lungs; (of r. side of chest). Haemorrhage from lungs. Diaphragm seemed scarcely moved on deep inspiration. Twitching of r. pectoral muscles. Sticking in l.; S. on stooping; in r. on stooping and coughing; in r. only on expiration, when lying and stooping; in side beneath l. short ribs on inspiration; in anterior and upper part, extending through back, on sneezing and coughing, not on breathing, it constricts chest; constricting, in upper and anterior part, extending to back, on breathing. Tearing in muscles near l. shoulder. Jerk-like griping beneath mammae after eating. Pinching in l. side below ribs, with tension, dyspnoea, and on slightest motion or speaking a word it seems as if the soul would leave the body.

Pain in mammae; in r. side if he hold his breath and again expires, (>) inspiration and expiration; in various parts, deep inspiration; in l. side, (<) inspiration; in l., preventing deep breathing; in side of sternum, extending through back, in evening, (<) walking, then bruised pain; periodic suppurative, in mammae; as from a swelling in l. side beneath last ribs; tensive, in forepart, impeding respiration (when sitting); sore. Bruised pain across forepart; in upper part in evening; in l. side on touch. Anxiety, a kind of dyspnoea; A. beneath sternum, he must breathe deeply. Pressure. Tightness; in region of sternum. Constriction; in various parts; in lower lobes (diaphragm?). Oppression; of lungs. Burning extending to throat; B. in l. side at last rib. Rising of something sweet, then faintness passing into sleep.

Clinical Useful in some cases of pneumonia accompanied by hepatic disorder, loose nocturnal cough, general aggravation from lying on r. side. Occasionally useful in chronic pleurisy, with sharp sticking pains in chest; aggravation at night and lying on r. side will characterize it. Pneumonia of infants, lobular. It may be prescribed during the course of phthisis for the night-sweats and cough.


      Pain at apex, extending towards base (pericardial). Oppression. Palpitation; on slightest exertion; on walking; irregular; with pulse that could not be counted.


      Rapid; at night on going to bed; on slightest excitement; and violent; and full, tremulus; and small; and small, weak. Slow; and small; and weak; and heart’s impulse weak. Weak; and sometimes rapid, sometimes slow. Soft; and small, anaemic.


      Indurated lymphatics. Cervical glands swollen (Iodium); r.; r. posterior; and parotid, so that jaws are closed and cannot be moved on account of pain; and hard, also parotids. Loud bruit de souffle in veins, (<) l. side. Sticking in glands. Boring in r. side. Rheumatism in nape like a pressure, (<) bending head backward. Stiffness and heaviness; S. and swelling; stiffness of nape and sticking in it on motion.


      Softening of spine, with curvature (Merc-c.). Sticking in muscles when walking. Bruised pain; on l. side, as from much stooping, on motion, (<) open air. Twitching pain. Periosteal aching down spine. Biting pain, (<) sitting. Hyperaesthesia in upper half, with heat.

Scapulae. Twitching in r. Sticking in spine, between S. Tearing. Pinching after midnight on motion in bed. Aching beneath lower angles; beneath r.; under r. at 11 A.M., then between S.; under r. on waking, extending over hepatic region; between S.; between S., where neck joins back, on turning head or if when lying he turns the rest of the body, (<) raising himself somewhat; in middle of dorsal region, to right of spine. Bruised pain in l. in morning after waking, (<) turning head, with sticking and tension. Tenderness on pressure over fourth and fifth dorsal vertebrae. Painless throbbing, that ends in trembling.

Lumbar Region. Sticking in sacrum on breathing; S. in r. side of sacrum, near false spinal processes; in S. and thighs, with unsteadiness in S., knees and feet; posteriorly on r. ilium. Tearing in coccyx, (>) pressure upon abdomen; cutting, above region of l. kidney. Griping in sacrum, (<) standing, (>) walking. Pain; in sacrum, (>) sitting; in sacrum, as from a hard bed. Bruised pain in sacrum; (<) sitting. Throbbing over l. acromion.


      Caries once in elbow, once in ankle. Nails eroded and itching. (Cracking of joints.) Trembling; of hands and feet, so that patient could not write; (<) upper; (<) arms, walking so difficult that he often on his back, even when striving to keep up by bending forward; after a chill; (<) being spoken to severely; periodic. Jerking; of arms and (<) hands when in a horizontal position, (<) attempts to restrain it, and by slight emotional disturbance lower limbs similarly affected, she can scarcely stand, walking is difficult and staggering; rapid (when volition was exerted upon muscles), which moved the limbs in all directions except the desired one, (<) anxiety or agitation of mind. Constant motion of bends.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.