Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius

Forehead. Sticking; when walking in open air; tearing, in l. side when standing; tearing, in l. side when sitting, with general shivering, chilliness, cold hands, hot cheeks and lukewarm forehead, without thirst; intermittent boring, in l. side when sitting. Tearing externally; in l. side; T. in sinciput, extending to crown. Digging on stooping, with heaviness; drawing D. in anterior part of head. Aching; in r. side; above l. temple in morning; in l., (<) pressure upon the nodal point; passing to occiput, with fulness and vertigo; bursting; tensive, in sinciput, (>) holding palm upon it. Pressure outward; with pain in bone beneath brow, even on touch; P. outward, (<) lying, (>) pressure of palm. Head seems screwed in, now in sinciput, now in occiput, now in l. side, with lachrymation. Drawing pain, rather than tearing, sometimes in F., sometimes in occiput. Painful confusion in anterior and upper part of head in evening, with ill humor. Dullness above nose on rising after eating. (<) warm room, (>) open air, with whirling and blackness before eyes. Waving in sinciput, with throbbing. Vertigo.

Pain in l. temple. Drawing in r. temple. Pressure outward in parietal bones. Tearing in lower part of occiput; in O., extending to forehead, where it is a pressure. Boring in occiput. Pain in occiput; in upper part of bone. Jerking drawing and pinching in occiput extending to nape, and in r. temple.

Scalp. Falling of hair (Natrum mur., Lycopodium, Kali). Scurf, with itching, and after scratching burning. Dry eruption all over head that pains when grasped. Moist eruption eating away the hair, with pressure, especially in the sore places. Elevated, firmly- seated scabs between the hairs Itching eruption. Pain on touch; burning P. above l. side of forehead, (>) touch. Itching; day and night; and burning, also in forehead. Itching biting, and on nape.

Clinical Occasionally useful in headaches, (<) night, with feeling as if the brain were constricted by a band, or as if the head were in a vise. It has been used occasionally in subacute forms of meningitis. In hydrocephalus; more frequently in diseases of the cranial bones, though Mercurius very rarely affects the bones of the skull, being unlike syphilis in this respect.


      Inflammation, with swollen, inverted tarsi and sensitiveness to light; I. (<) open air, with burning biting pain. Swollen. Sunken, surrounded by brown rings; S., surrounded by blue rings. Surrounded by bluish-red rings, (<) beneath them. Staring, with water obscuration. Bleared and weak. Sticking; in l. Forcibly drawn together, as if long deprived of sleep, when sitting, standing and walking. Pressure; on moving it and on touch; as from sand. Heat; and biting as from horse-radish; with redness; with redness of one. Lachrymation; of r.; in morning; in open air. Pupils dilated; contracted, scarcely reacting to the light. Chronic conjunctivitis, with fine injection around cornea. Blenorrhoea. Inflamed swelling in region of lachrymal bone. Constant motion of balls. Itching of ball.

Lids. Agglutination in morning. Redness, swelling, constriction and sensitiveness to touch. Upper thick and red, like a stye. Twitching; of lower; when closed; as in chorea. Sensation as if a cutting substance were beneath l. upper (compare Sulph.). Inability to open well, as if agglutinated to balls. Burning in


Vision. Dim; in l.; if she attempts to look at anything, and eyes are almost involuntarily drawn together, the more she tries to restrain the contraction the less able she is to prevent it, she must lie down and close eyes. Intolerance of firelight or daylight. Blinded by firelight; B. of l. eye when walking in open air; V. vanishes for five minutes every half hour. Weak; with atheroma of l. arterial centralis retinae. Impaired in l. eye. Of floating black insects or flies (Lycopodium). Of black points; moving downward. Play of colors. Of sparks. Of fiery points tending upward towards the clouds, (<) afternoon. As if a straw were hanging before eyes. Pointed objects seemed to have double points. Everything looked green and black when eating, the room whirled around, she was obliged to lie down. Flickering; when reading; (in evening when reading).

Clinical A very valuable remedy for various forms of inflammation of external parts of the eyes, catarrhs and ulcerations of the cornea and lids, and also some forms of inflammation of the lachrymal apparatus, episcleritis, with much aching in eyes, (<) night (Thuja). Scrofulous ophthalmia (<) night, and (<) heat of the fire. It is rarely useful in syphilitic inflammation of the eyes, as it has no power whatever to affect the iris, but it is sometimes useful in inflammation of the retina, especially when caused by working in the glare of a fire (workers in foundries); the pains always (<) night, and the discharge from the eye mucous and excoriating. Ulceration of the cornea, especially of the serpiginous variety, with turbidity and danger of sloughing of the whole cornea, sometimes with accumulation of pus in the anterior chamber, photophobia, nocturnal aggravation, etc. Catarrhal ophthalmia, with muco-purulent, excoriating discharge, soreness and burning of lids, photophobia.


      Bloody and offensive matter flows from r., with tearing (Tellur); oozing of blood from l. in morning; moisture runs from them; matter flows from both, the forepart of r. is a sac of matter, which when touched discharges through ear, with pain in r. half of head and face, so that she cannot lie on that side; yellow discharge from l. Thin wax runs out. Internally sore and denuded, (<) r. Lobule red, hot and painful, then a pimple.

Sticking on stooping; S. deep in, (<) l., with burning; S., and the warmer she became in bed the colder and more moist was the ear, till it seemed as if ice were in it. Tearing deep in l. on appearance of menses. Feels inflamed internally and externally, with pain partly cramplike, partly sticking, and feeling as if stopped by a swelling. Pain; as if inflamed, in l., also in meatus; as if something were forcing its way out; burning, in cartilage of l. Pulling behind l., with jerking, preventing sleep, and soreness on touch; P. and pinching. Sudden attacks as if cold water were running out of middle ear, between the attacks itching.

Paraplegia of l. Deafness. Hearing difficult; hears scarcely anything, yet every sound re-echoes loudly in ear. H. sensitive, the noise of a horse or carriage made him start so that he would have been run over if he had not kept close to the walls, he was then obliged to stop for fear of falling. Various kinds of ringing, (<) evening; ringing as of high-sounding glasses, (<) evening. Humming as of wasps in l. Rushing in morning; R. before ears in bed. Whizzing before ears as if he would faint. Roaring; before l.; with stoppage; in r., with difficult hearing; with difficult hearing; pulse like, before ears; as if something had been stuffed into it. Fluttering before l.; in l., with crawling.

Clinical Inflammation of the auditory canal, furuncular, herpetic, suppurative and ulcerative, with intolerable pain involving the whole side of the head, (<) night. The discharge from the ear is offensive, purulent, excoriating. A valuable remedy for acute and chronic catarrh of the tympanum involving the Eustachian tube, with deafness, enlarged glands, etc. Chronic catarrh of the ear and deafness, following measles.


      Swelling of septum, with cracking; S. of tip, with redness, inflammation and itching; S. on l. wing, as in severe fluent coryza; (<) l. side, with redness and shining and with itching, (<) within alae; inflamed S. on nose. Scaly internally and bleeding on cleaning it. Offensive odor from nose, as in violent coryza (Aur). Pain in bone when taken hold of (Aurum, Hepar, K-iod.). Pinching in r. wing. Pressure downward, as if a weight were bound upon it. Tension transversely across. Distention at root. Congestive fulness in nostrils, (<) r. Obstruction; of r. nostril at 8 A.M. Irritation of mucous membrane, as from catarrh.

Sneezing; violent; once daily. Frequent sneezing; (<) morning; without fluent coryza; for three days, then swelling of l. lower lid, (<) towards external canthus, with burning pain in it, and lachrymation. Acrid flow, having the odor of old cheese. Dropping of moisture all day, without coryza. Coryza; with thin discharge, hoarseness and frequent loss of smell. Bleeding; during sleep; during cough; clotted, so that it hangs in a string from l. nostril.

Clinical Nasal catarrhs of various sorts, especially with thin mucous discharge that excoriates the nostrils, sometimes of green acrid mucus, sometimes (<) night. Ozaena, with offensive odor in the nose and soreness of the bones.


      Earthy-colored, puffy. Pale; and bloated; and sticky; and earthy, sunken, elongated, and eyes dim, obscured; and anxious- looking; with intoxicated look; with coldness, heaviness, indolence and sleepiness. Sallow. Pale yellow. Cadaverous; and yellow. Dirty greenish. Red spots; red cheeks, with heat of them, then burning griping in upper abdomen. Cachectic. Swelling; of cheeks; of l. cheek; with redness and itching, and with swelling on hand; r. side, (<) beneath eye, with heat. Wrinkled, with a prematurely aged look. Stupid expression. Masseter muscles contracted so that speech was difficult; muscles between lower lip and chin visibly C. Twitching. Trembling of muscles on speaking, and T. of masseters when told to open his mouth. Tearing; in r. masseter muscle; in l. cheek and ear. Pressure outward in zygomata.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.