Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius

Pain; in muscles; caused by evening air, with diarrhoea; if he takes hold of anything cold; indescribable, (>) lying; as from a stone; as from a ball, then stools of dark green mucus; twitching; in r. side, as if intestines were twisted out; flatulent, with constipation; rising to larynx, as if a crust were scraping oesophagus and as if eructations and heartburn would occur; tensive, (<) pressure, (>) expiration, becoming when walking a cutting, (<) ascending steps; as if intestines were relaxed when walking; as from taking cold. Sensation as if he had taken cold, when walking in open air. Sensation as if intestines were too loose, and when walking they were shaken as if they had no firmness. Intestines sore as if pressed, so that he cannot sleep on r. side. Painful pressure on r. side in morning in bed. Bubbling rhythmical with pulse in A. or abdominal muscles, after eating. Burning. Hot vapor rising into throat after a moderate meal, causing thirst, with pain in throat. Chilliness.

Cutting in upper A. Deeply-seated tensive pain above umbilicus, (>) eating. Burning about umbilicus. Twitching in muscles of r. hypochondrium. Violent beating of an artery in r. hypochondrium near to and on a line with pit of stomach. Liver, chronic atrophy, with emaciation and desiccation of body (Lycopodium); (chronic hepatitis in a man who escaped salivation); sticking in region so that he could not breathe nor eructate (Bryonia); aching in region; pressing-out pain in region.

Inguinal Glands. Swelling, with circumscribed redness, with pain on pressure and long walking; S., with redness, inflammation and pain on touch and rapid walking; S. surrounded by redness, pain on walking and pressure, then red on its apex and inflamed, pain on walking and standing, obliged to lie down; with indurated chancre, but no other symptoms of syphilis. Bubo. Pain as from swelling; intermittent P. Crawling. (Compare Calc-c. and Clem.).

Hypogastrium. Painful contraction. Sticking in r. groin; in r. groin, on ilium; in groins (and heels) towards evening; in l. groin, (<) inspiration; rhythmical, in anterior inferior spine of l. ilium; boring, vertically from middle out through anus; cutting, low down, from r. to l. side, worse when walking than when sitting and standing, with painful ineffectual straining for stool. Cutting in evening, with pain in upper A., compelling him to loosen his clothes there. Griping. Boring in r. groin when lying and walking. Pain in groin; drawing, in groins and testicles. Tension in l. groin. Pressure towards pudendum, with pulling pain in thighs as if muscles and tendons were too short.

Clinical Chronic inflammation of the liver, with jaundice, great soreness, aggravation from lying on r. side on account of the soreness (Mag-m.). Catarrhal enteritis, with various symptoms, mostly cutting and tearing pains and discharge of mucus. Perityphlitis, with the peculiar symptoms of Mercurius Very frequently indicated for inflamed and enlarged liver, with severe pain, (<) lying on r. side, (<) night, etc. Subacute colitis, with profuse mucous discharges. Ascites, with indurated liver.


      Evacuation of large round worms. Ascarides crawl out. Sudden urging. Anxious dragging to stool, preceded and accompanied by nausea and pressure in temples. Frequent urging, then a few large hard faeces with exertion, at long intervals. Constant ineffectual urging, with tenesmus in rectum (Sulphur); ineffectual U., with protruding, painful sore haemorrhoids; ineffectual U. in morning (Nux-v.).


      Prolapsus. Haemorrhoid protrudes, with shooting during stool and on touch. Discharge of blood after stool; D. of blood when urinating. Sticking. Pinching as in diarrhoea, with emission of flatus. Soreness. Burning pain, with soft stools. Burning; after stool. Itching as from thread-worms. Boring sticking in perineum when walking and sitting.


      Diarrhoea; in evening; in night; with cutting and pressure in rectum; with streaks of blood; with blood for several days, then hard stool with blood; of green mucus (Arg-n., Gam., Ip.), with burning and protrusion of anus; green, with cutting and griping; green, afterwards constipation; yellow, twice daily, without sensation; offensive, at times involuntary; exhausting; burning; alternating with constipation. Soft, brownish, easy, floating on water; S., orange-yellow, flatulent. Pasty, with mucus; P., urgent, involuntary if he neglects it.

Constipation; with catarrhal fever, hypochondriac prostration and aversion to all food except beer; with occasional griping, stool on alternate days. Hard; like sheep-dung; H., little, with pressure; H., could not be evacuated for a long time, with pain in anus. Green, slimy, acrid, excoriating anus. Dark green, bilious, frothy. Whitish-gray (Podophyllum). Sulphur-yellow. Bright yellow. Red, slimy. Bloody; with painful acrid sensation in anus; blood and mucus on faeces. Of sour odor. Tenacious. Scanty, with much dragging; S., frequent, burning-biting, causing distress in anus; S., of bloody mucus, with cutting in abdomen and tenesmus; S., with mucus, four or five times. Involuntary. Indolent. Only once every three days. Only at night.

Clinical The stools nearly always contain mucus, and there is usually more or less tenesmus; there also may be numerous symptoms of the rectum, pain extending up the colon, sometimes very severe, sometimes violent colic, sometimes the stools are preceded by chilliness and followed by tenesmus and burning; (for children who have catarrhal enteritis, with green mucous stools and very little tenesmus, Mercurius dulc. is usually required). Dysentery, with fever, but easy sweat, (<) night, discharges of blood and mucus, with tenesmus and burning pain, sometimes with prolapsus (Podophyllum).

Urinary Organs

      Pressure after micturition. Constant desire, but little is passed; constant ineffectual D. Frequent urging after nocturnal emission; F. urging, with scanty discharge; so that he must urinate at least every hour day and night, with burning in urethra on beginning to urinate. Micturition in a weak stream. Involuntary micturition; if he does not hurry. Frequent micturition; at night; and profuse, also at night; and urine thin; obliged to urinate every night at 4 A.M.; with burning- biting pain (compare Cantharis).

Urethra. Discharge, greenish, painless, (<) night. Discharge of blood. Swelling of forepart, with suppuration between glans and prepuce, which is red and hot to touch and painful on walking and touch, with raging pain in forehead and rough, itchlike eruption on hands, (<) region of first joint of thumb, more on upper surface, itching much at night. Sticking; in forepart when not urinating; towards evening extending towards abdomen; drawing when not urinating. Bubbling like a sticking. Throbbing rather than sticking. Cutting in morning during micturition; C. on beginning to urinate; biting, when urinating, (<) towards the end, therewith he cannot urinate quickly enough and some passes involuntarily. Biting in female, when urinating. Burning when not urinating; on beginning to urinate; when urinating; first. B. when urinating, then biting; in male, during coition.

Urine. Dark. Reddish, causing biting, becoming thick on standing; brownish-red; fiery red, seldom discharged; dark red, seemed to be mixed with blood. Acrid. Of sourish odor. Copious; and red and brown. Scanty, dark yellow, albuminous; S. and mixed with blood. Clear at first, but afterwards as if mixed with chalk, then pain, with burning in urethra after even touching penis. Turbid when passed and depositing a sediment. Looks as if mixed with meal, with thick sediment. White flocculent cloud. Large white fibres and flakes pass after the urine, without pain. Contained pieces of hard mucus, like pieces of flesh.

Clinical Cystitis, dribbling, discharge of mucus with the urine and more or less tenesmus of the bladder, especially burning after urinating. A remedy of very great value for inflammation of the kidney, albuminuria, urine sometimes bloody; indicated by burning and tenesmus, pain in back and nocturnal aggravation. Albuminuria of pregnancy. Gonorrhoea, with swollen inguinal glands, greenish mucous discharge, etc.

Sexual Organs

      Prepuce. Swelling as if distended with air or water to a blister; S., with inflamed redness of its inner surface, with sensitiveness; with biting, burning and redness, and on its inner surface chaps and rhagades, but externally fine red eruption. Inflammation, with burning pain. Voluptuous itching; sticking I. on fraenum.

Glans. At end of penis, under prepuce, red vesicles, becoming ulcers, which discharge offensive yellow-white matter, staining the shirt, then the large ulcers bleed, and on touch pain affecting the whole body, they are round, margins everted like raw meat, caseous coat on bases; on forepart and one side vesicles eating deeply and spreading, small white V. which also ooze a fluid. Tearing sticking from forepart through penis to anus, and at times in groins; itching S. on pressure; itching S. after urinating. Itching; agreeable tickling, on forepart; crawling. Cold and shrivelled. Burning about it in evening, then blisters on inner surface of prepuce, which become ulcers. Falling asleep (deadness) of penis. Painful erections; incomplete E., with tension of pudendum as from flatulence. (The symptoms of ulceration and discharges are taken from Hahnemann and are doubtless clinical, as cases of poisoning do not develop similar effects).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.