Homeopathy Remedy Kali Bichromicum

Clinical Neuralgia of the coccyx, (<) sitting.


      Jerking in various muscles of thighs and upper arms in evening, with drawing. Cramps. Cracking in joints. Shooting and pricking pains in morning, with general stiffness. Tearing in long bones; T. in ankles and wrists; in hands and feet; in joints; in joints, (<) r. wrist and r. fingers; (<) towards hands and feet; in r. tibia, on back of r. foot and r. ankle, in thumb, on back of hand and in several r. phalanges; in r. tibia and r. ulna in morning on waking; in r. ulna in morning on waking, then in r. tibia, (>) rising; in r. wrist and ankle, (<) motion; in r. tibia and various finger-joints, so violent in r. thumb that he could not write; in joints, now in hips, now in knees; intermittent, in hands and feet in afternoon; paroxysmal, sudden, in a single fibre of legs, feet, forearms and hands in morning on waking; wandering, in various parts; drawing and T. in periosteum of r. tibia, then in bones of r. forearm; drawing T. in various parts, (<) r. great toe and r. thumb.

Pain in joints; P. in shoulders and legs; in shoulders, arms, finger-joints, hips and knees. Bruised pain. Rheumatic pains in nearly all joints; R. pain in r. hip and l. elbow; R. pain, shooting and pricking, (<) morning. Drawing pain in l. hip and from l. shoulder joint to elbow; in r. tibia in morning, and drawing in r. hand; in l. arm and in both lower limbs, (<) r. foot, and especially tearing extending into great toe; in various joints, (<) r. ankle; D. and boring pains in l. lower limb and in l. humerus. Tearing D. pain in r. tibia, r. ankle and wrist, in various phalanges, (<) thumbs, suddenly changing about. Drawing; in forearms and legs; on backs of hands and feet; in various places in long bones. Weakness in evening.

Clinical Syphilitic pains in limbs. Syphilitic periostitis.

Upper Extremities

      Drawing tearing in joints, suddenly changing its place. Tearing in l. shoulder; in r. S., then in l. elbow and forearm; in S. and upper arm of side not lain upon, on turning the pain went to other arm; jerking T. from r. S. to elbow; paralytic T. on top of r. S. Pain in l. shoulder, extending into l. chest, (<) moving arm, especially raising it; P. on moving r. as if joint were separating, (<) prolonged inactivity of the limb to painful stiffness, (<) raising arm, afterwards pain, (<) bending arm to elbow and drawing it backward and outward, as in putting on clothes. Rheumatic pains in shoulders, (<) night; R. pain in shoulder and elbow on motion, with numbness from shoulder to elbow. Spasmodic drawing in r. shoulder.

Arms swollen, painful and red. Tearing in bones of arm, (<) near elbow and wrist; T. and gnawing in bones of r. arm and in r. thumb and index, in forenoon, indications of same pain in l.; sudden T. in r. deltoid in evening, with jerking. Drawing in bones of arms. Arms weary. R. arm feels asleep or paralyzed at night, disturbing sleep. Sudden cramplike pain in middle of outer surface of r. upper arm, then sensitiveness. Shooting in l. elbow. Darting pain in outside of elbow. Drawing and tearing in r. elbow, extending into hand and r. leg after midnight, preventing bending up of foot. Pain in elbow; l.

Tearing in forearm; in bones of r.; pinching T. above l. wrist in evening. Pain in forearms during the day; P. in a spot on extensor surface of upper third of r. F., more in muscles and partly in upper arm, with sensitiveness to touch. Burning pain extending from middle of forearm to wrist; in lower end of l. in evening. Drawing in bones of F.; r., on radial side; D. in aponeurosis of muscles of r. F. Throbbing in l. F. Darting in r. wrist; throbbing D. in l., near pisiform bone. Hands shrivelled, wrinkled, dusky. She let things fall from her hands, with weakness and drawing in arms and distention of veins of arms. Sticking in metacarpal joints in morning on waking. Tearing on radial side of l. hand. Bruised feeling in bones of hands; hands and arms feel bruised and paralyzed. Drawing in l. hand after dinner. Hands weak.

Fingers.- Twitching of l. little. Sticking through bone of first phalanx of r. middle; in joints of r. middle towards evening. Wandering tearing in various phalanges; intermittent T. in r. thumb. Gnawing boring in bone of first phalanx of l. middle, in evening, extending towards tip, (>) rubbing. Pain in second joints of l.; P. in thumbs; in thumb in forenoon, extending to elbow, (<) motion of arm or hand, (>) evening, then sensitiveness of joint. Drawing pain in r. thumb. Tension in extensor surface of r. thumb, (>) towards noon and felt only on violent motion of thumb, and on pressure where radius articulates with metacarpal bone of thumb.

Lower Extremities

      Trembling. Drawing tearing, (<) in r. great toe. Whole r. leg, (<) hip, sensitive so that I could not lie upon r. side at night, in morning burning pain on inner side of r. lower leg, in evening after walking tensive drawing pain in whole r. leg. Tension in r. in evening after a long walk, with heaviness. Weariness.

Thigh.- Cramp, and in legs. Darting pain down outside of l. Tearing on inner side of r. T. and leg; T. from l. ham down leg; in muscles of anterior surface of r., with drawing; drawing T. in l. hip. Pain in r. hip; after dinner; P. in sciatic nerve; aching and jerking pain in hip only during the day. Rheumatic pain in r.; in hip, coming on at night. Bruised pain in middle of r.; B. pain in r. hip when sitting, so that he limps in walking. Drawing pain on inner side of r. in evening; D. pain in r. hip, extending to knee. Sudden tensive pain in middle of r. musculus sartorius, (<) walking, especially ascending steps, (>) sitting and lying, lasting till sleep. Tension on anterior surface of r. Weariness.

Knee.- Sharp pain. Sudden tearing in l. in evening, preventing motion. Rheumatic pains, and in hip; acute, in knee only on walking, with stiffness. Sprained pain in l.; on rising from prolonged sitting, lasted all the afternoon, at times with similar pain in l. ankle. Sore pain in r., (<) sitting down and rising. Tensive pain in r. Heaviness and tension.

Leg.- Swelling of tendo-achillis, with pain. Trembling, with necessity to sit down. Twitching in calves. Cramp of calves. Tearing in r. tibia; in l. tibia above malleolus in evening, with pinching; drawing T. in r. tibia. Pain in bones, preventing rapid walking, (<) bending ankle upward; sudden P. in middle of l. tibia, suddenly disappearing, but returning; P. in tendons of calf as if stretched, extending to ham and tendo-achillis, (<) walking, and causing lameness. Bruised pain in one, then other spinal tibiae; B. or broken pain in bones, extending to ankles, (<) moving ankles upward, so that walking was difficult. Tension in r. in evening. Heaviness of r.; in afternoon, with burning of its skin; with tension; H. on sitting down after entering house, with burning pain in a corn. Weariness.

Hard, immovable swelling on r. inner malleolus, painful on hard pressure. Pain on r. inner malleolus. Feeling as if muscles of r. sole were cut across, hindering walking. Heels sore when walking. Pain in forepart of l. foot when walking and in a corn in hard skin of toe, (>) sitting still, returning in foot in afternoon after a long walk. Sudden numbness in forepart of r. foot when sitting, with crawling. Acute twinging in ball of l. great toe, then in r. Shooting in second joint of great toe at night in bed. Sore pain in r. great toe, on inner side where nail joins flesh, in evening. Pain in toes, with heat and throbbing.

Clinical Sciatica of l. side, (>) walking and bending leg, (<) standing, sitting, lying or pressure.


      Roughness on forehead, with burning. ELevated cicatrices on r. thumb; depressed C. covering hands. Brown spots like freckles on forepart of neck. Redness of index, with swelling and throbbing pain, then an ulcer on tip, with white overhanging edges and dark gangrenous centre. Red elevation, with a dark centre and elevated circumference, itching and painful. Red round spots on back, arms and hands, they formed pustules covered with scabs, which came off and left dry ulcers, then colorless depressed cicatrices.

Swelling of arm as high as axilla, with pain, then boil-like elevation, which turned into an ulcer with a dark centre and white overhanging edges. Swelling in seat of a scratch, ulcer covered with a scab, dry, painful on pressure, a movable knot under skin, with an ulcerated spot like a corn, this hardens and is covered with a white skin. Red, itching swelling on wrist, then pain, then matter formed and broke the skin and left a depressed cicatrix.

Eruption; on eyelids and adjacent parts of face. Rash; beginning in hot weather. Eruption like measles; (<) trunk and thigh, hands and face being freest, mixed with pustules, which do not break, but dry up and leave a scar. Psoriasis diffusa of hands, degenerating into impetigo. Acne on face. Inflammation of feet, then ulcers. Pimples; on forearms; on arms; r. half of face; red, on back of hand; itching, on forearm and legs. Inflamed pimples on forehead; r.; on back; painful, in r. side of nose, towards dorsum.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.