Homeopathy Remedy Kali Bichromicum

Tearing in r. occiput. Biting in occiput. Pain from O. to forehead (after discharge from nose stops). Pressure in O. in forenoon. Sudden stitches through skull. Sensitiveness of bones here and there. Drawing in skull. Falling of hair. Inflamed pimples on occiput and hairy part of nape. Crawling constriction of scalp. Tension of scalp. Itching points towards nape, as from coming pimples. Itching of whole scalp, with burning and with pimples in various places.

Clinical Neuralgic headache confined to a small spot, with dimness of vision; (the observations of cures of “sick-headache” by this drug do not differ in any way from those cured by Iris).


      Sunken; and glistening, with dark rings about them. Swelling in morning, with heaviness. Inflammation; in morning, with yellow discharge and agglutination (Pulsatilla); with loss of vision. Opthalmia beginning with itching, then pain and heat in eyes, agglutination of lids, redness of conjunctiva. Stitches in r. Smarting; (<) open air. Sensation of sand in them. Sensation of a foreign body in l. Pain; in r.; (<) looking long at an object. Sensitiveness; and margins of lids red, a yellow purulent, substance in inner canthus in morning. Heaviness and soreness. Biting. Itching; with burning lachrymation and photophobia; (<) evening and night, with pain as from sand in them.

Burning; in l.; in morning, with redness of l. towards outer canthus; in morning on waking, (<) margins of lids; in morning after rising, smoking causes burning and lachrymation; in open air in forenoon, with pressure; in evening; in r. in evening, and in skin about it; in open air in evening, with pressure; in l. in evening, with lachrymation; in evening, (<) margins of lids, which are sensitive to touch and motion; in E. and lids after dinner; in r. and inner surface of upper lid after dinner; on fixing them upon an object, with dim vision; with pressure; with running of water from nose; with indescribable discomfort in nose, though accustomed to smoke every inspiration through nose caused sensation like sulphuretted hydrogen.

Lachrymation; with burning pain in eyes. Pupils dilated; and fixed. Pain in ball. Pressure on surface of r. ball in forenoon, with burning. Soreness of caruncula. Redness of conjunctiva; (<) r.; with heat and uneasiness as when opened under water. White granular elevations surrounded by redness, on l. conjunctiva, towards inner canthus. Pustule on l. cornea, with surrounding indolent inflammation and with pricking pain. Leucoma on l. cornea. Brown spot in r. albuginea. Red spots and streaks in white of l. White became yellow; dirty yellow, seemed loose, with yellowish-brown dots, (<) l., which also showed a brown spot near inner margin of cornea, with heat of eyes and necessity to rub them.

Lids.- Redness of margins; towards external canthi. Swelling of r. in morning on waking, till evening; S. of upper, with redness; S., with inflammation. Mucus in canthi; dry M. in lashes in morning. Agglutination in morning; and white of eye reddish- yellow, with itching of eyes, weak and drawing back in orbits; with pain in lids on touch and lachrymation; with lachrymation, photophobia, itching and burning. Granular. Twitching in r. when reading and afterwards. Stitches. Smarting of external canthus. Raw feeling in margins. Roughness of margins, so that winking causes rubbing against balls. Inner surface felt thick and rough. Heaviness of upper in morning on waking. Dryness. Itching; in canthi. Burning pain in external angle of l. eye; B. pain in margin of r. lower lid. Burning; and on surface of balls, with pressure in balls; on inner surface; in r. inner canthus on waking, then extending over margin of lower lid, (<) writing. Burning in margins; in morning; in forenoon, with itching and on moving them sensation as if they rubbed against ball; at noon; in afternoon; in evening, with running of water from nose, (<) towards outer canthus; of lower, (<) writing.

Pressure about orbits. A spot on r. lachrymal bone is swollen, pulsating and painful. Vision dim; in evening on walking; confused; weak; flickering; flickering at noon, muscae volitantes, so that he could scarcely write; V. as if a black plate were before eyes at the distance of ten paces, then sensation as if a veil were drawn up and down, then the first sensation, then vertigo, then headache, (<) frontal and orbital regions, at times with sticking in eyes and tearing in ears, (>) 9 P.M. Photophobia, with jerking of lids, lachrymation and burning in eyes, the P. (<) afternoon, (>) towards evening.

Clinical An extremely valuable remedy for a variety of inflammations of the eyes; catarrhal inflammation of the conjunctiva generally of an indolent character, without much photophobia and with rather scanty exudation; it is used successfully in granulated lids with pannus; it is certainly very frequently indicated in ulcerations of the cornea, which are small and perforating, generally without much photophobia; sometimes indicated in subacute scrofulous inflammation of the cornea or cornea and iris. Subacute iritis in the later stages, especially of the syphilitic variety (compare Kali-iod.).


      Inflamed swelling at entrance of l. meatus. Sticking; in l. and in parotid gland; in l. and in l. outer side of throat; in r. in forenoon; in l., extending into palate, l. side of head and l. outer cervical region, the later painful to touch and glands swollen; through external meatus, extending into r. ear, in afternoon when walking; drawings S. through r. external meatus, then roaring in head as of a distant noise. Tearing. Pain in evening; in r. Pressure outward in l. mastoid process. Drawing extending into lower jaw, with salivation; D. behind r.; D. behind l. and on l. lower jaw, with tension of l. cervical muscles. Stoppage of r., with burning in concha. Ringing. Singing. Roaring.

Clinical Chronic suppurative perforation of the drum and discharge of yellow tenacious pus. Eczema of the ears externally, with watery oozing. A few cases of threatening abscesses about the ear, with great swelling of the external meatus, terrible pains.


      Swelling and pain; S. of alae. Septum ulcerated away; in upper part, as far as its articulation with vomer and ethmoid, and purulent inflammation of whole nasal mucous membrane; septum dotted with minute ulcerations. Scab in l. nostril, bleeding always on removal. Twitching in l. wing and crawling like formication, extending over side of nose to eyelids, where it caused twitching. Shooting from root along l. orbital arch to outer angle of eye (compare Cinnab.), every morning,(<) till noon, (>) towards evening, with dim vision. Pricking, with sneezing, then the membrane begins to be thrown off, septum becomes thin, perforated, then detached. Sticking in r. side on blowing, as if two loose bones rubbed against each other, with discharge of greenish offensive masses, every portion which passed through posterior nares had a disagreeable taste, then r. nostril was filled with hard masses, ulcers in external borders of nostrils, ulcers burn, (<) l. nostril, then sensitiveness of tip of nose, (<) r. side.

Burrowing inside root (in ethmoid bone?), with beating and externally heat and throbbing rhythmical with pulse, nose swollen at root and hot, nose seemed thick and full, she spoke through it, inclined to blow it on account of a thick substance in it, but nothing was expelled, heaviness as if a weight were hanging to it. Pain; in root (Ignatia); in bones (K-iod.); in r. bone; in bones in morning; in septum, (<) touch, with burning. Pressive and smarting pain in margins of nostrils, with swollen feeling. Tensive drawing pain extending from r. nostril into r. auditory canal. Sore pain on r. side of septum, (<) touch; then a burning. Soreness; a yellow scab on outer surface of septum, chiefly at junction of septum with lip; of mucous membrane; in r. nostril, and dorsum painful to touch; as if nostrils were stiff; margins feel sore.

Sensation as if water had been drawn up violently. Burning; inside near lip; in r. side near tip; in forenoon, and in upper lip; in outer margin of r. nostril in evening; in r. nostril after dinner, (<) touch; in r. nostril, then trickling of bright blood. Coldness in r. nostril on drawing in air. Tickling; in l. nostril; in l. nostril, extending upward, in evening in the house; with itching and with crawling in l. side of nose and twitching in margin of l. lids. Itching; (<) rubbing, with tickling. Stoppage (Sin-nig.); in morning on waking; of l. nostril in morning on rising, with discharge of thick yellow mucus. Frequent need to blow it after dinner, though there was nothing in it. Full in morning on waking.

Dryness (Sin-nig.); r. nostril; in morning on waking; in morning on waking, then discharge; of r. nostril in morning after rising, with burning; in evening; with pain in root, as in beginning of stopped catarrh, extending to temples and affecting head; with swollen sensation, the walls feel stiff and velvety (K-iod.); with sore pain in r. nostril; with tension in wings and septum; and cavities dilated; towards root, extending into frontal sinuses (K-iod.); with sore feeling and with burning, (<) r. nostril, extending to frontal sinuses; of margins, which are covered with thin scales; sensation in middle of l. ala as if dry or denuded; dry and painful except in morning, when there was a watery discharge; after dinner cough forced black coffee into nose, which caused dryness and pain in nose.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.