Homeopathy Remedy Kali Bichromicum

Sneezing (Iodium); in morning; after eating; after dinner; on lying down in bed; with lachrymation of r. eye; with pressure in upper part of larynx, which extends through choanae into nose; in paroxysms; violent. Coryza; sudden, (<) r. nostril; fluent; purulent. Plugs. Clinkers, which if torn away too soon cause soreness at root of nose and intolerance of light. Always full of thick mucus. Discharge; in evening (Pulsatilla); with swelling; from r. nostril; from lower part; increased secretion after dinner, with sore pain on margin of nostril; of mucus streaked with light-colored blood; scanty, acrid, causing burning on septum; acrid, from r. nostril; thin, acrid. Thin discharge; from r. nostril; with burning in outer margin of septum as if sore. Watery discharge; in morning, causing burning of upper lip; towards noon; from r. nostril; causing corrosive pain on outer margin of septum; from r. nostril, causing burning on margin of nostril and on upper lip; with redness of nose and fetid smell; with soreness, sneezing and snuffling in speaking; unnoticed, from r. nostril; sudden, from l. nostril; from r. nostril, then dryness of nose.

Bleeding; from r. nostril, waking him in morning; in morning on washing; from r. nostril in forenoon after moderate walking; towards noon; in evening; from r. waking him at night; after eating; sudden during dinner, and in evening; bright blood from r. nostril after beer during supper; thick dark blood from r. nostril after eating, then tickling in nose extending into throat; blowing of thin blood into mouth. Smell very acute; offensive; imaginary putrid, with eructations and taste of rancid bacon; blunted; lost.

Clinical It has been used for a great variety of diseases of the nose, but a general characteristic is the peculiarity tough, adherent secretions; these may exist in subacute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane or there may be ulceration, but the ulcers are usually round and deep and do not spread laterally; (the ulcers of Mercurius are extensive and superficial). The sensations in the nose are usually those of obstruction and swelling, especially pressure at the root, sometimes with violent pain extending into the cheek-bones or around the eyes. In a few cases it has cured catarrh with watery excoriating discharge, but in these cases there were generally adherent scabs in the nose covering ulcerated spots. The formation of “clinkers” in the nose, the detachment of which leaves very sore places or ulcers, is a strongly-marked characteristic of the drug. Nasal polypi.


      Swelling; of r. cheek, (<) over malar-bone. Flushed; cheeks. Pale; and sickly; and cold; and drawn, covered with cold, clammy sweat; and cadaverous, covered with cold sweat. Ashy gray. Yellow; and earthy. Anxious. Uneasy expression. Sticking through r. zygoma towards forehead. Tearing in l. side; periodical T. in bones. Acute pain in infraorbital part of malar-bones. Pain in bones, (<) infraorbital region and in nasal bones; P. in side, (<) zygoma and towards ears, r., then l.; in cheek-bone in evening. Pressure outward in zygomatic process. Sensitiveness of bones (Aurum). Bruised pain in bones, (<) facial side of upper jaw. Sore burning in fossa between r. wing of nose and cheek. Tension of muscles; making features rigid, a sickly expression; of masseters, with drawing and salivation.

Jaws.- Tense circumscribed elevation beneath periosteum of l. ramus. Stitches towards l. ear. Sensitiveness in upper, (<) beneath orbit. Burrowing in rami. Boring in l. side of lower in evening; intermittent B. in l. side of lower. Pressure below orbits after breakfast.

Lips.- Swelling under nose in forenoon, with redness; S. beneath r. nostril, with redness and blisters. Pimples on upper; on r. side of lower; itching, on upper and lower. Yellow scabby eruption over upper. Ulceration of inner surface; U., with indurated edges and smarting. Itching vesicles on margins, burning in evening. Itching of eruption, though it had begun to dry. Dryness in morning, with burning; D. in forenoon. Burning; beneath nose; on inner surface of upper; smoking burns lips, which are dry and tense.

Clinical Frequently a valuable remedy when the face is blotched, or when there is more or less indigestion and the face covered with pimples or acne.


      Teeth. Stitches in l. molars and in an anterior upper incisor; in hollow and sound l. molars. Tearing in l. lower molars, with stitches extending into ears and l. temple; sudden drawing T. in all l. teeth, momentarily (>) pressure on lower jaw, lasting till towards midnight, next morning swelling of gum, which was painful near a l. lower hollow molar, at noon drawing tearing toothache on same side, with stitches in jaws extending to ear, temple and neck of same side, that side of neck sensitive to touch, cervical glands swollen, tearing in various parts of limbs, tongue coated yellow, in evening tearing sticking through head, at times cutting, with chilliness and flushes of heat in l. side of head and face, pulse rapid, next day intermittent tearing in l. lower teeth, with sensitiveness and with sticking tearing in l. ear, temple and side of neck. Burrowing in all l. after midnight. Gnawing in roots of all at noon. Boring in r. upper molars towards evening. Aching, with salivation. Sensitiveness; of upper incisors.

Gums.- Livid. Bleeding on sucking. Pain in l. upper extending through lip to wings of nose, with inflammation, then an oblong abscess above eye-tooth, between lip and gum. Sensitiveness. Uneasy sensation in evening.

Tongue.- Smooth, red and cracked, during dysentery (Rhus., Mercurius, Ail.); red and dry. Papillae very long on dorsum, with a brown patch. Coating, in morning, with dryness; thick, loose; yellow; yellow, except at edges; whitish-yellow; white; yellowish-white; yellowish-white, in morning, with nauseous taste and qualmishness; in morning on waking, light brown, on dorsum. Painful ulcer. Eruptive (tetter like?) swelling which became depressed and out of its hollow oozed blood. Stinging. Pain at back of and on velum. Burning in tip.

Aphthae. Burning pimple on inside of l. corner, next day it was a painful ulcer surrounded by hard swelling, next afternoon burning in mouth, (<) inner surface of lips. Rough, papular, elevated appearance of velum. Excavated cicatrix on roof, from which a slough separated, no pain till separation of slough. A stream of thin blood comes into mouth. Constriction. Burning caused by smoking. Dryness (Rhus-t., Pulsatilla, etc.); in forenoon; in forenoon, with bitter, astringent taste; (<) lips, without thirst. Salivation; after smoking; till noon; with nausea; with cooling, salt, astringent, metallic and then bitter taste, with salt eructations; watery, then frothy; yellow (Phyto., Mercurius); sweetish-sour; salt, bitter, tenacious (Phyto., Pulsatilla, Mercurius), full of bubbles, (<) smoking, forcible hawking loosened large quantities, with eructations of air. Breath fetid.

Taste.- Flat. Pasty in morning. Salt in afternoon. Bad; to water; on smoking. Musty in morning. Putrid. Of rancid bacon. Of blood. Sweetish; when smoking; after soup, then pressure in stomach; S. resinous, (<) middle of tongue, (<) if it touches hard palate, when smoking. Saltish-sour; sweetish-sour and astringent, after breakfast; cool-sourish on back of tongue and in throat in morning on going out, with nausea. Astringent at root of tongue; resinous, A.; sharp, A. when smoking, extending into fauces; sweetish A., with watery salivation. Nauseous; after breakfast,(<) root of tongue; on putting cigar into mouth; N., sharp scraping when smoking after breakfast; N., sharp astringent when smoking after breakfast. Bitter; in morning; on smoking; to the largely watered wine; B., pasty; B., resinous; B., pungent on back of tongue. Coppery. Metallic; sudden, at root of tongue and soft palate, with nausea and eructations; sudden, at root of tongue in forenoon and evening; sweetish; sweetish, (<) at root of tongue and on palate (<) smoking; sharp, sweetish, resinous, nauseating, (<) entrance of fauces, after breakfast, (<) a glass of water; astringent, nauseous after dinner.

Clinical Syphilitic ulceration of the tongue. Aphthous inflammation of the mouth.


      On r. side of root of uvula, an excavated sore, with reddish areola containing yellow tenacious matter. Ulcers on tonsils and throat (Ail., Lycopodium etc.), the surface of which was covered with an ashy slough, and the surrounding mucous membranes dark, livid and swollen. Uvula and tonsils red, swollen and painful, then ulcerated. Redness in morning on waking, with inflammation; R. of fauces, with relaxation of uvula; R. of fauces, with elongation of uvula and sensation of a plug in throat. Erythematous blush of fauces and palate; of fauces and tonsils. Coppery color of fauces and soft palate. Hawking of much tenacious mucus in morning; and gelatinous; H. of thick mucus in morning, also with sensitiveness of larynx and trachea; of mucus in afternoon; of mucus and copious expectoration of thick bluish mucus; H. expectoration of white frothy saliva.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.