Homeopathy Remedy Kali Bichromicum

Hoarseness; in morning, with mucus in larynx; in morning on waking, till noon, (>) eating, then aggravated, with at times scraping in larynx and hawking of thick bronchial mucus all day; in morning on waking, (<) till late in evening, with pressure and scraping in larynx, and in evening hawking of mucus; in evening, with dry cough; (>) expectoration of thick, tenacious, yellowish- white mucus; sudden, in evening; and rough voice.

Cough; when exercising; after meals; from tickling; from irritation in trachea. Irritation to cough; sudden, then dry, difficult cough; with expectoration of thick white mucus. Hard C., with weight and soreness in chest and expectoration. Short. Dry, in afternoon; D., then expectoration of dark tough mucus; short D., from tickling in larynx. Hacking, in evening, with hoarseness. Dry hacking; in evening; in evening, with hoarseness; with stitches in chest. Hard, dry, then expectoration of gray mucus of the consistence of white of egg. Dry, tickling, paroxysmal, with pressure in middle of sternum, extending to hyoid bone, when she coughed violently a taste of blood, at last with expectoration of sweetish-yellow pus from deep in lungs. Tickling C. as if an acid and acrid liquid flowed from choanae over curtain of palate, uvula and posterior wall of pharynx, afterwards with expectoration of bright blood in paroxysms.

Cough, with expectoration of mucus; C. (with dyspnoea), (<) morning, with E. of white mucus “as tough as pitch” and which could be drawn out in strings (Cocc. cact., Acid Lacticum); with E. of yellowish-green tough matter; thick yellow mucus with traces of blood; dense, transparent, lumpy mucus; thick, transparent, slate-colored, in morning on waking; C. from tickling in throat, with copious expectoration of thick lumps of bluish-white mucus; C. in fits from tickling at bifurcation of bronchi, with expectoration of reddish mucus; short hacking C., with expectoration of tenacious mucus, also white; short interrupted C. in morning, which loosens lumps of tenacious mucus, then sensitiveness of larynx; “stuffing” C., with pain at chest and yellowish, heavy, tough expectoration; loud C. from “stuffing” at epigastrium, (<) waking in morning, he then had a fit of coughing, with expectoration of tough mucus, with lightness in head.

Expectoration of tough mucus, so viscid that it drew in stings down to feet. Tough light-colored E. E. of mucus; thick; pasty; easy, white, salt.

Dyspnoea; in sleep; in morning on rising, as if mucous membrane of bronchi were thickened; (<) morning; with cough and difficult expectoration of black tough mucus. Stertorous breathing. Rapid breathing. breathing. Short breath, as if something tight around upper abdomen prevented deep breathing.

Clinical Catarrh of the larynx, subacute, generally without fever, but with very tenacious expectoration. An extremely valuable remedy in the late stage of membranous croup; (it is rarely indicated in the beginning), the pulse is soft, the child is weak, perspires; the cough is not dry, but hoarse, barking, the expectoration is very tenacious and gags the child, who sometimes tries to vomit; the constant sawing respiration, with the harsh rough voice and cool skin, is a general condition calling for this drug. Spasmodic and chronic bronchitis, with great wheezing and very tough expectoration, which must be pulled out of the mouth to prevent vomiting and choking. In bronchitis the cough is apt to be barking, croupy, it seems to come from low down in the chest, (<) eating. In all these cases the cough generally (<) morning, (>) warmth, sometimes (>) lying down, (<) eating.


      Sticking in sides (Kali-c.); in inner surface of sternum in forenoon; in region of l. nipple in forenoon, renewed on deep inspiration; in evening; in upper part of r. lung on sneezing; through chest, (<) r. side; beneath one pectoralis major, at another time in an intercostal muscle; irregular, in integument; superficial, in r.; sudden, in inner surface of sternum; tearing, in whole l., from axilla to flank, as if in costal pleura, in morning on walking. Darting pain in mamma (female); from middle of sternum to between shoulders, on coughing. Sharp pains. Pinching in upper part of r. lung, (<) violent motion to sticking, next day sticking so that he must incline to right when walking and take short inspirations.

Pain; beneath sternum; in r. mamma; in r. lowest ribs; under l. axilla, in pectoral muscles beneath axillae; in region of clavicle; in a spot to r. of centre of sternum, next day stitches there; in a spot in upper lobe of r. lung in forenoon when sitting, then drawing internally along r. chest; in r. in evening penetrating to back; in middle of lung on waking at midnight; on pressure towards middle and to l. of sternum; on deep inspiration; in region of three last true ribs, (<) deep inspiration; circumscribed, in r., (<) inspiration; in l., in region of seventh rib, next day sensitiveness to touch; in forepart, in region of l. fifth and sixth ribs, as if in costal pleura, with burning, then in evening beneath r. axilla; so that he could scarcely turn over in bed, get up or walk on account f aggravation of pain in muscles and bones, the latter seem broken, next day these pains extended over cervical region, (<) turning head or lifting arm, impeding respiration.

Pain consisting of pressure and sticking, in a spot in costal pleura, in region of l. seventh rib, in evening. Burning pain in middle of sternum; sudden B. pain as from a knife-cut in centre of chest, beginning under clavicles and extending from region of lower ribs, (<) centre of chest, (<) deep breathing, but forcing him to respire deeply, (>) warmth. Intermittent heavy pain in r., passing through to back, then tearing. Rheumatic pain between r. seventh and eighth ribs, at angles, (<) raising or twisting body to l. Soreness; in evening, (<) region of wall; under sternum, like an ulcer under skin, causing pain on lifting arms.

Pressure, waking about midnight and preventing sleep till daybreak; frequent P. in forenoon, (<) beneath sternum; P., with intermittent anxiety; anxious P. at night, taking away the breath. Oppression; at night, (<) region of bifurcation of bronchi, compelling him to take a deep breath with the aid of pectoralis major; in lower part on deep inspiration, with sticking. Tightness; all the forenoon. Tension and constriction; T. in r. half, at insertion of pectoral muscles; T. in anterior wall on deep breathing; externally in l. in evening when walking; drawing, in r. side, (<) ascending stairs and deep breathing, with pain. Dryness of lungs in evening, with rawness.


      Sticking. Cramp in region. Darting pain in praecordium. Sharp irritative pain in region of apex. Pain; in evening; several hours after dinner; with palpitation and anxiety; preventing sleep; cold, heavy, in cardiac region, with tightness of chest and dyspnoea. Trembling on pressure upon region. Palpitation in bed, with pain in region of heart.


      Rapid; and full; and full, hard; and small, sharp. Irregular, small, contracted. Slow; and filiform. Depressed and small. Weak; and fluttering. Scarcely perceptible.


      Glands swollen and sore to touch. Tearing on slightest motion. Pain in nape and l. shoulder in morning on waking. Stiffness; of nape; of nape; of nape on bending head downwards.


      Twitching in back and scapula as if liquid dropped on the flesh, it pulsates sharply like the key of a telegraph. Shooting. Pain from exercise; P. in different parts, (>) evening; running down on l. side into hip; rheumatoid pains in B. and limbs, as after taking cold. Drawing in all muscles, extending into upper arms, loins and thighs. Tension in muscular aponeurosis, (<) bending forward or moving arms.

Stabbing from third cervical to fifth dorsal vertebra, striking to sternum, (<) motion, with inability to straighten spine after stooping. Deep-seated shooting under scapulae at night; S. at lower angle of l. scapula, then in toe. Acute pain at base of l. scapula. Pain under r. scapula; at lower angle of r.; deep- seated, at upper angle of l.; drawing P. in l. S. and l. arm, extending into hand and thumb, in the joint and bone, (>) moving arm. Discomfort between scapulae. Undulating contraction of r. dorsal muscles on sitting down after exertion. Pain in r. side of spine, about ninth dorsal vertebra, with uneasiness in stomach.

Lumbar Region.- Sticking, (<) inspiration and cough; S. in l. side and l. groin after a meal; in l., then r., extending down thigh, (<) motion. Darting pain in renal region. Sudden cutting, (<) moving or turning, with scanty urine; C. on outer l. side of sacral bone, shooting up and down. Pain; in l. side between hip and last vertebra; in sacrum and coccyx in morning; in morning on waking; in coccyx in morning on waking; in coccyx in morning on waking and towards evening, (<) when after long sitting I rose to urinate, when it extended into urethra and obliged me to bend forward when urinating; in coccyx in morning after rising; in sacrum and coccyx in morning during coition; in coccyx at noon, with burning in anus; in coccyx when sitting in forenoon; in coccyx after rising; (<) motion; (<) stooping; in coccyx, (<) walking and touch; with scanty high-colored urine; so that he cannot straighten himself after stooping; extending to nape, striking through to sternum; extending to sacrum and down thigh, increasing to numbness, so that he could hardly rise from a chair; paroxysmal P. in forenoon when walking, afterwards at the moment of sitting down, (>) sitting, changing in afternoon to drawing pains in legs, in small of back again in evening; attacks of P. in region of kidneys, extending to groins, (<) rest, with scanty reddish urine nausea and impaired appetite. Acute pressure in coccyx in evening. Sprained pain on motion. Pain in sacrum as from a blow at noon when sitting. Drawing and pressive pain in sacrum in morning on waking. Drawing in sacrum, (<) walking, with pressure.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.