Homeopathy Remedy Kali Bichromicum

Anxiety; in pit; in pit at 11 P.M., with warmth, waking me, then expectoration of blood, with short paroxysms of cough and rattling in air-passages, the cough and easy expectoration of blood repeated every two hours, next day posterior wall of pharynx dark, glistening, swollen, injected with bright red vessels, and to the l. a fissure from which the blood issued, on swallowing sensation as if a dry morsel stuck in throat, frequent, sudden hoarseness and then scraping on posterior wall of curtain of palate and in choanae, often tenacious, metallic- tasting mucus was drawn from these parts, also boring drawing pains in bones of limbs (as often as the troubles in throat were relieved, and vice versa). Faintness; before breakfast; but want of appetite. Feebleness in morning.

Clinical Dyspepsia; especially associated with nausea and vomiting; nausea and vomiting of drunkards; nausea and vomiting, with ulceration of the stomach; with soreness in a small spot in the stomach. Dyspepsia resulting from malt liquors, with flatulency, oppression after eating, nausea and vomiting of mucus. Acid dyspepsia, with sour vomiting coming on an hour or so after eating (Pulsatilla). Gastric catarrh, with vomiting of glairy mucus, tongue thickly coated.


      Distention; after eating; after dinner, with discomfort; with sensitiveness. Rumbling; after stool; after breakfast, with griping, then a second thin stool, then retraction of anus and nausea; with discomfort about umbilicus; with profuse, pasty stool, then tickling in rectum. Gurgling. Movings. Emission of flatus; offensive. Ulceration. Gastro-intestinal inflammation, with cramps in various parts, (<) calves and inner part of thighs. Sudden contractions in intestines, with nausea, then pasty stool, then burning and tenesmus in anus.

Sticking; extending towards spine. Cutting; in all directions; towards noon, (<) parietes. Griping; in morning, then semi-liquid stool, with rumbling; when walking in forenoon; from a draught of air, with griping; with intermittent nausea; occasional. Pain; with diarrhoea. Sore to pressure. Constriction. Tension; in evening after chocolate, with heaviness in stomach. Burning after stool.

Rumbling in colon, (<) inspiration. Cutting in l. side, increasing and decreasing in paroxysms. Griping in upper; on going out after breakfast, and in middle, so that sweat stood on forehead. Spasmodic constrictions of upper. Region of sigmoid flexure tender. Sticking beneath umbilicus. Griping beneath U. Pain in umbilical region; above and to l. of umbilicus; in a spot to r. of U.; in umbilicus after breakfast, rising into throat. Weakness above umbilicus on waking at 5 A.M. Midway between umbilicus and spine of ilium, in ascending colon, a tender point, which often bulges out.

Hypochondria.- Sticking; in l.; in region of spleen, extending into lumbar region, (<) motion and pressure. Sticking in hepatic region; till afternoon; in evening, (<) pressure; sudden, when walking rapidly. Tearing shooting in r. Sticking pinching in hepatic region after dinner. Boring in l. Aching in r.; posteriorly in liver; in liver, (<) full inspiration and cough; heavy, in hepatic region; circumscribed in l. Intermittent soreness in r. during the day.

Hypogastrium.- Sticking in r. flank, extending to l. clavicular region and acromion process and side of neck, (<) stooping, causing a stretched sensation, with restlessness and depressed spirits. Pain in l. groin darting through to r. Griping as if something pierced bowels, (<) deep inspiration, (>) pressure. Pain in r. groin and r. hip; P. in groin as if a hernia would protrude. Bearing down towards r. groin. Uneasiness in r. iliac region on waking.

Clinical Duodenal catarrh, sometimes with jaundice, white stools dark urine, nausea, sometimes with soreness over the abdomen, with nausea and vomiting. Gastro-enteritis, catarrh, with discharges of stringy mucus. Gastro-enteritis, with bilious or bloody vomiting, prostration.


      Urging before usual hour, urine before stool, after stool colic and debility; U., waking at 6 A.M., she could not reach the closet soon enough, a watery stool spurted from her, then tenesmus U. and only a spoonful of liquid, but relief of discomfort in abdomen; ineffectual U. after dinner; U., but passage of only offensive flatus.


      Stitches. Dragging; after hard stool, then pressure in haemorrhoidal vessels, then D. and pressure during dinner so that he could scarcely sit; (>) emission of flatus, with pressure; in haemorrhoidal vessels after exercise, with burning. Pressure; in forenoon, with burning, desire for stool, sudden sweat, (<) face, disappearing suddenly, emission of only flatus; in haemorrhoidal vessels in evening, when sitting after exercise. Painful retraction, (<) on days when there is no stool. Burning pain. Burning after stool (Iris, Sulphur); in forenoon, with pressure. Soreness; towards evening, (<) walking; after prolonged motion; with dragging in haemorrhoidal vessels. Sensation of a plug in afternoon when sitting. Fulness of haemorrhoidal vessels. Biting. Itching; when walking. Acute drawing from perineum into urethra.


      In morning on rising, then soreness in anus. Dysenteric attacks for several successive years, frequent bloody stools, with gnawing at navel, then ineffectual straining. Of brown frothy water, frequent, with tenesmus, pain in abdomen and nausea, then sudden complete rest. Liquid, involuntary; two L. in quick succession, then burning in anus; semi-liquid, then griping in intestines. Diarrhoea; profuse; constant, involuntary; constant, involuntary, of mucus and blood; greenish-yellow; partly diarrhoea-like, sudden, profuse, in evening, with griping, then tenesmus. Pasty; then feeling as if too little had passed.

Constipation; with pain across loins; every three months. Hard, then burning and pressure in anus; H. and scanty, then burning in anus; H. and scanty; H. and lumpy; and unsatisfactory; and unsatisfactory, difficult; and difficult, painful; and infrequent, with protrusion of rectum. Bloody and painful. Pale, slate-colored. Copious, relieving abdomen, but return of pain after dinner; C. and dark, with tenesmus. Scanty, round, then burning in anus (Iris). S., pale, clay-colored, twice a day; S., twice a day. Frequent; and dark coffee-colored; two daily, the first normal, the second diarrhoea-like.

Clinical Diarrhoea of brown frothy water (compare with Rheum). Dysentery, with dry, red, cracked tongue, with painful tenesmus, stools gelatinous and bloody, aggravation in the morning. Dysentery occurring periodically in the spring, with the characteristic tongue. Dysentery, with drops of blood, tenesmus, without thirst or fever, with large insular patches on the tongue. Constipation, hard, dry stools, with burning in the anus (Iris.).

Urinary Organs

      Sticking in prostate gland in afternoon, preventing walking. Escape of prostatic fluid at stool. Sticking in urethra, (<) after urinating. Smarting in urethra during micturition. Burning in bulbus urethrae; B. in glands of urethra when urinating and afterwards; B. in navicular fossa when urinating. Irritation at orifice of urethra (male.). Urging before the usual hour; constant U. Sometime in passing urine. Frequent micturition, with burning after urinating; frequent M. at night, of copious, watery, strong-smelling urine.

Urine red, with pain across back. High-colored; and hot. Brownish. Turbid in afternoon, thick mucous sediment; T. at night, with copious sediment. Milky, contained pus, reaction acid. Scanty; and reddish (with pain in region of kidneys, etc.); and high-colored, with pearly-white sediment; with white film and whitish deposit. None passed. Mucous sediment.

Clinical Subacute or chronic inflammation of the urethra, on urinating it seems as if a drop of urine cold not be expelled and it troubles the urethra for a long time; with these symptoms there is usually burning in the fossa navicularis and in the bulbous portion of the urethra after urinating.

Sexual Organs

      Itching of penis and rectum in evening; I. of hairy parts, increasing to inflammation, pustules, with itching and tearing, night restless, pustules united into an ulcer, in which paroxysmal stitches woke him at night. Pain in penis. Constriction at root of penis in morning after waking. Erections.

Clinical Venereal ulcers, especially true chancre, to which it seems particularly homoeopathic, with the characteristic cheesy. tenacious exudation. Yellow, very tenacious leucorrhoea. Pruritus of the vulva, with great burning and excitement. Several cases of prolapsus of the uterus, particularly (<) hot weather.

Respiratory Organs

      Mucus; in morning; in bronchi and nose without real catarrh. Bronchitis. Dryness of bronchi; in morning on waking. Burning in bronchi when coughing. Larynx, mucus in morning; mucus, obliging hawking; ulceration and necrosis of cartilages; ulcerative pain; intermittent scraping, with hoarseness; soreness in morning on waking; pressure, (<) talking, speech refused its service; roughness in morning after rising, obliging hawking; irritation in morning, causing hawking; tickling at dinner; tickling, causing cough and clearing of throat; tickling extending into mouth and ears (preceded by pressure).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.