Homeopathy Remedy Conium

Ankle. – Sticking in r. malleoli day and night, waking him, at last extending into calves, (>) siting, (<) walking. Tearing from noon till evening, (<) sitting and walking; T. in external malleolus in open air, extending along leg. Pain; bruised, in l., with tension and stiff feeling on moving it.

Foot.– Swelling, with burning pain; painful S. Trembling in morning on rising. Sticking in r. heel on walking and standing; burning and throbbing S. in bend of foot. Tearing on dorsum in evening in bed; T. in inner side extending up leg, in open air; in soles on walking. Burning pain beneath heel on stepping, with redness and swelling. Crawling pain in soles when stepping upon them, but stitches when walking. Sharp drawing beneath heel. Heavy clogging sensation ion heels. Numbness; of heels when sitting, with prickling. Numb prickling creeping to upper part of thigh.

Toes.– Sticking under nail of l. great, when sitting; in tip of l. great, with burning; pulsating, in little, with pain on walking. Tearing in ball of great in morning when standing and siting; burning, in metacarpal joint of great, on waking. Cutting at tips of l. Pain in tips as if suppurating. Burning pain beneath, when sitting. Pressure in ball of r. great. Drawing; in l.; in lower surface of l. great. Prickling.


      Whole body blue; and covered with cold sweat. Yellow spots on fingers., Inflammation of whole body, with pain and burning., Fine eruption on face, back and rest of body, with itching like creeping under skin. Petechiae. Erysipelatous tumor in neck. Pimple in an old liver spot on cheek; on forehead, with tensive drawing pain; on forehead; with tensive pain, which during and after itching becomes tearing in their vicinity; painful on touch on forehead, also on chest. Pustule in fold near, r. wing of nose; on feet. Ulcers with inflammation around finger-nails and throbbing, suppurating, burning pain; margins of U. became black, with discharge of offensive ichor; cold gangrene in a portion of an U. Vesicles filled with colored fluid, with bright red areola; V., with bright areola near knuckle of l. little finger; on back of r. hand, between thumb and index, with red areola and itching, which is (<) after scratching; itching, on back of ball of l. thumb.

Sticking on l. zygoma; itching, on posterior surface of thigh, (<) when sitting; itching, as from fleas, here and there in rapid succession, always singly; itching-biting burning, here and there. Smarting of face as of sore, after washing and drying. Painful tension behind ears and on mastoid process. Sensitiveness on dorsum of hands. Crawling in affected parts; on back of nose; posterior surface of thigh; in toes; under skin of r. cheek, extending to corner of mouth; in glands, with agreeable itching; itching, on tip of nose and in nostrils; itching, in forearm, only transiently (>) rubbing.

Itching; here ad there in all parts; on r. half on body; around l. eye; on nose; about chin; on abdomen; small of back; limbs; in various places on wrist; on flexor surface of r. wrist; ball of l. hand; backs of fingers; of l. thumb and little finger; in fossa between nates; thighs and arms; r. patella; backs of toes and fingers; hairy parts, (<) scrotum, then erection without desire or other cause; on pit of stomach when walking; on soles, with itching pimples; on legs and feet and l. palm, with sticking; sides of third and fourth fingers, transiently (>) rubbing; on back of balls of thumbs; next day vesicles; on forepart of r. leg, then burning sore pain, then redness, next day the burning had extended and was (<) touch, then a bright red spot, with burning in it and sensitiveness in and around it; of breasts, on rubbing redness, roughness and burning; agreeable, but violent, in nipples; sticking, on chest, transiently (>) by scratching; sticking, in cheek and r. side of face, (>) repeated scratching; corroding, on forehead, transiently, (>) rubbing; corroding, on r. half of body in evening in bed, (<) lying upon it, always beginning with sticking, (>) scratching, but reappearing in another place, with uneasiness in limbs.

Clinical The skin is very frequently pale yellow. Papular eruptions, with burning and itching.


      Frequent yawning. Sleepiness; during the day, he cannot keep awake when reading; during the day, with inability to sleep; feeling in morning as if he had not slept enough; in morning on rising; morning on waking, with weariness, in afternoon, with necessity to lie down and sleep; in evening and disinclination for occupation. inability to rouse himself at the usual time and sleepiness for a long time afterwards. Slumbering all day and prostration. dozing even when walking in open air. Stupid, too sound sleep, then aggravation of the headache.

Sleeplessness; on account of uneasiness and heat, with tossing about the bed. Falls asleep only after midnight. Walking early; at midnight, with sweat; anxious half-walking form a sound sleep. Sleep interrupted, Uncovers his arms in sleep. Twitching in arms and hands at night in sleep preceded by ill humor, the eyes are open, staring and turned here and there. Weeping in S. Growing in sleep at night.

Dreams.- Frightful at night and towards morning; F. and easily remembered. Anxious before menstruation; A. and hostile; and full of threatening dangers; and vivid. Full of vexation and fighting. Full of shame. Of wretched diseases. Of physical mutilation. Of dead people and of the death of those living. Horrid, from which he woke in fright about 3 or m4 A.M., with distended feeling in stomach (>) lying on it, nervous feeling and palpitation, like nightmare. Nightmare. Bad, frequently interrupting sleep. Vivid, voluptuous. Confused; with uneasy sleep.


      Chilliness; in morning, with headache and nausea; in morning; with dizzy constriction of brain, indifference and depression; waking him at 4 A.M., with bruised pain in head and scapulae on turning body, with pain in abdominal muscles of epigastric region on deep inspiration, which took away, his breath; after midday nap; from 3 to 5 P.M.; at end of evening meal; with every stool; with sadness; with cold hands, hot face and nausea; with trembling in all limbs, so that he must constantly go into the sun. Internal, with numbness extending from thigh to food; I., waking at 5 A.m., (almost without thirst), with cold hands and soles and hot face,. lasting eight hours, then heat in face and weakness. Shivering; every day at 8 A.M.; on motion; in afternoon, with coldness, then after five or six hours creeping of heat over all limbs, when the confusion of head and the indifference with sadness disappeared, and the most active participation in every occurrence took place; in back, usually about 10 A.M., with cold hands nd blue nails, sometimes the coldness extends up into arms; itching, from nape to head. Cold skin; coldness through back, with cold hands and blue nails; C. limbs; limbs, with heat in head.

Heat; through whole body, with thirst; daily; at night in bed, necessary to pass the night upon the sofa; the child desires to go to bed early, is then very hot and sweats, with uneasy sleep, trembling, short, rattling, snoring respiration; after a cup of tea with two spoonfuls of wine, and sweat; with sweat, thirst, loss of appetite, diarrhoea and vomiting. Dry H. of whole body before menstruation, without thirst. Sudden h. with vertigo and pain, which spread over whole head. In flushes; in afternoon, without thirst. Orgasm of blood; with jerking in heart. Tertian bilious fever. Catarrhal fever, with inflammation of throat and loss of appetite. Insidious fever, with loss of appetite. Internal H., (<) face, with redness, without thirst. Internal and external H. after sleep; I. and E., with dry sticky lips, aversion to drink, insipid saliva, noise bright and every motion affect him, he desires to sit alone with closed eyes. H. of skin seems greater than it is. More internal than external, in face and sinciput. H. in head; occiput, then in forehead and cheeks; in skin of r. temple, then in side of tip of l. thumb-nail; skin on r. side of forehead; on upper part of l. concha; down back in morning on waking; of head, with confusion and heaviness; of face, with rush of blood to head and sensation of coryza in nose; hot flashes in occiput, them in forehead, frequently repeated when sitting and reading. H. with sensitiveness on scalp, above r. frontal eminence; above l. knee; on back of forearm, (<) l.; on side of l. little finger, with redness.

Sweat; over whole body in morning on waking; inclination to S. in morning on and after waking, even on the cold legs; in evening when sitting, with heat of face; at night; on waking at midnight; after midnight; on eating and drinking; as soon as the eyes are closed, even on beginning to sleep, and during the day on dozing when sitting; (<)forehead, with redness of whole body., without remarkable heat. Intermittent. Cold, alternatively on different parts; C., like death-sweat, on forehead and hair. Sweat on forehead; on hands; on perineum; on legs at night. Offensive, in axilla.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.