Homeopathy Remedy Conium

Sharp thrusts through sternum to spine when sitting. Tearing; through whole in evening when lying on one side, with drawing and with oppressed breathing and pressure upon upper part of sternum, which on inspiration takes away the breath; cramplike, in r. Cutting on both sides, (<) inspiration. Scraping, with crawling and irritation to dry, almost constant cough. Pain; in female breasts; under l. breast; in ribs; in r. side of C. and abdomen, (<) inspiration; in various parts, not (<) by respiration; behind sternum and desire to breathe deeply; behind sternum when sitting, not (<) inspiration, and in l. side of chest; on sternum, now with tearing, now with sticking about breasts and nipples, with frequent oppression and shortness of breath; upon sternum, with difficult breathing when standing; with cough; as if sternum were pressed inward; sudden, when sitting, in C. and to l. of sternum. Bruised pain in forepart and in back; on inner surface of sternum. Oppression on sternum after eating, with external pressure; O. of r. upper part, with sensation of incarcerated flatus. Tension across on inspiration, with pressure. Fulness, on coughing nothing will loosen, then sticking in sternum. Clothes lie like a weight on C. and shoulders. Stiffness of sternum on physical exertion. Itching interiorly.


      Frequent shocks. Anxiety; with rapid action. Pressure in praecordial region at times, as if H. would be pressed down, with oppressed breathing. Palpitation; after drinking; after stool, with intermittent beats of heart; on rising; anxious, on being awakened by a loud noise. Weak impulse.


      Rapid; from excitement; and tense; and weak. Slow; and weak; and small, hard; and small, soft; and large and between these, but without regularity, several small rapid beats. Small and hard; small and weak. Soft and feeble. Lowered, and the temperature. Lost; sometimes losing a beat.


      Apparent thickening. Sticking in muscles of nape, with pressure; S. in muscles of r. side of nape. Tensive pain in nape during rest, with dryness in throat. Drawings in nape on walking in open air; in r. side of neck during rest, extending to shoulder-joint; throbbing, on nape, extending to r. shoulder.


      Cramp, with drawing and aching. Sprained pain in l. side. Crawling in spine as if asleep. Sticking between scapulae; and in lumbar region, region of short ribs and in hypochondria. Pain between scapulae and in lumbar region; beneath r. scapula on every motion of arms. Painful tension in muscles beneath scapulae during rest, (<) raising arms. Drawing pain in r. scapula. Drawings beneath r. scapula. Sticking in small of B. when standing, with drawings through lumbar vertebrae; S. in lumbar muscles, with painful stiffness on moving back when sitting. Pain in small of B.; r.; l. and beneath margin of l. ribs; on bending backward; on walking, then nausea and exhaustion; in ischia on rising from a seat. Drawing through lumbar vertebrae when standing. Lumbar region feels disjointed on exercising.


      Swelling of knees and elbows. Trembling. Tearing in one or another in evening in bed; T. in all, almost as from a sprain. Cutting in flesh below l. thumb-nail and on r. great toe, with burning. Pressure in joints of arms, legs, fingers and toes, with tearing. Pain in joints of hands, feet fingers and toes in humerus and femur in morning, compelling him to sleep; in joints after exposure to cold and wet, with swelling and numbness; weary, in joints. Bruised sensation in all; in arms and legs; in joints during rest, (>) motion. Dragging sensation. Drawings; in l. elbow and r. heel; r. fingers, r. great toe, and in evening anteriorly on r. lower leg, and in l. toes in evening in bed. Sensation of grasping in joints of arms and legs.

Gritty sensation in joints when moved, with partial loss of power, inability to raise her hands to head or extend her legs. Buzzing, with tingling. All affected before menstruation, with weeping mood, restlessness and anxious solicitude about trifles. Heaviness in lower and feeling as if she could not move them, the same in arms, with weakness in limbs distinct from the sensation of paralysis, the latter affecting the whole body. Difficulty in using, so that he cannot walk. Inability to move arms or legs. Dropped an inkstand and could not walk. numbness of fingers and toes, with coldness; N. of lower, with inability to move them, then similar state of upper, and with the numb feeling, stiffness in limbs, the numb, powerless sensation extending over whole body. Asleep. Paralysis, with unconsciousness; P. of lower, then of upper, or the reverse; temporary, once or twice loss of sensation.

Upper Extremities

      Sticking in r. axilla; l.; in l. along inner side of upper arm. Tickling in axillae excites no motion of arms. Arms when lifted fall like inert masses and are immovable. Drawing pain up and down arm, (<) on moving it. Pain in r. arm as if bound. Weakness of arms; r.

Upper Arm.– Sticking on inner side and in axillae. Tearing through them in evening in bed; T. during rest, alternating with sticking, transiently (>) motion. Drawing on inner side of r.; in posterior surface of l. Paralytic drawing pain during rest. Pain as from fatigue in soft parts of outer and upper parts of r., so that it is difficult to raise it. Weariness in lower part of biceps brachii, with disposition to flex and extend forearm.

Elbow.–Cracking, (<) evening. Sticking in l.; S., with heaviness. Tearing on walking in open air. Cutting outward in bend of l. during rest. Pressure. Bruised pain in r.; l.

Forearm.– Sticking on dorsal surface of r., with sensitiveness to touch. Cramplike pain in muscles, (<) resting arm. Pressing in flexor tendon above l. wrist; P. deep in l., extending to fingers. Bruised pain in extensor muscles of r.; on outer side of l., (<) touch. Drawing in l.; on lower part of r.; in extensors of r.; in muscles on outer and inner side of l.; (<) during rest; with pressing.

Cracking in wrist, (<) evening. Sticking in wrist; at articulation of metacarpal joint of l. thumb with wrist, as if sprained, (<) bending it inward. Paralytic drawing pain in wrist during rest. Boring in palm at the point where the line around ball of l. thumb meets that of the third finger. Deadness of l. hand, (<) of palm.

Fingers.– Nails yellow. Twitching in ball of l. little; in ball of l. thumb, which draws the thumb and metacarpal bone back and forth, visible under the skin when the thumb is forcibly kept straight. Cramp in r. third prevents writing easily. Spasmodically stiff and cramped on cutting with shears. Sticking in tips; beneath r. nails; in metacarpal joints during rest. Cutting shocks in metacarpal joint of thumb. Pain under nail or r. index as if it were torn and nail pushed up. Pain in r. fourth, with stiff feeling, then pressure on upper and outer part of l. upper arm. Burning pain on flexor surface of index, then a hard lump. Drawings; in l. thumb; in first phalanx of l. little, with stiff feeling; sharp, in one or other. Numbness. Numb prickling, gradually extending to elbows, causing stiffness of muscles and making it difficult to move forearm and hand.

Lower Extremities

      Reeling (Gelsemium); when standing; and dragging his legs after him; with tendency of knees to fall forward. Sensation when walking as if his steps were impeded, but he walked very rapidly. Weakness. Sticking near trochanter; deep at superior attachment of gluteus maximus; in muscles of l. thigh when sitting, in hamstring on walking in open air. Tearing in forepart of thigh when walking. Cramplike pain in anterior muscles of r. thigh on walking in open air. Pinching over l. hip. Sprained pain in r. hip in evening on walking. Drawing in r. gluteal muscles, (<) on walking; D. in r. thigh during rest, (>) motion. Weakness of r. thigh on walking, even to trembling. hip-joints almost immovable. Paralysis of hamstring.

Knee.– Crackling (in patella?) on becoming erect. Sticking; in outer tendon of flexor muscle of hollow when walking in open air. Tearing about; about patella when sitting. pain on stepping; l.; rheumatic P.; sprained, in r.; bruised pr broken feeling in l. patella when walking and standing in open air, with general anxious heat on exertion in walking; paralytic, in hollow, as in dropsy of knee. Drawing, beneath r. patella. Weakness; on ascending stairs; after ascending stairs. Stiffness i tendons under l. on beginning to walk, with pain.

Leg.– Occasional movements of l. Jerking at night, with uneasiness, then shivering. Sticking in l. calf. Tearing on tibiae in evening in bed; cramplike, in tibiae on walking in open air., Bruised pain in tibiae. A place that had been bruised and remained painful became blue and mottled, with cutting on motion and bruised feeling on walking or on touch. Pressure in r., calf. Tensive stiff pain in calves. Oppression in anterior surface of r. in bed, extending to foot, with weakness, then the same in l. lower, (>) by walking. Tingling pressure on tibiae on stretching out limbs when sitting. Drawing on outer side of r.; in r. tibiae; in muscles of r. as far as toes; in l;., with tearing and uneasiness; in r. calf on inner side of l. calf and on back of r. foot; in l. calf and in back of foot; in lower part of l. calf and in sole, Weakness; (<) of knees, with heaviness and trembling. Going to sleep when sitting.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.