Homeopathy Remedy Conium


      Blue; and turgid with blood. Livid. Red, looking like erysipelas. Pale; in morning; and sickly. Swelling on malar-bone and upper gum, with tensive pain. Risus sardonicus. Twitching of l. cheek. Expression calm, but like a figure of wax. Sticking through r. side about malar-bone; through r. cheek, extending to corner of mouth; in chin, extending upward through jaw; tearing, in front of ear in evening. Pain at night. Feeling of a cobweb on r. cheek. Drawing on zygoma, with tearing; D. on r. zygoma; painless, through chin towards ears and to head after drinking. Pressure in masseter muscles. Falling of jaw. Stiffness of r. masseter muscles. Trismus; and next day aching soreness in jaws. Lips cyanotic; eruption on lips after slight fever; vesicles on vermilion border of upper, with smarting; sticking in lips and tongue; drawing pain in an old wart on upper; dry lips and tongue; itching of upper; burning of lips and tongue; burning on inner surface of lower; burning and redness of upper l. then r. side.


      Teeth. Looseness of back. Boring sticking between l. on moving jaw. Drawing boring in l. back. Jerking and gnawing. Aching; on chewing, as if loose (tearing?); on eating, extending to ear, eye and cheek-bone. Sensation as if lower incisors were pushed up. Drawings in hollow T. from cold food (not cold drinks), extending through temples; D. through r. lower T. into malar-bone. Bleeding of gum; of back. Swollen, bluish-red gum. Painful burning of gum.

Tongue red, mottled; T. covered on upper surface, and large part of lower surface with dirty mucus, and dry; sticking on tip; S. on tip, with biting; S. in l. side of tip, with burning; boring at night; pain; stiff, swollen, painful; feeling as if sticking to roof of mouth, and inability to move it; dry; dry and reddish; burning on, and in hands; burning at tip. Speech difficult. Inability to articulate. Burning on inner surface of l. cheek; with biting. Dry mouth; with sour sensation. Salivation; sour after eating. Taste bitter in throat; and mouth; bitter-sour T. after breakfast; sour; sour after eating; salt, (<) hawking up mucus; metallic on tip of tongue; coppery, with sensation as if tip of tongue had just been touched with copper; bad when eating and on swallowing; peculiar to food; of coryza from posterior nares to mouth.


      Spasm. Drawing in muscles of T. and chest. Frequent hawking of mucus. Sticking, (<) empty swallowing. Shooting drawing pain in tonsils. Pain. Soreness on swallowing. Scraping; with cough at night. Constriction; on bowing, with choking, a sensation as if neck-band were too tight, so that she must grasp the throat, with blackness before the eyes and dark redness of face. Fulness. Catarrhal obstruction in T. and head in morning on waking. Feeling as if something were coming up to choke her. Sensation as if a large body were in it. Constant desire to hawk. Dryness; in fauces, with constriction on larynx; alternating with salivation, with the latter dry sensation in fauces. Itching, with irritation to hacking cough. Tickling when sitting, with provocation to dry cough. Obliged to swallow much if she goes into the wind. Inability to swallow; water. Difficulty in swallowing (Opium). Heat in gullet.


      Appetite increased; with nausea as if she had eaten to satiety. Longing for salt and salt things; for acids. Appetite diminished; for food and tobacco-smoking. Appetite lost; with weakness in stomach. Thirst; every afternoon; unquenchable; for coffee. Eructations; (<) towards evening. Empty E.; (<) in morning. Sour E. after eating; sour in evening; S., with burning in stomach. Offensive E. E. tasting of food. Incomplete E. after breakfast; I., then pain in stomach. Hiccough; on beginning supper. Nausea; in morning, (>) stool; in evening, with weakness, so that speaking is disagreeable; on trying to rise; after every meal; after eating, then hiccough, with the usual taste and good appetite; after dinner, with pain in nape, vertex and forehead; with vertigo; with satiety after eating. Retching; ineffectual. Vomiting; violent profuse; of mucus in afternoon, with headache, nausea and then eructations.

Flatulent distention. Sticking in pit; in epigastric region towards evening. Intermittent sore tearing from epigastric region into sides of abdomen, as if everything were torn out of abdomen, mornings. Sudden thrusts deep in pit. Sudden cutting on eating a light meal. Cramplike pain. Spasmodic pinching. Griping between 1 and 2 A.M., with constriction; G. which contracts chest, with griping in back and eructations, waking her; G., then becoming dull in intestines. Contractive pain, with coldness in it and in back, waking her in morning. Gastralgia in evening. Drawing pain in pit in morning after rising and after stool, extending to throat, with short, difficult respiration. Pain in pit as if suppurating mornings when lying and turning in bed. Pressure, then heat; P. in epigastric region, gradually extending to l. side of abdomen, with nausea; in pit, extending to throat, as if a ball rose (Ignatia); in pit, as if something moved about, even in morning, then sticking in side of chest. Fulness in pit, (<) inspiration and motion, with sticking. Tightness in pit on leaning backward, with choking of respiration and speech. Soreness and rawness. Uneasiness in pit, with haste in all his actions and difficult breathing. Cardialgia. Heartburn; in evening; rancid. Heat; in region; in epigastrium; after eating, extending through arms to fingers, whereupon the fingers became pale and dead. Acidity, with flat and bad taste. Indigestion at the least excess.

Clinical Gastralgia, especially with spasmodic cough (stomach cough). Sometimes spasmodic constriction of stomach and oesophagus, as if a round body ascended from the stomach (globus hystericus). The symptoms of pain, of vomiting, etc., have led to the use of Conium in cancer of the stomach and liver.


      Swelling; of mesenteric glands; in afternoon; after midday nap; in evening, after eating, with hardness of abdomen and prostration of navel, which made sleep uneasy; flatulent, after milk; like flatulent colic in evening, with coldness of one foot. Rumbling; which passed into griping or pressure in epigastrium. Gurgling; l. side. Flatus passed easily; F. emitted with stool, with dragging and cutting in rectum; violent emissions of much; emission of cold; offensive. Flatulence after eating, which then passed with noise and relief. Trembling. Pulselike jerks, and in small of back.

Sticking; in l.; and through glans; deep in l., waking at night, then deep in r. side of chest when lying on l. side, impeding respiration, then boring in ball of l. great toe, which continued on waking in morning. Sticking digging in l. Cutting in morning after chilliness, with headache and nausea; C. before emission of flatus; before stool, (<) r. side; with diarrhoea; deep; in l. side as if a bunch would protrude. Griping; before discharge of leucorrhoea; as in diarrhoea. Shocks against muscles, as from a child in pregnancy. Pain; in morning after eating, with fulness of stomach and chest all day; when laughing; when coughing; in sides when coughing. Drawing bruised pain. Drawing pain when walking. Drawing after drinking. Tension in r. side on deep breathing; T. in abdomen, with jerking contraction, extending towards chest, with griping. Oppression. Burning pressure. Weariness of muscles after breakfast.

Upper. Venous vessels of liver and sinuses of dura mater gorged. Distention after eating, with pressure in stomach, which causes anxious respiration. Sharp drawing jerking under r. ribs. Sticking in hepatic region (Lycopodium); in l. hypochondrium; beneath margins of ribs on r. side; in morning on waking, (<) motion; in l. hypochondrium in morning in bed, (>) rising, with oppressed breathing; beneath border of l. ribs when sitting; in hepatic region before menstruation, (<) night when lying, and especially on inspiration; intermittent, in hepatic region; in hepatic region, impeding respiration. Tearing in hepatic region. Pain in liver when walking; tensive, in l. hypochondrium, extending to side of lower abdomen. Constriction of hypochondria as from a band (Lycopodium). Sharp drawing in anterior lobe of liver. Feeling as from fright, caused by the noise of opening a door, a feeling as before diarrhoea. Pulsation on l. side, between eighth and ninth ribs, then sticking.

Umbilical Region. Sticking upward in muscles on l. side below navel. Tearing in a spot below navel. Deep cutting; C. to l. of navel. Pinching in muscles above navel on bending forward. Bruised pain after supper. Drawing pain in morning after rising; D. pain after eating.

Lower. Cramp. Sticking; in groin on rising from a chair; in r. groin when walking. Tearing above pubis, extending to ring. Deep griping after every meal. Pain, then fermentation; P., (<) by pressure; above hips when walking; in r. groin as if swollen, and on touch pain as if suppurating. Contractive pain after appearance of menses, (>) walking in open air; C. pain like after- pains, with urging to stool. Distending pain in a place where there is a hernia. Constricted spot in colon. Dragging towards the place of a previous inguinal hernia, without protrusion of a hernia; D. outward in the place of a hernia; D. outward in r. groin. Drawing pain when sitting after dinner. Drawing pressing towards upper, in morning when sitting. Heaviness when not eating.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.