Homeopathy Remedy Conium

Clinical Hard swellings of the liver have been cured (note the sticking, tearing pains in the hepatic region). Enlarged mesenteric glands and tumours in the abdomen have been treated successfully (note the great sensitiveness of the abdomen, the swelling and the character of the pain, knifelike).


      Sticking. Heat, and in anus; in lower part of R.; in R. during stool. Itching after itching in chest and abdomen. Urging, with diarrhoea three times; frequent U., with scanty soft faeces, then still more distended abdomen; frequent, with scanty stools; constant, with two thin stools; ineffectual; constant, ineffectual. Straining at stool.


      Sticking when not at stool. Dragging towards A. and abdomen; towards A. and sacrum. Heat. Itching; and on nates, perineum and near scrotum, so that he must frequently rise.


      Diarrhoea. Watery frequent, with many empty eructations and copious urine; W., mixed with hard parts, with colic and loud emissions of flatus; and frequent, with undigested portions, with griping in stomach, extending through abdomen; and urgent, then sweat. Soft. Pasty, twice daily, with burning in rectum. Constipation. Solid, every second day, with pressure; every second day, the first part with pressure. Involuntary in sleep (Phosphorus, Hyosc.). Undigested. Passage of offensive mucus. Passage of blood with the morning stool. Scanty. Frequent.

Clinical Chronic diarrhoea of old people, with tremulous weakness, discharges sometimes involuntary; especially indicated by the symptom that the flow of urine is intermittent. In obstinate constipation, especially if it sometimes alternates with diarrhoea, the stool followed by tremulous weakness.

Urinary Organs

      Lancinations in neck of bladder. Pressure upon bladder; cramp- like, in neck after urinating, (<) walking, with sticking. Frequent urging; with scanty urine every time; constant U. like labor pains, with burning pain at neck of bladder and along urethra, and frequent, scanty micturition. Frequent micturition at night; frequent M. without ability to retain urine. Painful M. Strangury; biting, after micturition. Ischuria. Discharge of a few drops after micturition, they cannot be retained nor forcibly expelled. Involuntary micturition. Dribbling after micturition. Necessity to urinate at 2 A.M. several nights. Could not urinate.

Urethra. Discharge of pus preceded by itching; of mucus from male U., even after urinating. Sticking; in orifice; extending to orifice; at times increasing with every beat of the heart; jerking, in posterior part. Cutting during micturition; in orifice. Burning; in morning after urinating; when urinating; with tickling. Pain on passing urine, which is mixed with tenacious turbid mucus.

Urine. Frequent haematuria, with dyspnoea. A few drops of bright red blood with first part of urine. Red. Turbid, with red sediment; and frothy. Copious. Scanty, dark, frothy, depositing a red sediment.

Clinical Partial paralysis of bladder, the urine flows by fits and starts, though urinating better when standing.

Sexual Organs

      Increased sweat. Inflammation of prepuce. Sticking in glans. Cutting in glans. Tearing through penis when not urinating. Compression at root of penis. Itching of penis, prepuce and glans, not (>) by rubbing. Painful stiffness of penis in evening before sleep. Many erections at night. Drawings in spermatic cord; l. Scrotum seems swollen. Cutting through middle of scrotum, between testicles, backward to above root of penis. Sticking on outer side of l. testicle, then burning. Griping in testicles in evening, with tearing. Pain in l. testicle; in testicles, (<) after erections; drawing, in l. Testes heavy and sore. Desire; desire without erections (Phosphorus); at night, coitus attended by spasmodic respirations and musklike odor from axilla, then exhaustion; no D. Emission even when frolicking with a woman (Phosphorus); E. without dreams at night (Phosphorus); E. at night; three nights in succession, then awakening of desire. Discharge of prostatic fluid at every excitement, without voluptuous thoughts, with itching of prepuce; D. on pressing at stool.

Female. Cutting between labiae during micturition. Sticking in pudenda. Itching in pudenda, (<) after menstruation, and in vagina, and on rubbing it pressing downward in uterus. Itching deep in vagina (Kreo.). Leucorrhoea; ten days after menstruation, with colic before discharge; with weakness and paralyzed sensation in small of back before the discharge, then weakness; of white, acrid, burning mucus (Phosphorus, Kreo.); thick, milky, with contractive, laborlike colic coming from both sides; profuse; profuse, then hoarseness, with cough and expectoration; bloody mucus instead of L. False pains for several days before delivery, preventing sleep and exhausting her. Pressure upon uterus during micturition, with cutting. Menses suppressed; which had scarcely appeared, then drawing pain down back into sacrum; M. delayed; M. on seventeenth day; discharge of brownish blood instead of menstruation. Tearing in mons veneris when sitting. Papules on mons veneris, painful on touch.

Clinical Useful in the bad effects following excessive venery, sexual weakness or impotence, flow of prostatic fluid with constipated stool or on the slightest motion. Enlarged testicles, which are very hard, especially following injuries. It also has been found useful for the sexual nervousness of strong, healthy men who are unable to have an erection. In both sexes useful for the effects of suppressed sexual appetite, for instance, collapse, hysteria, melancholia, etc. Uterine polypi. Uterine haemorrhages, with pain in the uterine region running down thighs, etc. Dysmenorrhoea, menstruation too scanty and too early. Numerous accompaniments of the menses, gastric or mental symptoms. Cancer of uterus. Pruritus of the vagina and pudenda following the menses, excessive hyperaesthesia of the genital organs, especially in suppression of menses (compare with Platina). Useful in various indurations and tumors in sexual organs, especially in the cervix, particularly with burning, stinging or knifelike pains. Leucorrhoea following the menses, excoriating and burning; sometimes bland in children. Mammary glands indurated, with sharp, knifelike pain. (It certainly has cured tumors said to be scirrhus; it is well followed by Silicea.). Numerous symptoms of the mammary glands preceding the menses, viz.; swelling, sharp pain; aggravation of the tumors at the menstrual period.

Respiratory Organs

      Dry spot in larynx, where there is crawling with almost constant irritation to dry cough. Scraping in larynx, with irritation to cough, and dry cough in evening; S. in larynx during the day, with tickling and dry cough. Tickling in larynx, with dry cough. Hoarse. Cough at night; C. almost only on first lying down, during the day or evening, he must sit up and cough it out, after which he has rest (Hyosc.); (<) lying, shocks in the beginning as if he would vomit; constant, before going to bed; forcible whooping, with dyspnoea; whooping, every night; whooping, with expectoration of bloody mucus; short, racking, caused by deep inspiration; dry; dry, in morning; dry, from acid and and salt things; as from tickling in middle of sternum, with and without expectoration; whereby something is loosened, but cannot be expectorated until afterwards, when it comes up with an easy cough, with coryza; loose, without ability to loosen anything. Yellowish expectoration tasting like bad eggs.

Suffocative attack as if mucus collected in throat; S. attack as if something collected in upper part of larynx. Dyspnoea. Difficult respiration; on stooping; in evening in bed, and slow; with pain in chest; as if chest could not be sufficiently distended; as if something rose in larynx and threatened to suffocate her, and noisy. Groaning. Short respiration. Slow respiration; with pain in chest. Subdued respiration.

Clinical Very valuable for tormenting night cough of old people; it is usually dry, they can expectorate a little only after coughing a long-time; the cough is caused by a dry spot in the larynx, (<) lying down at night, is accompanied by suffocative attacks; the usual indication is that the patient is unable to expectorate the little mucus which seems to be loosened, it must be swallowed. Asthma in old people. Stomach cough; it seems as if the cough came from the abdomen, he must hold the body tight. Occasionally whooping cough.


      Hardness of r. breast, with pain on touch and nightly sticking in it. (Inflammation of mammary scirrhus). Atrophy of mammae. Caries of sternum. Rattling in evening on lying down, then much cough on sitting up. Tremor at base of clavicle and in muscles across chest, just above sternum. Sticking in l. mamma (compare Silicea, which follows well?); beneath ribs; beneath l. axilla; behind cartilages of eighth and ninth ribs; between cartilages of l. ninth and tenth ribs; in side; about r. nipple on every inspiration when walking, (>) hard pressure; above heart on deep inspiration, then on every motion; beneath ribs of l. side when sitting, obliging him to press on them; in r. side on walking in open air; in nipples and vicinity in bed, and on inner surface of l. cheek; in both sides, (<) lying on front of chest; (<) inspiration and when sitting; behind sternum, extending to axillae; in l. side on coughing, waking her and then causing uneasy sleep; sudden, between r. nipple and sternum when sitting, (<) slight inspiration; throbbing, in l. upper part, more towards middle.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.