Homeopathy Remedy Conium

Forehead – Sticking; outward, at noon; extending out of, in morning after rising; extending out of in forenoon, with inclination to lie down; jerklike, (<) in the house. Digging and griping, as if from the stomach, with such sensitiveness of brain that it was painfully shattered by noises and by speaking. Pain; in various places; externally; in sinciput; r. side and in l. side of occiput and in l. parietal eminence; and in eyes, with burning lachrymation as from salt water in eyes; above eyes, extending into eyes; externally, causing stupefaction; alternately severe and slight, in sinciput, then heaviness, then the same sensation in occiput. Pain on shaking head as if something were loose, extending to occiput. Pain in upper part as from external contraction, (>) stooping or leaning it on hand, with chilliness, vertigo and fretful loss of memory. Pressive aching outward over eyes. Pain as from a stone on upper part of bone. Pressure as from a band, then in occiput; above eyes, then in occiput, with heat in occiput, then in forehead and cheeks. Drawing pain above brows; in brain just behind forehead; wandering, and in r. temple. Throbbing. Confusion in region of brows and root of nose. Heaviness; in sinciput.

Temples. Tearing in r., and in r. ear; through temples in morning; when eating; after eating, with pressure in forehead. Pressure. Pain from one to the other. Drawing pain in bones; D. pain on touch. Drawing in r. muscles, (<) walking.

Vertex. Pain and heaviness, and in occiput. Squeezing pain, then it went to sides of jaws, then to below l. breast, with choking feeling and inability to draw a breath. Pressure deep in; P. on, then around forehead; P. on, with feeling as if one would fall. Nipping at every step, without pain.

Parietals. Sticking in bones, in forehead and cervical muscles, with vertigo; tearing S. from l. bone to frontal region. Sensation in r. half of brain as of a large foreign body. Pain in r. half of brain, extending backward. Bruised pain in side of head, (<) by moving eyes towards affected side, with sensation of something heavy pressing downward. Pulsation in r. side of head in evening in bed. Confusion in l. half of head as from coldness or as if the brain did not fill the skull. One side of head numb and cold.

Occiput. Tearing in l. on walking; T. and in nape and especially in orbits, with nausea so that she must lie i bed. Pain as if pierced with a knife at every beat of the pulse. Pressure on l. side; as with a plug in r. side. Fulness and confusion. Intermittent heaviness on sitting bent.

Boring tearing in various parts of skull, with pressure. Falling of hair. Sharp pressure in a spot on scalp. Itching.

Clinical Vertigo is a common accompaniment of the Conium condition, especially (<) motion, as turning over in bed or rising up; this vertigo is sometimes accompanied by partial paralysis of the muscles of the eye, or objects seem to be unsteady; especially indicated in vertigo of old people; vertigo resulting from excessive use of tobacco. With the head symptoms the brain is frequently extremely sensitive, with feeling of a hard lump in the brain, or with feeling of numbness or coldness in head or one side of the head.


      Red. Staring. Protruding, Weak look. Wild and piercing look. Trembling look, as if eyes trembled. Movements as if pressed outward. Mucus in morning. Drawing pain, with redness. Pressure, reading; P. if she closes them to sleep in evening; as from a grain of sand, (<) in forenoon, with inflammation and redness of white and biting lachrymation. Burning; towards evening, with pressure in orbits; heat shooting through them in afternoon and evening. Irritability. Discomfort so that he brushed them frequently to clear apparent obstructions from lids.

Lachrymation. Pupils dilated; alternately D. and contracted. Yellow whites. Pressure and sticking in r. conjunctiva bulbi, in inner canthus, with fine vessels closely aggregated at inner margin of cornea. Inflamed lids and styes and frequent blinking. Lids drooping, almost ptosis (Gelsemium), with difficulty in walking. Lids drawn together in morning. Twitching of upper lid; l. lid. Inability to open lids; difficulty in opening (Gelsemium). Sticking in margins of lids and in canthi; in inner canthus, with agglutination of lids in morning; itching, in inner canthus, not (>) by rubbing. Lids seem pressed down, and sleepiness. Pressure as from sand in external canthi. Burning on inner surface of lids. Biting in inner canthus, with lachrymation. Itching of margins of lids. Contractive power of muscle orbicularis weakened. Pain across eyebrows and misty vision. Pain in orbits, (<) with the headache; P. in bones above r. eye late in evening, and in nose and malar-bone.

Vision. Weak; with dazzling, vertigo and general debility, (<) arms and legs, so that he staggered. Fatigue from reading. Sensitiveness to light. Sluggishness of adaptation, dim vision when an uneven object was put in motion, causing vertigo. Double; with sensation as if squinting; and the images slowly receding from each other to the apparent distance of six inches, here they generally became stationery, but at times alternately approached and receded from each other; and triple, with rings before eyes. On looking at near print the lines moved up and down. Flickering on moving eyes, with sudden vertigo, nausea and staggering, all (>) closing eyes, then general paresis, and even when eyes were shut any motion involving the balance of the body was attended with uncertainty and falling short of the desired effect and fresh rush of the seasickness, all (>) shutting eyes and sitting still with every muscle relaxed. Confused on raising eyes from the object on which they had been fixed to a distant one, with vertigo, then heaviness of lids. Imperfect, (>) sleep. Greater short-sightedness than usual. Dim; on walking in open air; (<) rising from breakfast-table, with vertigo; and flickering; with bright points quickly moving in the distance and light feeling in head. Lost; after sleeping in heat of sun; or objects tinged with all colors. Of black points and stripes. Of a large dark spot with white margins. Of sparks; on walking in open air. Clouds and light spots. Bright spots on walking in open air. White spots, with glittering stars, on looking at different things in the room. Fiery zigzags moving through each other, on closing eyes at night. Of a thread swimming before r. eye. Of a transparent vapor floating before eyes.

Clinical Valuable for partial or complete paralysis of the ocular muscles, especially of the internal rectus; the attempt to fix the eyes upon any object becomes painful and may even cause vertigo, hence many symptoms, of letters running together, vanishing of vision, etc. This drug is very valuable in numerous forms of scrofulous ophthalmia, in a general way indicated by extreme photophobia, greater than the apparent inflammation would warrant. There is general aggravation at night on lying down, especially of ulcers of the cornea. Appearing adapted to old people, it has proved beneficial in cataract when the above symptoms were present.


      Blood-red wax. Sticking; behind, (<) mastoid process, then dull pain at this place; pinching, on drinking. Sharp shocks shooting out of, (<) swallowing. Sudden sharp pressure, almost like twinges. Pain as if middle would be torn asunder. Pain in external, partly drawing, partly tearing. Drawings within l. Throbbing of blood. Itching in outer. Stopped feeling before ears on blowing nose. Intolerance of noise. Sensitive hearing, so that noise frightened him. Bubbling and humming; in r. Ringing; in r., with dull hearing. Roaring in r.; in l., (<) eating, with difficult hearing; like a wind, (<) dinner, lasting till sleep, and on exerting head when sitting, (<) in bed, even at night on waking. Noise in r. as of a water-fall. Noises as if blood were rushing through brain. Buzzing. Surring at noon when walking in the street, with darkness before the eyes, nearly unconscious, with some strong beats of heart, passing off quickly.

Clinical Much wax accumulates and hardens in the ear, with greater or less loss of hearing, or the hearing may be extremely sensitive with the head symptoms.


      Tip thick, red, hot, painful, (<) l. side, painful swelling in l. nostril, afterwards at l. tip a yellow blister, full of pus. Twitching; at root. Sticking in skin of lower part of septum. Sticking sore pain in septum on pressure, as if a pimple were there. Tearing in bones. Stuffed. Itching in nose; sticking, in r. side, as from a foreign body. Itching crawling in nose. Burning on nostrils. Frequent sneezing; without coryza. Bleeding; at night, then vertigo in morning on rising; when sneezing. Dropping of water. Blowing out of watery fluid. Frequent discharge of mucus. Acute smell. Tarry smell at back of nose, which he also tastes.

Clinical The patient is inclined to pick at his nose, which bleeds easily and become sore (in melancholia). It has been prescribed for polypus of the nose.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.