Homeopathy Remedy Chamomilla


      Yawning; in forenoon, with desire to stretch; without sleepiness, with gay activity; incomplete. On waking always found himself lying on r. side, with hand under head; on r. side, with legs drawn up or on r. half of back; on back or r. side. Sleepiness; during the day if he sits down, but inability to sleep if he lies down; while eating. Difficult and late waking; from an unpleasant and dreamy sleep. Late falling asleep on account of unpleasant thoughts. Sleepiness and attacks of anxiety, with vivid fancies; S. till 2 A.M. on account of painful weakness in limbs, heat and restlessness. Frequent waking in sweat, which ceases on waking. Weeping and wiling. Starting up, crying out, tossing about and talking. Talking unintelligibly, directing that obstacles be removed. Morning. Groaning, with hot, clammy sweat on forehead. Snoring inspirations; which are shorter than expirations, with open mouth and hot, clammy sweat on forehead. Restless, with frequent waking and difficult falling asleep again. Unrefreshing. Dreams; towards morning, with emission; frightful; anxious; quarrelsome, vexatious; fantastic; vivid.

Clinical Sleeplessness in children.


      Chilliness; at 4 P.M., during which he said things which he would not have said, with nausea in abdomen lasting till 11 P.M., then throbbing-sticking in forehead, (<) lying; in evening on lying down, with which sounds seem to come from a distance, nausea, uneasiness, tossing about, stupefaction of head and dead feeling in skin when scratched; in evening, at night sweat and thirst; on uncovering; on going to sleep; (after eating, then heat in cheeks); over whole body, with heat of face, which comes out of eyes like fire; (with necessity to lie down, thirst during chill but not during heat, after heat sweat with sticking in l. half of brain, next morning bitter taste); alternating with heat; (internal, without external coldness, except cold feet, with thirst, then heat and sweat, but if she puts an arm out of bed chill, and if she covers it in bed sweat, with tearing in forehead).

Chill an anterior part of body. C. in various parts, alternating with heat, at one time hands cold at another warm, at one time forearm at another upper arm cold, at another warm, at one time forehead cold and cheeks hot, etc. (Aconite). Cold limbs, with heat of face and eyes and hot breath; cheeks, hand and feet, with heat on forehead, neck, chest, then heat and redness of r. cheek; in dorsal vertebrae, whence shivering extends over body; in region of kidneys, with attacks of shivering; creeping, in back at 11 A.M.; internal, in lumbar region, with general shivering; internal, in lumbar vertebrae, extending over abdomen, with shivering along time. Hands, with cold sweat on palms; hands, with paralytic stiffness in them, confusion of head and sensitiveness to open air; fingers, and they are inclined to fall asleep; feet, evening on going to sleep.

Shaking chill in afternoon, with flow of saliva from mouth, bruised pain in back and side and pain in forehead, then heat at night, thirst and sleeplessness. Shivering in cold air; S. if he uncovers; with internal heat; with external heat; creeping over whole body, extending into limbs, with increased urine, weak and rapid pulse, then warmth in whole body, beginning in head, with shivering in body and external coldness, then sweat; on posterior part of body, of arms, of thighs and of back, in paroxysms, with external and internal dry heat, (<) forehead and face; in some parts, in face, then on arm, with and without external coldness; on single parts which are not cold, with sleepiness. In black; at 7 P.M., with bruised feeling in peroneal muscles; creeping over back and abdomen, alternating with heat; in thrills from back to abdomen; between scapulae; in morning on waking till 9 O’clock, (<) lumbar vertebrae.

Heat; in morning after coffee, with sweat, vomiting of bitter taste, weakness in head and nausea from 9 A.M. till noon; at night, with sleeplessness; at night, with restlessness; at night, with unquenchable thirst, dry tongue and stupefaction; before midnight when lying on back trying to sleep, with sweat; even in lightly covered parts, those not covered almost cold; dry; internal; sensation of external without external heat; external, with intolerance of bed-covers; flushes over whole body. In head; with confusion; with heaviness, (<) occiput; head and face; rushing over head and face; in head and face, with rush of blood and feeling as if sweat would break out while the skin-remained very dry; flushed of dry, over head and trunk; burning in forehead. Of face; 6 P.M.; after eating and drinking, with sweat; with redness of cheeks; dry, with redness; in r. cheek; rising into cheeks; in cheeks in evening, with flying shivering. Of ears. Of hands. In l. foot, with sweat, then general sweat; burning in soles at night (Sulphur); burning and itching in feet as after freezing.

Sweat; in morning; (in morning, with biting in skin); at night from 10 to 3, without sleep; on slightest motion, with weariness; sour; on covered parts; (<) below temples; on face, neck and hands; on palms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.