Homeopathy Remedy Chamomilla

Forehead.- Stitches; in r. eminence. (Tearing while sitting or turning in bed, with sensation as if a lump were falling forward); paroxysmal T.; sticking, extending into chest. Digging; and in r. temple, changing to sensation of a sharp corner pressing inward. Pressure; forenoon; above eyes; over r., eye towards noon, with pressure on r. ball; in protuberances, (<) sitting and studying, (>) walking; now r., now l. eminence, with digging; in sagittal suture, with aching and heaviness. Pain; (<) moving head; in bones; over r., with pressure upon eyes and stitches in r. temple; jerking, (<) eating. Constriction as with a broad band. Heaviness and Dullness.

Temples.- Swelling of l., with pain on touch. Stitches in r.; l.; now l.; (>) cooling rain, with pressure and rush of blood to head; boring, in r., with heaviness and digging in head. Tearing in one; extending outward, wit sticking. Diggings; (<) r., with pressure. Pressure as with a finger, also (<) mental work; and in vertex, with sticking, (>) midday heat, with stitches in l. temple. Pain; l.; l. then heat in forehead, with pain in it; wondering, always (<) at the beginning. Compression; forenoon. Painful pulsation in arteries towards noon, with compressive pain in r. temple.

Vertex.- Stitches extending to pharynx. Pressure; forenoon; (<) r. side, extending to forehead and temples; extending over forehead and temples, (<) directing attention to it, and sudden stopping and mental exertion; extending to temples and occiput, with sensation as if head were pressed from all sides; extending to neighboring parts, (<) forehead and temples, (<) r. side, with pressure often on r. eyeball in region of superior oblique muscle; extending over head the head seems pressed from all sides, (<) r. temple; in upper part of brain, extending as a compression over skill. Pain; in r. side at noon; extending over forehead and temples. Biting.

Sides.- Stitches in r.; in r. in region of parietal eminences; in one half of brain, (<) r.; in one half, as after taking cold. Pain, with warmth in head and vertigo. Throbbing in attacks in one half of brain. Drawing pain. Cracking in l. half of brain, with grating.

Occiput.- Stitches; jerking in l.; pain in l. Heaviness; and confusion. Fulness.

Scalp.- Stitches, (<) vertex, as if seated in bone.


      Swollen in morning and agglutinated, with purulent mucus. Inflamed in morning and full of gum. Stitches. Pressure, Heat; with feeling as if their surfaces were dry and rough; then lachrymation, then heat about eyes. Lachrymation; of r. Sensation as if ball were drawn backward. Pupils contracted; and immovable; dilated. Lids swollen, bluish-red, l. then r., cannot open them; half-open in morning, eyes turned downward, pupils dilated, stupid drowsiness; trembling of r. lower; agglutinating after sleep; inner surface and ball covered with yellowish, purulent mucus and bloody fluid, pressure on lids brings out blood or pus, oozing of blood on screaming and coughing; dried pus in canthi and on margins; canthi full of matter in morning; pain beneath upper on moving eyes and on shaking head; sore feeling in outer canthi, with denuded sore lips. Dryness of Meibomian glands. Congestion in white of r. inner canthus.

Conjunctiva swollen and dark red. Stitches in orbital region; r.; after waking, and in eyes, with pain as if pressed with fingers; in upper and inner part, through nasal canal into nose. Pressure in orbital region; pressure in orbital region, sensation as if ball were compressed from all sides and obscuration of vision (Natrum mur.). Sensitiveness to light. Weakness in morning, by the light it seemed as if rays of light passed from the eyes to the flame. Blackness before eyes. Vision dim; with chilliness; obscured at side if vision is fixed upon a white object. Flickering.

Clinical Various forms of inflammation, ophthalmia neonatrum (purulent ophthalmia), keratitis, especially of the pustular variety.


      Stitches, (<) stopping, with ill humor about trifles; from tragus into meatus; in region of r. tragus and spasmodic sensation, sometimes extending into auditory canal; above l.; in meatus, in r. meatus; from tragus into external meatus, with contraction; in r. mastoid process. Tearing; (in r. lobule). Pressure in middle on stopping, as from a blow. Sensation as if stopped, and as if a bird were rustling and scratching in them. Dullness before ears in evening. Intolerance of music. Ringing in r., with stitches in r. tragus, extending into meatus. Roaring; afternoon; in r., with ringing; ass from rushing of water.

Clinical Earache, with soreness, swelling and heat, driving the patient frantic.


      Ulceration of nostrils. Pressive stitches in bones. Dryness; in morning and stoppage, tension and heaviness; and pain on border of l. wing on touch, as if a pustule would form. Heat, (>) bleeding, with dryness. Fulness. Stoppage, with heat in stoppage, with mucous discharge; with rush of blood to it; with sensation as if he would have nosebleed; Crawling; with lachrymation; in r. nostril at 10 A.M., as before coryza; in forenoon, with fulness. Irritation to sneeze, with crawling, with crawling, dry heat, stopped sensation, feeling as if coryza would appear, also with pressure in forehead. Sneezing; in evening. Coryza; thin, fluent. Bleeding; in afternoon; from r. nostril, with increase of inflammation of l. wing. Sensitiveness to all smells (Aconite). Offensive smell to beer.

Clinical Nasal catarrh, with inability to sleep.


      One cheek red (Aconite) in paroxysms. Puffy, and hands. Lips crack (Natrum mur.) and peel (Pulsatilla); crack in middle of lower, (Nat-c.); scabby ulceration on borders dry; dry at night and sticking together, without thirst. Stitches in jaw, extending into inner ear; in r. joint, extending into upper back teeth; pain on opening as if masseters were cramped, extending into teeth; heaviness; with burrowing in alveoli; heaviness of lower at 11 P.M. Weak feeling in muscle of mastication, with inclination to hold mouth open and with salivation.


      Teeth. Covering of mucus. Looseness. Stitches in lower, in morning; in roots of l. upper molars; in r. lower back, with pressure and with heaviness of lower alveoli intermittent, back and forth, extending to eye, (<) drinking cold water, with swelling of cheek and salivation; jerking through roots of hollow back, with digging, and with heaviness of upper alveoli. Tearing evenings, (<) tea, with restlessness and heat in face; towards ear, with swelling of cheek. Digging in back, (<) lower, with pressure; in roots of lower back. Boring in morning on waking, with digging; in roots of back, with digging; in roots, (<) hollow ones, momentarily (>) cold water, then (<), with digging. Aching in second and third back in afternoon; A. after eating and drinking; white eating; after warm food; in l. upper after warm food eating; after warm food; in l. upper after warm food (Pulsatilla); in diseased l. upper back during breakfast; (in warm room); (<) after warm drink (Pulsatilla), (<) coffee; (<) night, when they drive one to the borders of distraction, with thirst and redness of one cheek and hot sweat on head (Aconite); of l. lower canine and incisor next to it, (<) touch of tongue; in l. upper hollow back, (>) dinner, (<) supper; with swelling of cheek; as from exposure to cold air when sweating; as if something scratched the nerve, from 3 to 7 A.M., then jerklike stitches; pressing-asunder; throbbing, in second and third r. lower molars. (<) pressure, (>) cold water. Drawing pain; after eating and drinking; in indefinite teeth, (>) eating, (<) night, with feeling as if teeth were too long; in lower, towards crawling. Sensitiveness to touch; (<) hollow back; (<) hollow upper; in l. canine and first molar of both jaws. Throbbing in roots of back, (<) r. upper. Sensation in upper back a if they were heavy and dragged downward. Distended sensation in roots of upper back, in morning, with heaviness.

Gum.- Swelling; of second and third r. molar, with redness, easy bleeding and pain on pressure; sensation of swelling about some of swelling about some of the molars.

Alveoli.- Stitches. Burrowing in some molars, with heaviness, seeming intolerable and making him peevish. Fulness and heaviness of first and second molars, with burning and boring in their roots and sensation as if the alveoli formed, hard, tense swelling. Pain in r. upper; of upper second and molar; intermittent, or second and third upper molars, (<) r., extending into malar-bone, with feeling as if distended by wind. Pressure; of second and third upper molars, extending to beneath eyes; at 6 P.M., (<) lower, where it seemed to start from anterior foramen (mental foramen); of upper back teeth. Tensive pressing-asunder in upper, (<) second and third molars; Throbbing and heat in lower jaw, with boring and digging in roots of teeth, momentarily (>) cold water. Heaviness, in upper, (<) r.; of lower, (<) in last molars.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.