Homeopathy Remedy China

China homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy China…

      A tincture is made of the dried bark of Cinchona Calisaya, Weddell.

General Action

      For general physiol. action, see Chininum.

Allies. – Cedron., Ferrum, Arsenicum, Natrum mur., Nux-v., Lycopodium, etc.


      Dropsy. Erysipelatous swelling of whole body. Stretching. Jerkings. Trembling. Stitches when sitting, now in tibia, now in back, now in chest. Pain all over, in joints, bones and periosteum, as if sprained, like drawing tearing, (<) spine, small of back, knees and thighs (Eupat-perf.). Pain in joints when sitting and lying, with restlessness of limbs; P. as after fatigue from a journey or exhaustion from bleeding or profuse loss of semen. tensive drawing pain in almost all bones, now in one, now in another, (>) for a moment by lying, then more violent than ever (Cimicif.). Bruised pain in all joints during morning nap, (<) the longer he lies, (>) motion and when fully awake; in joints of ribs, of limbs, shoulders and scapulae, on touch or motion. Rheumatic pains; wandering, alternating with pains in interior of body, without swelling or fever. Drawing in bones.

Sensitiveness of all nerves, with general weakness (Arsenicum); S., sight, smell hearing and taste too acute, internal sensibility offended and disposition unpleasantly affected; nerves affected by customary tobacco-smoking. Dread of open air. Uneasiness. Lightness of all movements as if he had no body. Oppression of all parts as if clothes were too tight, after a walk in open air. Heaviness. Weight on joints in morning in bed, (>) rising; on joints when sitting. Aversion to mental or physical exertion. Weakness (Arsenicum, Ferrum, Nat m); in morning; on waking; after dinner; after eating (Arsenicum), with sleepiness; after supper, with sleepiness; on rising from a seat; (<) walking; in open air, with faintness about stomach and chest, but he has abundance of strength for walking; with loss of senses; of joints, alternating with extreme vigor. Inclination to rest, with mirth. Inclination to lie down. Faintness. Stiffness on remaining erect, with pallor and loss of consciousness; of joints on rising form midday nap. Internal sensation of impending disease. Complaints from a slight draught of air. Aggravation after mental exertion (Ignatia, Nux-v., Natrum mur.). Comfort in evening. Amelioration from hot tea.

Clinical Anaemia, with extreme debility from nursing or from loss of blood. Rapid emaciation, with indigestion, voracious appetite, undigested stools, copious night-sweats. Purpura haemorrhagica after nursing, with roaring in ears, cold clammy skin, painless diarrhoea, which may be bloody. Leucocythemia.


      Sudden screaming and tossing about during cheerful mood. Piteous, subdued whining and crying out. Weeping mood (Natrum mur.). Excitability (Nux-v.); with pusillanimity and intolerance of noise. Despair; with tossing about the bed. No desire to live. Solicitude about trifles. Discouragement. Discontented; and thinks he is hindered and tormented by every one. Absence of the usual lively mood, with desire to be alone. Anxiety; in morning on waking (Nux-v.); about 8 P.M. and 2 A.M., he springs out of bed and wishes to take his own life, but is afraid to go near the open window or take a knife, with heat of body; on waking from frightful dreams. Ill-humored; and easily angered; when excited (Nux-v.); at other times stupid, perplexed, embarrassed; (<) caresses; with sighing. What formerly seemed joyous now seems unworthy and shallow (Natrum mur.). Despondency (Natrum mur.). Inconsolable. Taciturn. Earnest mood. Wrath so that he could have stabbed one. Quarrelsome (Nux-v.). Disobedience. Want of Docile. Despising everything. Irresolute and disobliging. Absorbed in himself. Indifferent to external impressions and disinclined to talk. Liveliness all the evening, with staring eyes. Cheerfulness alternating with gloom. Many plans for the future; in evening; grand.

Disinclination for mental labor (Nux-v.); with sleepiness. Inability to arrange his thoughts, mistakes when writing or speaking, reverses words, disturbed by the talking of others; inability to collect his senses if he wakes at night. Slow flow of ideas. Slow perception, with aversion to motion. Periodic stoppage of thought.

Clinical Sometimes it has been found useful in confused delirium in anaemic persons or as a result of great loss of fluids. Rarely in nymphomania. Occasionally in melancholia during pregnancy or in chronic malaria. There is generally disinclination to any mental effort; general apathetic condition and indifference to what goes on about him; low-spirited and gloomy; or extreme irritability, with weakness.


      Sticking, (<) l. frontal eminence. Tearing in many places, (<) walking or motion of head; sticking, in many places, (<) moving head; jerking, in places, (<) motion and walk, (>) lying. Aching; at night, alternating with frightful dreams; after dinner, lasting till bedtime; (<) in open air; with weariness, then coldness; now in one part of brain, now in another; deep in brain, (<) walking, with constriction, (<) r. side of forehead and in occiput; as if skull would burst, brain beats in waves against skull (Aconite); pulsating, with heat, coldness of hands and feet and repugnance to food (Ferrum); as if brain were pressing together from both sides and out at forehead, (<) walking in open air; pressure towards forehead as if everything would be pressed out, (>) strong pressure with hand (Natrum mur.); like a jerking towards forehead, (<) till evening, when it disappeared; as if brain were kneaded together, with excitement, uneasiness, too rapid attention and over strained fantasies; as if brain were sore, (<) touch, fixed attention, deep thought or talking; bruised, on walking in open air; burning, with hot sweat on forehead; stupefying, in morning on waking.

Confusion; with tensive pain in forehead ad orbits; with emptiness of head and indolence of body, as from night-watching; in morning as after intoxication, with dry mouth; like dizziness form dancing; like catarrh. Stupefaction, with pressure in forehead. Oppression, with sweat on forehead. Heaviness; in morning on waking, with weariness in limbs; (<) turning eyes, with heat in it and jerking pain in temples. Rising of blood, with hot forehead and cold limbs (Ferrum). Brain seems pressed by much blood. Intoxication; with inclination to be jolly. Vertigo; rising into head at noon; at night on waking, so that he is afraid to sit upright; with inclination of head to sink backward, (<) motion and walking, (>) lying, with faintness and staggering; with nausea, then heat.

Forehead. – Sticking when sitting; S. and in one temple; between F. and l. temple, (>) touch, when he feels severe throbbing in temporal arteries; between F. and r. temple, with violent pulsation in temporal artery; above nose and on cheeks; in r. eminence, (<) touch; externally on l. eminences. Digging in l. side when sitting unoccupied or occupied with something for which he has no inclination. Aching; in r. side; over l. orbit; above orbits in forenoon, (<) walking, (>) dinner; in middle in afternoon; when sitting, changing to temples on bending backward; when walking, then in temples; extending over head; moving back and forth on touch; drawing; tensive, and in orbits; itching, above orbits. Confusion. Fulness above eyes. Weight in morning, (>) noon.

Temples. – Sticking in r.; l. Tearing in l.; jerking, in r.; as if bones would be pressed out. Cutting, and in occiput, extending to orbits, (<) stooping and motion. Hammering, extending towards T. Aching; in evening; like dry coryza; jerking, extending to upper jaw. Pressure on l.; pressing together.

Spasmodic pain in vertex, then bruised sensation in side of head, (<) motion. Contractive pain in a circle in middle of vertex. Digging in l. side of head when sitting. Headache in side of which he inclines himself. Throbbing pain in l. parietal bone. Jerking from parietal bones along neck.

Occiput. – Tearing from r. bone to r. frontal eminence. Aching; as if cerebellum would be pressed out. Drawing pain when sitting; painful drawing on r. side; upon bone; drawing pain in l., (>) bending head backward; in articulation of O. and atlas, obliging him to bend head backward; to forehead, as if whole forehead were drawn together, ending in temples as a throbbing, (>) walking, returning when sitting or standing, (>) pressure. Dullness in lower part, as when waking. Vertigo while sitting.

Scalp. – Stitches in l. side. Contractive pain on l. side of occiput; as if drawn to one point. Contraction on forehead as if it would be drawn together in centre. Pain on upper part of head as if grasped. Sensitiveness to touch, (<) at roots of hair. Sticking itching.

Clinical The headache is generally intense throbbing pain, with great sensitiveness of the head, it seems as if the skull would burst; this throbbing headache is usually worse in the temples, or it may be only in the temples; this temporal pulsation is often noticed as a precursor of malarial paroxysms; with the headaches the external head is usually extremely sensitive to the slightest touch. Violent anaemic headaches as a result of sexual excesses or after loss of blood, pulsating, even hammering, with flickering before eyes, (>) hard pressure, (<) slightest touch; sometimes a feeling as if the brain were moving back and forth and hitting against the sides of the skull.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.